This course will teach you about IT-enabled changes in the business environment, as well as how astute executives use IT to create value and win competitive battles. The course is divided into three sections, with the first focusing on the industry impacts of technological innovation. We will look at competition and business models in the high-tech industry, using companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook as examples. We will also look at the competitive dynamics of industries that use a lot of technology, with a focus on how technology has disrupted industries like music, media, and education. The second part of the course focuses on how IT helps firms transform their cost structures by assisting them in developing information capabilities that significantly increase value chain efficiency. The final section of the course will concentrate on the impact of IT on firm innovation and decision-making, which ultimately impacts revenue growth.
Syllabus :
1. Technology-Enabled Disruptions
- Clayton Christensen's Disruptive Innovation Framework
- The Nature of Technology Led Disruptions
- Case Discussion: The Incumbent Value Network in the Music Industry
- Waves of Technology Disruption in the Music Industry
- Impact of Technological Innovation on Consumers and Artists
- Impact of Technological Innovation on the Recording Company
2. Online Business Models
- Introduction to Two Sided Platform Mediated Networks
- Management Challenges for Networked Businesses
- Winner-take-all nature of competition amongst platform models
- Response to Winner-take-all competition
- Differences between platform and merchant models
3. Designing Information Capabilities for Competitive Advantage
- The Strategic Import of Information Capabilities
- Operating Models
- Enterprise Systems
- A Portfolio Approach to Managing IT Investments
4. Social Networks and Enterprise 2.0
- Network IT - Collaborative Communities
- Network Analytics at MASTERFOODS
- Network IT - Contests
- Open Innovation Models
- Interview with Harishankaran K, HackerRank