In this course, you will learn :
- An easy to understand and Learn Selenium from Scratch
- Using Java with Selenium
- Build selenium tests with chrome driver and Selenium
Syllabus :
1. WebDriver
- WebDriver In-Action
- Different Browser Types and WebDriver
- Setting IE WebDriver from ground-up
2. TestNG
- Introduction to TestNG
- Setup and using TestNG
3. WebElement
- Coding with WebElement
- HTML Coding : Understsanding HTML Basics
- Understanding Radio Buttons
4. Resource Locators
- Using Chrome Developer Console for Resource Locators - Most Reliable Way
- Resource Locators by ID
- Resource Locators by Name
- Resource Locators by XPATH
5. Waits
- Why we need Waits in Selenium and Types of Waits
- Implicit Wait and How to Implement
- Explicit Wait and How to Implement
6. Assertions
- Introduction to Assertions
- Hard Assertion and How-To