In this course, you will learn
- how to use the image-enhancements features of Affinity Photo for the iPad to do professional-level photo editing on the go.
- how to work with raw images, retouch blemishes, and combine exposures, and reviews the advanced features in Affinity Pro, such as tone mapping, distortion correction, and HDR effects.
- the interface and works through four real-world projects, such as creating a poster by removing and replacing the background of a portrait.
- Introduction
- Welcome
1. Image Enhancement
- The Photo interface
- Adding a sky layer
- Masking the sky
- Color adjusting the foreground
- Strengthening the sky
- Adjusting the image using Burn and Dodge brushes
- Hiding regions with the Inpainting tool
2. Creating a Jazz Poster
- Using the selection tools
- Working with selections
- Using the Refine Selection tool
- Correcting the Layer Mask
- Adding and masking adjustments
- Adding a background image
- Adding adjustments and filters
- Adding Lighting
- Adding text
- Adding Layer FX to text
- Adding a graphic element
- Exporting the image
3 Working with RAW Images
- Making basic adjustments
- Correcting lens distortion
- Refining detail and removing noise
- Adjusting tones, split toning
- Using the Overlay Paint tool
- Using history
4. Special Effects
- Creating HDR images
- Tone mapping HDR images: Defaults
- Tone mapping HDR images: Fine tuning
- Tone mapping HDR images: Local adjustments
- Flag distortion with Mesh Warp
- Patching skin blemishes
- Distorting faces with Liquify
- Distorting animals with Deform