In this course, you will learn :
- Learn the fundamentals of Go, an open source programming language created by a Google team and improved by many open source contributors.
- You will be able to implement simple Go programmes after completing this course, which will prepare you for the remaining two courses in this specialisation: Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go and Concurrency in Go.
- Discover the benefits of using Go and begin exploring the language's features. You'll take a break from "theory" about halfway through the module to install the Go programming environment on your computer.
- introduces data types in Go and provides practise writing routines that manipulate various types of data objects, such as floating-point numbers and strings.
- In Go, this chapter introduces the use of remote function calls (RFCs) and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
- Learn how to access and manipulate data from external files, and have the opportunity to write several Go routines that put this functionality to the test.
Syllabus :
- Module 1: Getting Started with Go
- Module 2: Basic Data Types
- Module 3: Composite Data Types
- Module 4: Protocols and Formats