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Free Openclassrooms Courses online

List of free Openclassrooms courses and certificaions to take online in 2024.


Learn the Command Line in Terminal

The command line in Terminal is where a lot of programming efficiency happens. Take this course to better communicate with your computer!


Retrieve Data Using SQL

Learn how to represent data using the relational model and then apply relational algebra concepts to SQL, the world's most popular query language for querying databases.


20 h


Project Management 101

Learn the fundamentals of project management and its life cycle. Prepare to become a project manager by initiating, planning, executing, and closing your projects.


Learn How to Learn

Learning quickly and efficiently is an important ability that can boost your learning capacity and allow you to take charge of your personal and professional development.


Learn Programming With JavaScript

Learn and practice JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages on the internet, to lay a solid basis for your web development career. You'll even make a small app!


15 h


Learn About Agile Project Management and Scrum

Understand the fundamentals of agile software development. Learn how a Scrum team prepares a Sprint, generates feedback, creates retrospectives, and does daily stand-ups.


Think like a computer: the logic of programming

Have you been considering a career in software development? Do you have difficulty understanding computers and computer jargon? This course demystifies jargon and makes computer programming accessible!


Speak in Public

Mobilize good practices in public speaking! Discover how to create your content with the techniques of storytelling and mind mapping, how to rehearse effectively and how to master your performance.


Build Your First Web Pages With HTML and CSS

Learn how to design your first web pages in HTML and CSS, the two most important web languages. No coding experience is necessary!


10 h


Learn Python Basics for Data Analysis

In this course, you will master Python, an essential programming language for data analysis, as well as programming foundations through practical examples and exercises.