In this course, you will learn:-
- Make your own Webpack boilerplate for hot reloading from the ground up.
- Optimize your frontend assets for production code that is quick and compact.
- Markdown-based posts can be used to create a portfolio or a blog.
- Webpack Plugins and Loaders are discussed in depth.
- Realize Webpack's "Holy Grail": server-side rendering with parallel code splitting.
- Learn how to use Webpack, Babel, Node, and other Javascript library tools.
How to get help with this Course
Additional Course Materials and Code
Up and Running with Webpack Dev Server
Our First Loaders for CSS
Better Errors and Loaders for HTML & Images
Babel Basics
Babel Polyfills, Transforms & Presets
DIY Webpack Dev Server with Express Middleware
Hot Reloading Both Client and Server with Nodemon
Debugging Node with Chrome DevTools
Hooking Up React
Hooking up React - Part 2: Stateful Reloading
Hooking up HTML Preprocessors like EJS/Pug/Handlebars
Hooking up CSS Preprocessors like SASS/LESS & Stylus
Hooking up Js in CSS with Emotion and CSS Modules
Hooking up Typescript
Hooking up Angular
Hooking up VueJS
Setup Production Hosting with Heroku
Production Ready CSS
Stripping development-only Javascript with the DefinePlugin
Javascript Minification and Mangling with Babel and Uglify
Optimizing All Assets with GZip and Brotili Compression
Building out the Blog with React
Parsing Markdown for Blogging and Meta Data
SplitChunks and the Bundle Analyzer
Server-side Render JS with Express and React
Server-side Render any Filetype with Webpack
Unified Compilation - Part 1
Unified Compilation - Part 2
Adding Multiple Pages with React Router
Dynamic Import Syntax
React Universal Components
Async JS/CSS Chunk Loading in Parallel (aka the Holy Grail)
2 Strategies for Multiple-Domains in Development
Scoping Your Data per Domain
Theming CSS per Domain
Build out the Articles Pages for our 2 Heroes
Redux Basics: The store, the reducer and the action.
Fetching Articles from an API with Redux Thunk
Redux on the client. Finishing our Article fetch
Redux stores in the Server side render
Webpack 4 Upgrade Guide