In this course, you will :
- Describe the operation of a processor-based system.
- Understand the architecture of the 8086 microprocessor.
- Understand the instruction set for the 8086 microprocessor.
- Create assembly language programs utilizing the instruction set of the 8086 CPU.
- Learn how to use emu8086 software to write, debug, and execute assembly language programs for the 8086 microprocessor.
- Learn how to utilize MASM software to write, debug, and run assembly language programs for the 8086 microprocessor.
1. Introduction to Microprocessor
- Basic Understanding of Processor Based System
- Basics of Memory Interfacing with processor (Part 1)
- Basics of Memory Interfacing with processor (Part 2)
- Basics of Memory Interfacing with processor (Part 3)
- General Operation of Processor (Part 1)
- General Operation of Processor (Part 2)
- Evolution of Microprocessors
2. Architecture of 8086 Microprocessor
- Architecture of 8086
- Pipelining Concept
- Register Organization of 8086
- Flags of 8086 Microprocessor
- Memory Segmentation
3. Signed and Unsigned Numbers
- Signed and Unsigned Number Representation (Part 1)
- Signed and Unsigned Number Representation (Part 2)
- Examples on Signed and Unsigned Operation
4. Addressing Modes
- Addressing Mode (Part 1)
- Addressing Mode (Part 2)
- Addressing Mode (Part 3)
5. Assembly Language Programming
- Programming Example (Part 1)
- Programming Example (Part 2)
- Programming Example (Part 3)
- ADD Instruction & Addition Program Example (Part 1)
- ADD Instruction & Addition Program Example (Part 2)
6. Assembler Directives
- Demonstration of emu8086 Software
- Assembler Directives
- Assembler Directives (emu8086 Software Demonstration)
- Programming Using Assembler Directives
- Programming Using Assembler Directives (emu8086 Software Demonstration)
7. Logical Instruction & Programming Examples
- Logical Instruction (Rotate)
- Logical Instruction (Shift)
- Program (Reject Negative Numbers from a series)
- Comparison Instruction
- Program (Find Larger Number)
- Stack
8. MASM Software demonstration & Programming Examples
- MASM Software demonstration
- BCD to ASCII Code Conversion Program
- Convert Packed BCD number to Unpacked BCD number
- Reject negative numbers and store positive numbers
- Count even and odd numbers