In this coure, you will learn :
- It will assist the user in comprehending how Ember.js works in Web Applications.
- Discover how to use Ember CLI.
- It will assist the user in understanding how the various building blocks, such as components, routing, and services, work together to make everything work in Ember.js.
- Learn how to create an Ember.js application from start to finish.
- The course teach you through the steps of creating a real-world application, allowing you to see how the concepts are applied in practise.
- About Ember's building blocks one by one, crushing the framework's allegedly steep learning curve.
Syllabus :
1. Getting Started with Ember
- Creating Our Application
2. Templates and Data Bindings
- The First Template
- Adding Assets to the Build
3. Routing
- Setting up Routes
- Modifying Routes
- Moving Around With LinkTo
4. Nested Routes
- Setting Up Nested Routes
- Modifying URLs With Nested Routes
- Router Transitions
- Nested Templates
- Creating New Templates
- Improving Page Titles
5. Components
- Introduction to Components
- Implementing the Component
- Rendering the Component
- Speaking to the Outside World
- Expressions in Templates
6. Controllers
- Add Songs
- Creating a Controller
- Event Handlers
- List Rendering
- Beware of Singletons
- Creating Bands
7. Building a Catalog
- Creating a Service
- Injecting a Service
- Tracking the Right Thing
- Using the Catalog for Querying
- Adding Songs to the Catalog
- Extracting Model Classes
8. Talking to a Backend
- Using an API
- Replacing the Loading and Displaying of Bands
- Creating a Band – For Real, This Time
- Where Did the Songs Go? (Loading Related Data)
- Creating Songs
- Updating Song Ratings
- Things to Improve
- Creating Model Instances
- Updating Existing Model Instances
- Fetching Relationships
- Identity Map
- Are We There Yet?
9. Advanced Routing
- Router Hooks and Events
- Showing Something on the Index Page
- Redirecting in Ember
- Displaying the Band's Name
- Marking Links as Active
- Highlighting the Active Band Link
- Model Resolution
- Leaving a Route
- Save and Cancel Buttons
10. Testing
- Introduction to Types of Testing
- Writing Acceptance Tests
- Making the First Test Pass
- Mirage Models
- Testing Band Creation
- Settledness in Tests
- Improving Tests
- Writing a Custom Test Helper
- Writing an Integration Test
- Writing Unit Tests
11. Query Params
- Introduction to Query Params
- Sorting the List of Songs
- Listing the Songs in Ascending Order
- Allowing for Different Sorting Criteria
- Creating a Query Parameter for Sorting
- Using Links Instead of Buttons
- Filtering Songs by a Search Term
- Filtering Songs by a Search Term (cont.)
- Taking a Look at What We Made
12. Loading and Error Substates
- Starting With Loading Subroutes
- Loading Subroutes (cont.)
- Error Subroutes
13. Helpers
- Introduction to Helpers
- Capitalising Each Word of a Name
- Using It in Templates or Elsewhere
- Testing a Helper