9 Best Swift Courses and Tutorials - Learn Swift Online

Highly curated best Swift tutorials for beginners. Start with the best Swift tutorials and learn Swift as a beginner for mobile application development.

9 Best Swift Courses and Tutorials - Learn Swift Online

The Best Swift online courses and training for beginners to learn Swift in 2024.

Anyone can learn programming. One of the best places to start is iOS app development. With the right tools and training, you can build a fully functional app for the iPhone or iPad in just a few hours.

Swift is the programming language for the Apple ecosystem—iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS—and it’s a particularly expressive, fast, safe, and fun language that’s suitable for new and experienced programmers alike. Having a deeper understanding of structural design patterns in Swift 5 will help you as you move forward to becoming a better software developer.

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Top Swift Classes, Courses Certifications List

  1. iOS 13 & Swift 5 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp

  2. Swift 5 iOS Application Developer

  3. iOS 11 & Swift 4: From Beginner to Paid Professional

  4. Swift 5 Essential Training

  5. Build your very first iOS app

  6. iPadOS 13 Development Essential Training Online Class

  7. The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp: iOS 11 & Swift 4

  8. Programming for Non-Programmers: iOS 12 and Swift 5

  9. Structural Design Patterns in Swift 5

1. iOS 13 & Swift 5 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp

In this course, you will learn how to code using Swift 5.1 and build iOS 13 apps for iPhone and iPad even if you have no programming experience. The curriculum has been completely revamped for iOS 13 and Xcode 11 including comprehensive modules on Apple's latest technology - SwiftUI iOS, iPadOS and macOS app interface design

You will be building 3D augmented reality apps that look like Pokemon Go and Harry Potter's magical newspapers. You will also learn how to programme fluently in Swift 5.1 and be ready to make your own apps or start a freelancing job as an iOS 13 developer.

  • Course rating: 4.8 out of 5.0 (52,463 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 58.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • be able to build any app of your liking.
  • start your own app-based business.
  • create a portfolio of apps to apply for junior developer jobs at a technology company.
  • become a digital nomad by working as a freelance iOS developer.
  • work with Apple's latest UI Framework - SwiftUI.
  • master creating Augmented Reality apps using Apple’s new ARKit.
  • create apps that use Machine Learning using Apple’s new CoreML.
  • master app design so you will know how to wireframe, mockup, and prototype your app idea.
  • master app marketing so you can publish your apps and generate downloads.

The course includes:

  • Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, structures, classes, and protocols.
  • Control Structures: Using If/­Else clauses, Switch statements, and logic to control the flow of execution.
  • Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as arrays and dictionaries.
  • Software Design: How to organize and format code for readability and how to implement the Model ­View­ Controller (MVC) design pattern, Apple's favorite delegation pattern, and the publisher pattern.
  • Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
  • Persistent Local Data Storage: How to use Core Data, Realm, Codable, and User Defaults to store your app data locally.
  • How to Implement In-App Purchases with Apple StoreKit
  • Machine Learning: How to make artificially intelligent apps and build your own machine learning models using iOS 13's new CoreML2 and CreateML frameworks.
  • Augmented Reality: How to create 3D objects in augmented reality and create incredible 3D animations and real-life interactions using Apple's latest ARKit2 framework.
  • SwiftUI: How to use Apple's brand new UI framework to create user interfaces programmatically that look good across all Apple products.

You can take iOS 13 & Swift 5 - The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp Certificate Course on Udemy.

2. Swift 5 iOS Application Developer

In this course, you will learn how to develop Apps using Swift and iOS. Through four courses, you will learn topics beginning with the absolute basics and ending with selling your apps on the app store.

This course will provide the skills you will need to advance your programming career and seek employment in Swift and iOS application development. Throughout this course, you will have the opportunity to practice key job skills. You will learn about the Swift language and how to code iOS applications.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (682 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 48 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • setup your environment and develop code in Swift 5.
  • perform various calculations and build iOS applications.
  • work with data in iOS, including tables and networking.
  • monetize your apps with in-app adds purchases, and subscriptions.

You will also learn to create user interfaces and interact with user and system data using tables and data persistence. Moreover, you will develop fully functional applications and learn how to monetize them with in-app add, purchases, and subscriptions. By the end of this course, you will complete several projects showcasing your proficiency in Swift 5 and iOS programming, and you will develop the skills necessary to begin a career as a Swift and/or iOS application developer. You will also be able to share evidence of your success with your professional network and potential employers.

You can take the Swift 5 iOS Application Developer Certificate Course on Coursera.

3. iOS 11 & Swift 4: From Beginner to Paid Professional

In this course, you will learn the core foundational principles needed for building complex apps. You will understand programming and basic algorithms as well as how to work as an iOS contractor.

  • Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 (4,514 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 43.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • build iOS 11 & Swift 4 apps.
  • understand programming & basic algorithms
  • work as an iOS contractor.
  • apply to jr. iOS development jobs.
  • submit iOS apps to the Apple app store.

The course includes:

  • Swift 4
  • Xcode 9
  • Interface Builder
  • Firebase
  • Build a Slack Clone
  • Maps & GPS
  • Core Data
  • ARKit & Augmented Reality
  • CoreML & Machine Learning
  • Tables & Data
  • APIs, HTTP, and Networking
  • App Design
  • Storyboards & Segues

You can take iOS 11 & Swift 4: From Beginner to Paid Professional™ Certificate Course on Udemy.

4. Swift 5 Essential Training

In this course, you will learn how to gain hands-on experience with Swift 5. You will learn the fundamentals of this popular programming language, so you can develop your own apps and games for macOS and iOS.

This course takes you through each component of the language. It covers common data types, conditional logic, methods, functions, classes, and structs explaining what you need to know to become proficient in programming with Swift.

  • Course rating: 22,850 total enrollments
  • Duration: 4 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn how to

  • understand the fundamentals of Swift 5.
  • gain hands-on experience with Swift 5.
  • develop apps and games for macOS and iOS.

The course includes:

  • Getting to Know Your Data
  • Working with Collections
  • Application Control Flow
  • The Wide World of Functions
  • Classes, Structs, and Beyond
  • Leveling Up with Enums, Protocols, and Errors

You can take the Swift 5 Essential Training Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

5. Build your very first iOS app

Learn how to get started with app development and create your very first iOS app with a free course.

  • Course rating: 44,406 total enrollments
  • Duration: 64 h
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

The course includes:

  • Starting App Development
  • Control Flow and Advanced Variables and Data Types
  • Xcode and Interface Builder
  • Functions, Classes, and Structures
  • Introduction to User Interface Development
  • View Controllers and Navigation
  • Introduction to TableViews

With this Swift tutorial, you will learn how to understand and use the Swift programming language. You will learn how you can use and explain the Apple developer tools: including Xcode, Interface Builder, Documentation Browser;

Moreover, you will learn how to confidently converse with iOS developers by understanding the basics of coding and App development. You will also learn how to design, develop and build your own simple iOS Apps.

You can take Build your very first iOS app certification course on Edx.

6. iPadOS 13 Development Essential Training Online Class

In this course, you will learn how to create successful iPadOS applications. You will learn how to work with SwiftUI, set up multitasking, incorporate hand-drawn content into your app using PencilKit. It also provides an overview of developing applications for iPadOS, sharing on the most essential concepts that developers need to master.

  • Course rating: 231 total enrollments
  • Duration: 1.3 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • create successful iPadOS applications.
  • work with SwiftUI.
  • set up multitasking.
  • incorporate hand-drawn content into your app using PencilKit.

The course includes:

  • Apple Dev Tools Review
  • Multitasking
  • Using PencilKit
  • Cross-Platform Applications
  • Dark Mode

You can take the iPadOS 13 Development Essential Training Online Class Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

7. The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp: iOS 11 & Swift 4

In this course, you will learn about iOS 11 app development from beginning to end with the help of Xcode 9 and Swift 4.

  • Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 (31,310 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 49 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

The course also includes Full ARKit and CoreML Modules. Here, you will learn about Apple's brand new ARKit for making Augmented Reality apps and CoreML for making intelligent apps with Machine Learning. You will also be building image recognition apps and incredible 3D animated AR apps.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • be able to build any app you want.
  • craft a portfolio of apps to apply for junior developer jobs.
  • build fully-fledged apps for your startup or business.
  • work as a freelance iOS developer.
  • master creating Augmented Reality apps using Apple’s new ARKit.
  • create your first Machine Learning app using Apple’s new CoreML.

The course includes:

  • Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): The type system, variables, functions and methods, inheritance, classes, and protocols.
  • Control Structures: Using If/­Else clauses, Switch statements, and logic to control the flow of execution.
  • Data Structures: How to work with collections, such as arrays and dictionaries.
  • Software Design: How to organize and format code for readability and how to implement the Model ­View­ Controller (MVC) design pattern.
  • Networking: How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.
  • Machine Learning: How to make artificially intelligent apps using iOS 11's new CoreML framework.
  • Augmented Reality: How to create 3D objects in augmented reality and create incredible animations and real-life interactions using Apple's latest ARKit framework.
  • Core Data, Realm, and other forms of persistent data storage.

You can take The Complete iOS App Development Bootcamp: iOS 11 & Swift 4 Certificate Course on Udemy.

8. Programming for Non-Programmers: iOS 12 and Swift 5

In this course, you will learn how to create a simple iOS 12 application with Swift 5 easily with no programming experience required.

  • Course rating: 6,684 total enrollments
  • Duration: 2.7 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

You will learn the concepts of iOS app development in a visual way to understand it more easily. Moreover, you will learn to have a basic understanding of Xcode, the toolset for developing iOS apps; the building blocks of the Swift development language; and the essentials of good interface design.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • create a simple iOS 12 application with Swift 5.
  • the concepts of iOS app development in a visual way to understand it more easily.
  • have a basic understanding of Xcode and the toolset for developing iOS apps.

The course includes:

  • Set Up the Coding Environment
  • Programming Building Blocks: Variables
  • Programming Building Blocks: Methods
  • Programming Building Blocks: Conditional Statements
  • Plan and Prepare the App
  • Build a Full Application

You can take Programming for Non-Programmers: iOS 12 and Swift 5 Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

9. Structural Design Patterns in Swift 5

In this course, Structural Design Patterns in Swift 5, you will learn about the structural design patterns and the way they are implemented using Swift 5.

  • Duration: 1.6 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

First, you will explore the Adapter design pattern that allows you to integrate incompatible components without changing your application's code. Then, you will learn about the Bridge, which can be used to develop platform-independent frameworks or applications.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • understand the structural design patterns and the way they are implemented using Swift 5.
  • explore the Adapter design pattern that allows you to integrate incompatible components without changing your application's code.

You will also discover the Composite pattern. The Composite does a great job when you need to work with related objects that can be organized in a tree structure. Next, you will see all about the Decorator design pattern, which adds new responsibilities to an object dynamically.

Then, you will learn about the Facade, a pattern that simplifies the usage of cumbersome APIs. You will have a look at the Flyweight pattern which can help to reduce memory usage and the creation costs of objects.

You can take Structural Design Patterns in the Swift 5 Certificate Course on Pluralsight.

Thank you for reading this. We hope our course curation would help you to pick the right course to learn Swift. In case you want to explore more, you can take the free Swift courses.

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