In this course, you will learn :
- We will install the Non-Profit Success Pack into a Free Developer account in this course.
- Establish a Membership Sales Process.
- Learn About the Nonprofit Cloud's Account Models.
- Turn off the Lead Conversion Button.
- Create a Visualforce Page and enable Profile Security.
- Carry out the NPSP Health Check.
Syllabus :
Nonprofit Cloud Success - NPSP
- Signing Up for a Free Salesforce Developer Account - Use a New One
- Installing Nonprofit Success Cloud into a Free Developer Account
- Nonprofit Success Pack Post Install Checklist
- Creating a Membership Sales Process
- Creating a New Membership Opportunity Record Type
- Assigning New Record Types to Profiles
- Editing Account Page Layouts
- Assigning Page Layouts
- Account Models and Updates to NPSP
- Overriding the Lead Conversion Button
- Additional NPSP Resources
- Health Check and NPSP Settings
- Finding Volunteer Salesforce Opportunities