In this course, you will learn:
- With Cinema 4D, you can enhance your motion graphics, models, and visualizations with 3D objects, dynamic effects, and animation.
- This course reviews the basics of Cinema 4D R21, covering the interface, the tools, and the hierarchy—the key to grasping everything in C4D.
- Introduction
- Learning Cinema 4D R21
1. Getting Started and Key Concepts
- Licensing Cinema 4D R21
- The new interface
- Touring the Cinema 4D (C4D) interface
- Core concepts for working with C4D
- Useful preferences and settings
2. Create a Stylized Still Image
- Chapter overview
- Creating and manipulating objects
- Additional object creation methods
- Compose the frame
- Working with lights and shadows
- Create the infinite floor look
- Create and apply materials
- Make finishing touches
- Rendering a still image
3. Model and Animate a Logo
- Chapter overview
- Illustrator import
- Animate the logo with MoGraph
- Animate with the Camera Morph tag
- Create materials and lights
- Add depth and detail with layered materials
- Animate and render splines
- Prepare the scene for rendering with takes
- Composite with multipasses