In this course, you will learn:
- Cover object-oriented design, testing, and data structures. Learning other programming languages also requires this expertise!
1. Basic Ruby
- Basic Data Types
- Variables
- Input and Output
- Conditional Logic
- Loops
- Arrays
- Hashes
- Methods
- Debugging
- Basic Enumerable Methods
- Predicate Enumerable Methods
- Nested Collections
2. Basic Ruby Projects
- Project: Caesar Cipher
- Project: Sub Strings
- Project: Stock Picker
- Project: Bubble Sort
3. Object Oriented Programming Basics
- Object Oriented Programming
- Project: Tic Tac Toe
- Project: Mastermind
4. Files and Serialization
- Files and Serialization
- Project: Event Manager
- Project: Hangman
5. Advanced Ruby
- Pattern Matching
- Blocks
- Project: Custom Enumerables
6. A Bit of Computer Science
- A Very Brief Intro to CS
- Recursive Methods
- Project: Recursion
- Time Complexity
- Space Complexity
- Common Data Structures and Algorithms
- Project: Linked Lists
- HashMap Data Structure
- Project: HashMap
- Project: Binary Search Trees
- Project: Knights Travails
7. Intermediate Git
- A Deeper Look at Git
- Working with Remotes
- Using Git in the Real World
8. Testing Ruby with RSpec
- Test Driven Development
- Introduction to RSpec
- Project: Connect Four