In this course, you will learn:-
- The basics of SQL commands, as well as their intricacies.
- Recognize that real-world SQL isn't usually a "Yes/No" situation. There's also a "might be." A method that works in case X may not be appropriate in scenario Y.
- For applications, create a code backend database.
- Consider the "SQL" language. More essential, consider the practical side of things.
- INSERT data into tables that you've created.
- SELECT data from tables and use the WHERE clause to FILTER it.
- To group results and calculate aggregates, use GROUP BY.
- To operate on data, use functions.
- GRANTs and SYNONYMS are used to control user access.
- Create INDEXes for performance and CONSTRAINTS on data for data integrity protection.
What is data?
Why do we need a database and SQL?
Install Oracle
Install SQL developer
Connect to DB (Why do we need Hostname, Port, SID), Users, Schemas
Data Model for the videos
Create table statement
What are Data Types? (Why does Oracle expect us to provide it?)
Create Table, Alter table, Drop Table in action
Insert, commit and rollback (with a visual representation)
SELECT statement
SELECT with WHERE clause, AND condition, OR condition (Truth Tables)
ORDER BY clause
LIKE (with variants), NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN
Relational operators, Arithmetic operators, Concatenation
NULL Values (Scenarios where you have to be careful)
Update statement, Delete vs Truncate
DUAL table (what's the need?), Rownum (why doesn't it work sometimes), Sysdate
Functions - Lower(), Upper(), length() - empty string?,substr(), INSTR(), trim()
Functions - nvl(), round(), floor(), to_date()/ to_char() -datatype, to_number()
min(), max(), sum(), avg(), count(), common mistake with count(*)
Group by on single/multiple columns, Having clause vs whereclause
Join 2 tables, Inner Join (old vs new), Left Join, Right Join, Full outer join
Joins across multiple tables