This course will show you how to use 3D printing software to create digital designs that can be printed as physical objects. It will also show how 3D scanners convert physical objects into digital designs. This is a hands-on course that will walk you through two popular 3D modelling programmes, Tinkercad and Fusion 360, step by step. Learners who complete this course will be able to design a wide range of objects for both personal and professional use using 3D software. In addition, learners who enrol in the course certificate will have free access to Fusion 360 for an extended period of time (provided by Autodesk).
To view the requirements for each of the following software elements used in this course, please copy/paste the following links into your browser's search bar:
Autodesk Fusion 360:
123D Catch: Same as Tinkercad
Syllabus :
1. Course Orientation
- You will become familiar with the course, your classmates, and our learning environment. The orientation will also help you obtain the technical skills required for the course.
2. Module 2: Tinkercad
- Let’s move from expressing our ideas in two dimensions (sketching) to expressing them in three dimensions. You will learn how to use Tinkercad, which is a great software for beginners, before we learn more advanced modeling software (Fusion 360) in module 3.
3. Module 3: Fusion 360 Basics
- Introduction to Fusion 3601m
- Navigating the User Interface11m
- Managing Files in Data Panel and A3603m
- Working with Primitives8m
- Sketch-Based Construction9m
- Additional Help with Sketch-based Tools6m
- Using Bodies and Components2m
- Creating Bodies 114m
- Creating Bodies 212m
4. Module 4: Fusion 360 Advanced
- Pushing the Purple Button1m
- Using the Sculpt Tool 115m
- Using the Sculpt Tool 28m
- Using the Sculpt Tool 35m
- Using the Sculpt Tool 46m
- Why to Render1m
- How to Render15m