In this course, you will learn
- Becoming familiar with the NestJS framework and its components.
- Designing and developing REST APIs performing CRUD operations.
- Authentication and Authorization for back-end applications.
- Using TypeORM for database interaction.
- Security best practices, password hashing and storing sensitive information.
- Persisting data using a database.
- Deploying back-end applications at a production-ready state to Amazon Web Services.
- Writing clean, maintainable code in-line with industry standards.
- Utilising the NestJS Command Line Interface (CLI).
- Using Postman for testing back-end services.
- Using pgAdmin as an interface tool to manage PostgreSQL databases.
- Implement efficient logging in a back-end application.
- Environment-based configuration management and environment variables.
- Implementing data validation and using Pipes.
- Guarding endpoints for authorized users using Guards.
- Modelling entities for the persistence layer.
- TypeScript best practices.
- Handling asynchronous operations using async-await.
- Using Data Transfer Objects (DTO).
- Hands-on experience with JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
- Unit testing NestJS applications.
- Using GraphQL with NestJS.
- Database persistence with MongoDB.