In this course, you will learn :
- How to Create APIs
- Integrate with third-party libraries such as Stripe.
- Create a front end using the modern JS framework Vue.
- Create back-end functionality and support.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction and Project Setup
- How to Develop an E-commerce Application
- Get Started with the Back-end using Spring Boot
- Get Started with Front-end (Vue.js)
2. Building Admin Panel: Backend
- Understanding the Back-end Architecture
- Design the APIs: Create a Category
- Category API: List all Categories and Edit a Category
- API to Create a New Product
- Task: List All Products and Edit Product
3. Building an Admin Panel: Frontend
- Building the UI for Category API: Adding a Category
- Building the UI for Category API: Displaying the Categories
- Design the Front-end, Load All Data, and Add a Footer/Header
- Building the UI for Category API: Editing a Category
- Building the UI for Product API: Adding a Product
- Building the UI for Product API: Displaying the Products
- Building the UI for Products: Editing a Product
4. Displaying the Products and Categories For Customers
- Build The Homepage
- Build the Product Detail Page
5. Sign-Up and Login Backend
- MySQL and ExceptionControllerAdvice Integration
- Sign-up Integration
- Authentication Token
- Log in Back-end
6. Sign-Up and Login Frontend
- Develop the Sign-up Feature
- Develop the Sign-in Feature
- Task: Develop the Sign-out Feature
7. Wishlist and Cart Feature: Backend
- Wishlist Feature
- Add to Cart Feature
- Get Cart Items API
8. Wishlist and Cart Feature: Frontend
- Add to Wishlist Button
- The Wishlist Page
- Add to Cart Button
- Display Cart Items
9. Stripe Integration
- Stripe Checkout Back-end
- Stripe Checkout Front-end Integration
- Integrate create-checkout-session API
10. Order History: Backend
- Save the Order
- Fetch Order History of User
- Challenge
11. Order History: Frontend
- Save Order After Checkout
- Display Order History
- Challenge: Display Order Details for Single Order