In this course, you will learn:
- Understand binary number systems and how to convert between them.
- Understand hexadecimal number systems and how to convert between them.
- To represent data, use numeric and textual data types.
- In the construction of a program, use variables.
- Analyze the task and incorporate its elements into the construction of the program.
- Use multiple data types to perform fundamental I/O operations.
- Create expressions with the help of arithmetic operations (including understanding their limitations, such as integer truncation, round-off error, division by zero, narrowing and widening conversions, casting, precedence, and standard math library functions).
- Create expressions that make use of relational operators (including understanding floating-point equality).
- Logic operators are used to creating expressions (including short-circuit).
- Statements about design choices (including nested selection).
- Repetition statements should be designed (including count-controlled versus event-controlled, sentinel-controlled).
- Use lists to create simple data structures (including loops and multi-dimensional lists).
- Positional number systems
- Hello World
- Numerical data types and arithmetic expressions
- Branching statements
- Iterative statements [Loops]
- Strings
- Functions
- Lists [Array-based sequences]