In this course, you will :
Recommend friends in a Social Networking site: Generate Top 10 friend recommendations using a Collaborative filtering algorithm. . Build an Inverted Index for Search Engines: Use MapReduce to parallelize the humongous task of building an inverted index for a search engine. . Generate Bigrams from text: Generate bigrams and compute their frequency distribution in a corpus of text. . Install Hadoop in Standalone, Pseudo-Distributed and Fully Distributed modes . Set up a hadoop cluster using Linux VMs.. Set up a cloud Hadoop cluster on AWS with Cloudera Manager.. Understand HDFS, MapReduce and YARN and their interaction . Chain multiple MR jobs together. Write your own Customized Partitioner. Total Sort : Globally sort a large amount of data by sampling input files. Secondary sorting . Unit tests with MR Unit. Integrate with Python using the Hadoop Streaming API.