In this course, you will learn :
- Master the logic behind the major design patterns and confidently apply them to JavaScript programming.
- How to modularize and condense code, optimise memory, and solve design issues.
- Explore Creational design patterns such as Singleton, Factory, and Prototype.
- With the help of structural design patterns, you can add more abstraction to your application design and control multiple objects that share APIs.
- Behavioural design patterns are used to connect objects and manage events and states.
- Finally, deepen your understanding of JavaScript and how design patterns can help you become a better, more effective programmer.
Syllabus :
1. My First Design Patterns
- The Problem with the Global Scope
- Moving to One Object and Namespace
- The Module Design Pattern
- The Module Reveal Pattern
- Controlling the Global Access Completely
2. Creational Design Patterns
- The Singleton Design Pattern
- The Factory Design Pattern
- The Abstract Factory Design Pattern
- The Builder Design Pattern
- The Builder Design Pattern Continued
- The Prototype Design Pattern
3. Structural Design Patterns
- Abstracting Our Singleton
- The Adapter Design Pattern
- The Composite Design Pattern
- The Decorator Design Pattern
- The Fly Weight Design Pattern
- The Façade Design Pattern
- Getting Things Working Again
- The Bridge Design Pattern
- The Proxy Design Pattern
4. Behavioral Design Patterns
- The Chain of Responsibility
- The Observer Design Pattern – Adding and Dispatching Events
- The Observer Design Pattern – Removing Events
- The State Design Pattern