In this course, you will learn :
- Demonstrate knowledge of server-side concepts such as CRUD and REST.
- Create and configure a backend server with the NodeJS framework.
- Create a RESTful API for the front end to use in order to access backend services.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction to Server-side Development
- How to Use the Learning Resources
- What is Full-Stack Web Development?
- Exercise (Video): Setting up Git
- Exercise (Video): Basic Git Commands
- Exercise (Video): Online Git Repositories
- Node.js and NPM
- Exercise (Video): Setting up Node.js and NPM
- Node Modules
- Exercise (Video): Understanding Node Modules
- Node Modules: Callbacks and Error Handling
- Exercise (Video):Node Modules: Callbacks and Error Handling
- Networking Essentials
- Node and the HTTP Module
- Exercise (Video): Node and the HTTP Module
- Introduction to Express
- Exercise (Video): Introduction to Express
- Brief Representational State Transfer (REST)
- Express Router
- Exercise (Video): Express Router
2. Data, Data, Where art Thou Data?
- Express Generator
- Exercise (Video): Express Generator
- Introduction to MongoDB
- Exercise (Video): Introduction to MongoDB
- Node and MongoDB
- Exercise (Video): Node and MongoDB
- Callback Hell and Promises
- Exercise (Video): Callback Hell and Promises
- Mongoose ODM
- Exercise (Video): Mongoose ODM
- REST API with Express, MongoDB and Mongoose
- Exercise (Video): REST API with Express, MongoDB and Mongoose
3. Halt! Who goes there?
- Basic Authentication
- Cookies, Tea and err ... Express Sessions
- Exercise (Video): Using Cookies
- Exercise (Video): Express Sessions
- Passport
- Exercise (Video): User Authentication with Passport
- Token Based Authentication
- Exercise (Video): User Authentication with Passport and JSON Web Token
- Mongoose Population
- Exercise (Video): Mongoose Population
- Assignment 3 Requirements (Video): User Authentication
4. Backend as a Service (BaaS)
- HTTPS and Secure Communication
- Exercise (Video): HTTPS and Secure Communication
- Uploading Files
- Exercise (Video): Uploading Files
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- Exercise (Video): Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- OAuth and User Authentication
- Exercise (Video): Using OAuth with Passport and Facebook
- Assignment 4 Requirements (Video): Backend as a Service
- ConFusion: Integrating the Angular Client and Server
- Exercise (Video): Integrating the Angular Client and Server: Updating the REST Server
- Exercise (Video): Integrating the Angular Client and Server: The Angular Client
- ConFusion: Integrating the React Client and Server
- Exercise (Video): Integrating the React Client and Server: Updating the REST Server1h
- Exercise (Video): Integrating the React Client and Server: The React Client
- Backend as a Service
- Exercise (Video): Firebase
- Exercise (Video): Angular Application using Firebase as BaaS
- Exercise (Video): React Application using Firebase as BaaS
- Exercise (Video): Getting Started with Loopback
- Exercise (Video): Loopback Data Sources and Access Control
- Exercise (Video): Loopback Relations
- Exercise (Video): Angular Application using Loopback as BaaS
- Exercise (Video): React Application using Loopback as BaaS