In this course, you will :
- learn about the best Flutter state management practises.
- learn how to use two of Flutter's best state management libraries, Provider and Riverpod.
- Using the MVC pattern, you will learn how to better organise Flutter code files.
- learn about key concepts like Maps and Lists, as well as how they help you manage widget states.
- learn how to improve the efficiency of your Flutter app by reducing widget rebuilds.
Syllabus :
1. Stateless vs. Stateful Widgets
- Stateless Widgets
- Stateful Widgets
2. Flutter Callbacks and Maps
- Overview of Callbacks in Flutter
- Widget Callback in Flutter
- Introduction to Maps
- Mapping a List
3. Managing States and Widgets in Flutter
- State Management Basics
- State Management for Child Widget
- Types of Widgets in Flutter
- Inherited Widgets: Introduction
- Inherited Widgets: Application
4. A Brief Look at the Flutter Provider Library
- The Provider Library Fundamentals
- The Consumer Widget: Introduction
- The Consumer Widget: Application
- Overview of the onPressed Method
- Provider for State Management
- Step-by-Step Guide for Provider
- State Management With Multiple Providers
5. A Deeper Dive Into the Provider Library
- The MVC Design Pattern: Model and Controller
- The MVC Design Pattern: View
- Overview of the ChangeNotifier Class
- Application of ChangeNotifier With Provider
- Provider Best Practices: Reducing Widget Rebuilds
- Provider Best Practices: MVC Implementation
- Provider Best Practices: Provider Listeners
6. Riverpod Library for State Management
- The Riverpod Library
- Combining Riverpod and Provider
- The ChangeNotifierProvider Widget
- StateProvider Widget: Introduction
- StateProvider Widget: Read Function
- StateProvider Widget: Watch Function
- Introduction to StateNotifierProvider
- Application of StateNotifierProvider