In this course, you will learn :
- Terraform with GCP
Syllabus :
1. Need for Terraform
- Advantages of using Terraform
- Reason for using Terraform instead of using native IAC
- Reason for using Terraform instead of using API or CLI
2. Install Terraform
3. Terraform connect with GCP
- The root module &
- The three musketeers
- Connecting Terraform to GCP
- Connect using Google CLI
- Running Terraform in Google VM
- Running Terraform using Service Accounts
- Running Terraform using Deligated Service Accounts
- Terraform Destroy
4. HCL
- Argument And Block
- Terraform fmt Command
5. Variable Block
- Introduction to variables
- Input Variables
- Examples
- List and Set
- Maps
- Objects
- local variables
6. Provider Block
- What is a provider Block
- More about provider
7. Resource Block
- What is a Resource Block
- Create a Auto Network
- Create a Custom Network
8. State in terraform
State file
9. Data Block
- What is a Data Block
- Create a VM using the data block
10. Create a static Website
11. Create Cloud Functions using Terraform