In this course, you will learn:
- Advanced string methods, including strings.
- Lists, including multi-dimensional lists, and tuples.
- File input and output, as well as numerous file access modes.
- Dictionaries, particularly employing dictionaries to replicate object-oriented reasoning.
- Control structures are used in conjunction with data structures, such as looping over lists or handling errors with files.
- Data Structures. Building the fundamental types of data – Booleans, integers, floating point numbers, and characters -- into more complex strings, lists, and dictionaries that can be persisted in files.
- Strings. Working with series of characters that can represent plaintext messages, passwords, and more, including all the complexities of combining human language with programming code.
- Lists. Taking fundamental data types like strings, integers, and floats and organizing them into tuples or lists that can represent complex structures of data; or for added complexity, creating lists of lists to create 2-dimensional (or more) data structures.
- File Input and Output. Taking information stored in your code and persisting it in an external file that can last after the program has finished executing, or loading data from a file into a program for processing.
- Dictionaries. Organizing key-value pairs (very similar to variables and values) into higher-level structures that can be easily passed around or reused with some intuitive structure.