In this course, you will learn :
- Intricacies of Flutter and progress to creating a contact profile page for an Android address book.
- How to use Flutter themes to spruce up your contact profile app.
- Practise fetching data from a remote Application Programming Interface to round out your Flutter experience (API).
- Learned into practise by using live coding environments embedded throughout the course.
- Able to create your own Android app and publish it to the Google Play Store by the end.
Syllabus :
1. Hello Flutter !
- Hello Flutter App
- Flutter App Anatomy
- Creating a Flutter Project
- Flutter Project Structure
- SafeArea Widget
- Scaffold Widget
- Stateless & stateful widgets
- Stateful Widget In Action
2. Build your Contact Profile Page
- AppBar Widget
- Challenge: AppBar Widget
- Solution: AppBar Widget
- Container Widget
- ListView Widget
- Profile Display Name
- Profile Actions Items
- Contact Phone Numbers
- Contact’s Addresses
3. Flutter Themes
- Global Theme
- Local Theme
- Modularizing Themes
- Dark Theme
- Switching Themes Using FAB
4. MovieApp: Fetching Data from REST API
- Calling REST API
- Parsing JSON
- Modularizing Code
- Simple Interface
- ListView Widget: Listing Entries
- Constructing MovieModel
- Converting API Response to MovieModel List
- MovieTile Custom Widget
- Fetching Movies at App Startup