In this course, you will learn
- Week 1: Conceptual Understanding of NMR Spectroscopy
- Week 2: NMR Spectral Parameters I (Chemical Shifts)
- Week 3: NMR Spectral Parameters II (Scalar and Dipolar Couplings)
- Week 4: Analysis of 1H NMR spectra with numerous examples
- Week 5: Selective and Broadband, Homo and Heteronuclear Decoupling, with examples
- Week 6: Analysis of NMR spectra of 13C and many other Heteronuclei
- Week 7: Polarization transfer and spectral editing techniques, APT, DEPT and INEPT
- Week 8: Introduction to Multi-Dimensional NMR
- Week 9: Analysis of 2D COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, NOESY spectra with examples
- Week 10:Practical Aspects of obtaining high resolution NMR spectra
- Week 11: Relaxation processes, their measurement and utility in understanding molecular dynamics
- Week 12:NMR in solid state, Magic Angle Spinning and Cross polarization