Foundations of strategic business analytics
This course is designed for students, business analysts, and data scientists who want to apply statistical knowledge and techniques to business contexts.

8 h

Foundations of marketing analytics
This course is designed for students, business analysts, and data scientists who want to apply statistical knowledge and techniques to business contexts.

4 h

Case studies in business analytics with Accenture
Learn Case studies in business analytics with Accenture from ESSEC Business School.

7 h

Negotiation Fundamentals
This course gives you access to negotiation practical tools and best practices gathered by Professor Aurélien Colson & his team from assignments in more than seventy countries.

8 h

The Fundamentals of Revenue Management: The Cornerstone of Revenue Strategy
Learn The Fundamentals of Revenue Management

9 h

Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Learn Mediation and Conflict Resolution from ESSEC Business School. Mediation is a crucial means to reaching peaceful and agreed solutions in today’s world – on an international, political, industrial, peace-keeping or social level.

15 h

Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution - Capstone Project
This course has been designed to help you apply knowledge, skills, and know-how you have developed in negotiation and in mediation, both as a result of your own practice and the follow up of the previous Courses of the ESSEC “Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution” specialization.

15 h

Les partenariats qui changent le monde : alliances innovantes entre entreprises et associations
Ce MOOC, crée en partenariat avec Le RAMEAU, a pour vocation de vous aider à mieux appréhender la dynamique des partenariats entre entreprises et associations.

15 h

Strategic Business Analytics
This specialization is designed for students, business analysts, and data scientists who want to apply statistical knowledge and techniques to business contexts

15 h

Hotel Management: Distribution, Revenue and Demand Management
Market hospitality services, manage demand, and optimize revenue.

48 h

L'impact investing, la finance qui change le monde
Il est plus que jamais nécessaire de réconcilier la finance et la société au travers de nouvelles pratiques.

60 h
Details about ESSEC Business School free courses and classes online
Looking for free online courses from essec business school ? This is the list of free essec business school courses and MOOCs available online. From this list, you can take any of online course teach by the faculty of the essec business school.
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Collection of free ESSEC Business School Courses and MOOCs online
These free essec business school courses are collected from online MOOCs education providers such as Coursera, Edx, Udacity, YouTube and more. Find the free essec business school courses and get free training and practical knowledge.
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essec business school courses are categorized in the free, discount offers, free trials based on their availability on their original platforms Coursera, Edx, Udacity and others Moocs providers. The essec business school courses list is updated at regular interval to maintain latest status.
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Do you think any essec business school class or essec business school course need to include on this list? Please submit new essec business school course and share your Moocs course with other community members now.
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