In this course, you will learn:
- classes
- objects and object-oriented design
- fields and visibility
- constructors, mutators and accessor methods
- encapsulation
- interfaces
- the List interface
- method overriding
1. Unit Name or Timeframe: Methods and Classes
- Object-oriented design and encapsulation
- Top-down development and functional decomposition
- State and behavior
- Fields and visibility
- Methods and parameters
- Calling methods and passing parameters by-value and by-reference
- Constructors and instantiation
- The static keyword
- Scope
- Method overloading
- Encapsulation
- Accessors and mutators
- Immutable objects
2. Unit Name or Timeframe: Interfaces
- Interfaces and abstraction
- Interface implementation
- Reference types
- List interface and iterators
- Comparable interface
3. Unit Name or Timeframe: Inheritance
- Inheritance and the Object class
- Public and private data and methods
- The super, this, and null references
- Encapsulation and information hiding
- Inheritance using extends, recognizing single-inheritance
- Equality vs identity
- has-a vs is-a relationships involving inheritance and aggregation
- Method overriding
- The instance of operator