In this course, you will :
- You probably chose this course because you dabbled in Terraform as a hobby or in a development environment, and you're intrigued by the possibilities of deploying Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
- It will allow you to hone your skills and demonstrate your knowledge with a HashiCorp certification.
- Terraform is a fantastic tool for cloud-agnostic infrastructure as code deployment.
- We're excited to share our experience with you through this course.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction to Infrastructure as Code
- What is Infrastructure as Code?
- Introduction to Terraform HCL
- Advantages of IaC Patterns
- Multi-cloud and Provider-agnostic
- Benefits of State
- Quiz on Introduction to IaC
2. Basics of Terraform
- Plugin-based Architecture
- How Terraform Finds and Fetches Providers
- Using Provisioners, local-exec, or remote-exec
- Quiz on Basics of Terraform
3. Outside the Workflow: Using the Terraform CLI
- Using the Help System
- Formatting the Code
- The terraform taint command
- Importing an Existing Infrastructure
- Creating Workspaces
- Using Workspaces
- Listing Resources within Terraform State
- Moving Items in Terraform State
- Downloading and Uploading the State File
- Removing Items from Terraform State
- Viewing Resource Attributes in Terraform State
- Verbose Logging and its Outcome
- Quiz on Terraform CLI
4. Terraform Modules
- Module Source Options
- Module Inputs
- Module Outputs
- Variable Scope within Modules and Child Modules
- Terraform Public Modules
- Module Version
- Quiz on Terraform Modules
5. Navigate Terraform Workflow
- Terraform Workflow
- Initialize a Terraform Working Directory
- Validate a Terraform Configuration
- Generate and Review Execution Plan for Terraform
- Execute Changes to Infrastructure
- Destroy Terraform-managed Infrastructure
- Quiz on Terraform Workflow
6. Implement and Maintain State
- Describe the Default Local Back-end
- Outline State Locking
- Handle Back-end Authentication Methods
- Remote State Storage Mechanisms
- Effect of a Refresh Action on State
- The backend Block in Configuration
- Secret Management in State Files
- Quiz on Terraform State
7. Read, Generate, and Modify Configuration
- Use of Input Variables
- Use of Output Values
- Secure Secret Injection Best Practice
- Use of Collection Types
- Use of Structural Types
- Create and Differentiate Resource and Data Configurations
- Resource Addressing and Resource Parameters to Connect Resources
- Terraform Built-in Functions to Write Configuration
- Configure Resource Using a dynamic Block
- Built-in Dependency Management
- Quiz on Configuration
8. Understand Terraform Enterprise Capabilities
- Benefits of Sentinel, Registry, and Workspaces
- Identify Different Workspaces
- Important Features of Terraform Cloud