In this course, you will learn:-
- React and Redux in its most modern form.
- Routing and Authentication Patterns in the Modern Era
- The Knowledge and Skills Required for Front-End Positions
- The Inner Workings of React.
- The ability to understand how various Front End Technologies interact with one another (enough knowledge to impress other engineers).
- Javascript Syntax in ES5, ES6, and ES7.
- Course Promo
- Course Intro
- JavaScript refresher (optional)
- Text Editor (optional)
- Recommended to watch all videos on 1.5x speed
- node.js
- Command Line Tool
- Redux Dev Tools
- Developer Accounts
- Slides
- For more free courses in the future follow me on twitter
- Getting Started with create-react-app
- JSX Overview
- 03. Displaying variables in JSX
- 04. Understanding Class and Function Scopes
- 05. How extends Component works
- styling patterns in React
- React Under the Hood - the Virtual DOM
- Displaying Objects in JSX
- Props
- Components
- How functional Components work
- Props in functional components
- Props in class components
- React state
- Initializing State
- updating state with setState()
- updating state with the previous state
- working with multiple state properties
- Passing down state as props
- conditionally rendering in JSX
- ternary expressions
- alternate conditional rendering method
- summary of the 3 ways to conditonally render JSX
- lifecycle methods()
- Working with Lists
- working with forms
- What and why Redux
- 3 principles of Redux
- React-Redux oveview
- actions
- Action Creators
- Reducers
- Setting up the actions and reducer
- createStore()
- Creating a react-redux container
- mapStateToProps()
- mapDispatchToProps()
- the connect() method
- Connecting a container to React-Redux
- Summarizing the Redux Flow
- Testing our React-Redux container
- Setting up action creators
- Passing in data to action creators
- getting our data from redux state
- rendering data to the UI
- multiple reducers
- updating and reading state reference
- routing overview
- history syntax update
- setting up routes
- going deeper in react-router
- testing our routing
- in dept look at routing
- Switch and exact
- react router props
- dynamically rendering components
- auth0 flow
- setting up the auth0 app
- initializing the auth0 class
- JWT tokens
- pasing tokens and handleAuth()
- handling the callback and authentication
- authentication flow in Redux
- setting up the authcheck component
- setting up protected routes and the PrivateRoute HOC
- implementing the login and logout buttons
- Google oauth login
- facebook oauth login
- extracting the user profile data
- setting up profile action creators
- setting up the profile actions in authcheck
- dynamically render the profile
- silent authentication
- why not redux thunk
- React Hooks Intro
- 2 rules off using hooks
- 4 Hooks Overview
- useState() overview
- useEffect() overview
- useReducer() overview
- Context overview
- useContext() overview
- Migration Guide from Redux to React hooks
- 6 ways to update state reference
- Project Intro
- Starter Code
- creating your first React hook
- adding the useState() hook
- adding the useEffect() hook
- adding the useReducer() hook
- adding the useContext() hook
- adding a Global state with Context
- creating a form with React Hooks
- adding useReducer() to the form
- adding global state to the form
- Final Code