In this course, you will learn :
- Understanding of how to Install Sensu!
- You are going to set up a Sensu Check!
- How to Install and Use a Sensu Dashboard!
- A firm grasp of Sensu's architecture.
Syllabus :
- Introduction
- What the heck is Sensu and how does it work?
- Why Should I Care About Sensu?
- Check your understanding of how Sensu really works
- Setup and Configuring RabbitMQ
- Installing Redis
- Installing Sensu
- What talks to what here?
- Configuring and starting the Sensu Client
- Installing Uchiwa - The Sensu Dashboard
- Tinkering with Clients and Checks in Uchiwa
- Test Your Uchiwa Understanding
- Adding a Real Handler
- Adding a Real Check
- Adding Checks and Handlers
- Open Source vs Enterprise
- Evaluating the Open Source versus Enterprise Edition versions of Sensu
- Conclusion
- Bonus Lecture: Intermediate Topics