In this course, you will learn:
- Who is shopware AG, and what does it do? The basics of the company and its ideology.
- The Shopware backend is your user-friendly administration area.
- Find the right Shopware edition for you among the Shopware editions.
- Discover the potential of shopping worlds, narrative, digital publishing, and more.
- Increase your sales by learning about the amazing marketing features available.
- Shopware - Editions & Installation
- Documentation and support channels
- Shopware out of the box
- The plugin manager
- User administration
- Image management in the media manager
- Manufacturer creates
- Basic settings
- Categories
- to write an article
- Configure article properties
- Themes
- Marketingmöglichkeiten
- Personalized customer approach (customer streams)
- Import/Export
- Analytics functions in Shopware
- The shopping worlds
- Elements of the shopping world
- Dynamische Banner: Digital Publishing