In this course, you will learn:-
- They should download and instal the Eclipse IDE on their own PC.
- Eclipse can be used to create a Java application.
- Change the look and feel of the Eclipse user interface.
- Eclipse Wizards can be used to generate Java source code.
- Debug and refactor Java source code.
- Execute the JUnit tests.
- Projects for Import and Export
- Add JAR files from other sources to your Eclipse project.
Closed Captions and Subtitles Available for English
Installing the Eclipse IDE
Create a Java Application with Eclipse
Exploring the Eclipse User Interface
Searching and Navigating Source Code (part 1)
Searching and Navigating Source Code (part 2)
Generating Java Source Code
Refactoring Code - Extract Constants and Variables
Refactoring Code - Extract Methods, Rename Methods and Variables
Debugging Java Source Code
Adding JAR Files
Running JUnit Tests
Importing Projects
Exporting Projects
Setting Eclipse Preferences