In this course, you will learn:
- First, get familiar with the fundamentals of the interface and animation options.
- Then, learn how to clone objects, extrude text, and use effectors.
- Next, see how to place objects along with points and edges, change keyframe parameters, adjust the camera, and generate previews.
- Find out how to modify objects and surfaces using lighting, rendering, and compositing options. Additionally, explore the spline modeling tools, motion graphic materials, and type tools.
- Introduction
- Cinema 4D for motion graphics artists
- Before you begin this course
- New features highlighting
1. What Are Motion Graphics?
- What are motion graphics?
- The motion graphics pipeline
- Examples of work
- Core concepts for 3D and motion graphics
2. MoGraph Basics and Animation Techniques
- What is MoGraph?
- Create and modify clones
- Create and finesse animation
- Timeline functions
- Copy and offset keyframes
- Move animated objects
- Retime animation with Time Tracks
3. Text and Splines
- What are splines?
- Work with Illustrator files in C4D
- Spline modeling tools
- Type tools in C4D
4. Working with Cameras
- Camera basics
- Create a camera animation
- Morph between cameras
- Control cameras with other tags
5. Procedural Modelling
- Modeling overview
- Model with primitive objects
- Combine primitives with deformers
- Use MoGraph as a modeling tool
6. Additional Modelling Approaches
- What are volumes?
- Volume modeling a bottle
- Polygonal modeling and deformers
7. Lighting Techniques
- How lights work in C4D
- Create a basic light setup
- Other lighting methods
8. Work with Materials and Textures
- Create and apply materials
- Add imperfections with shaders
- Create liquid and plastic materials
- Create bumpy surfaces
- Manipulate materials on objects
9. The Power of MoGraph and Fields
- What are Fields?
- Work with Field lists and blend Fields
- Read and organize Fields
- Share Field
- Group Field
- Remap values with modifier layers
- Work with Delay and Decay
- Make selections with Fields
- Use MoGraph tags with Fields
- Trigger animation with Fields
- Create a text transition with Sub-Fields
- Fields and Volumes
- Create organic growth patterns
- 10. Rendering and Compositing for Motion Graphics
- Compositing tag
- Common render settings
- Create preview renders
- Work with takes
- Set up multi-pass renders
- The AEC workflow
- Challenge
- Challenge overview
- Solution to challenge