In this course, you will :
- Take you deep into React fundamentals, covering all new React concepts such as Hooks.
- Legacy features in case you're working with an older codebase, but the majority of this course will concentrate on working with modern React.
- How to style your app, how to maintain it, and some more advanced concepts such as performance.
Syllabus :
1. Fundamentals of React
- Hello React
- Exploring a React Project Directory Structure
- Meet the First React Component
- React JSX
- Lists in React
- Meet Another React Component
- React Component Instantiation
- React DOM
- React Component Definition (Advanced)
- Handler Function in JSX
- React Props
- React State
- Callback Handlers in JSX
- Lifting State in React
- React Controlled Components
- Props Handling (Advanced)
- React Side-Effects
- React Custom Hooks (Advanced)
- React Fragments
- Reusable React Component
- React Component Composition
- Imperative React
- Inline Handler in JSX
- React Asynchronous Data
- React Conditional Rendering
- React Advanced State
- React Impossible States
- Data Fetching with React
- Data Re-Fetching in React
- Memoized Handler in React (Advanced)
- Explicit Data Fetching with React
- Third-Party Libraries in React
- Async/Await in React (Advanced)
- Forms in React
2. React Legacy
- React Class Components
- React Class Components: State
- Imperative React
3. Styling in React
- CSS in React
- CSS Modules in React
- SVGs in React
4. React Maintenance
- Performance - Avoiding First Render Computation
- Performance - Avoiding Heavy Computation
- Typescript in React
- Unit Testing to Integration Testing
- React Project Structure
5. Deploying a React Application
- Build Process
- Deploy to Firebase