In this course, you will :
- Recognize how to read and write Elixir code.
- Understand the fundamental principles of functional programming, such as immutable data, pattern matching, and recursion.
- Make your own Elixir applications.
- When developing Elixir programmes, use the appropriate tools.
- Think confidently in Elixir and have a thorough understanding of the most important language primitives.
Syllabus :
1. Introduction to Elixir
- Hello World x2
- Introduction to Elixir files
- Interactive Elixir REPL (iex)
2. Basic types
- Basic types: numbers
- Atoms, Booleans and Strings
- Basics of anonymous functions and tuples
3. Basics of functional thinking
- Pattern matching basics
- Pattern matching further concepts
- Immutable Data
4. Complex types
- Lists
- Keyword lists
- Maps
5. Modules & Functions
- Modules
- Named function basics
- Function captures and references
6. Recursion
- Recursion and pattern matching
- Tail call optimisation
- Reduce & Map a recursive example
7. Processes
- Spawning processes, sending/receiving messages and Tasks
- Process ping pong example
8. Caesar Cipher Project
- Mix and project dependencies
- Testing & writing code
- Make a command line executable with: escript
- Configuration, documentation and doctest