9 Best Nuxt JS Courses & Tutorials - Learn Nuxt JS Online

The best Nuxt.js courses and tutorials for beginners to learn Nuxt.js online in 2023. Learn Nuxt Js with these high-rated online tutorials and courses curated by top developers.

9 Best Nuxt JS Courses & Tutorials - Learn Nuxt JS Online

The Best Nuxt.js online courses and tutorials for beginners to learn Nuxt.js in 2024.

Nuxt.js is a free and open-source framework based on Node.js, Webpack, Babel.js, and Vue.js. Nuxt.js framework is mainly known as a meta-framework for all applications. Moreover, with the help of Nuxt.js, your application will be very optimized. It helps you build Vue js applications the best way. Nuxt comes with routing and server-side rendering out of the box. With Nuxt, you can build Single Page App (SPA), Static Sites, and fully Server Side Rendered (SSR)  web applications. These applications are  extremely fast and performance

Top Nuxt Js Courses, Tutorials, Certifications list

  1. Nuxt.js - Vue.js on Steroids
  2. The Nuxt 3 Bootcamp - The Complete Developer Guide
  3. The Complete Nuxt.js & Vue.js Course
  4. Vue.js Jump-start with Nuxt.js & Firebase
  5. Complete Nuxt.js 2.4+ Course
  6. Nuxt.js - Blazing Fast Static Sites with Vue.js (for FREE)
  7. Master Nuxt.js - A Vuejs framework by building projects
  8. Complete Nuxt.js Course
  9. Building Applications with VueJs, Vuex, VueRouter, and Nuxt

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1. Nuxt.js - Vue.js on Steroids

Build highly engaging Vue JS apps with Nuxt.js. Nuxt adds easy server-side-rendering and a folder-based config approach.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (6,540 Rating total)
  • Duration: 6.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

During this Nuxt.js course, you will study:

  • Build server-side-rendered single-page applications (SPAs).
  • Build normal, optimized SPAs with minimal effort.
  • Generate a static webpage from Vuejs code.

You will learn all the details in this course but the most important takeaway is that Nuxt.js makes the creation of better, more optimized, and more capable Vue apps much easier - and all of that whilst adding pretty much no overhead.

In this Nuxt course, you will learn how to create Nuxt/ Vue apps from scratch. You will build an entire course project and dive into the core features Nuxt.js offers.

By the end of the course, you will have a complete Vue app, built with Nuxt.js, which can be rendered on the server (or as a static website!) and which is highly optimized.

The course will teach you:

  • What Nuxt.js exactly is and how it's connected to Vue.js?
  • How you use Nuxt.js to build better Vue apps.
  • Everything you need to know about the "configure via folders & files"
  • Different build possibilities like SSR apps, SPAs, or a static webpage
  • How you build an entire project, including authentication via Nuxt.js

You can take Nuxt.js - Vue.js on Steroids Certificate Course on Udemy.

2. The Nuxt 3 Bootcamp - The Complete Developer Guide

Build complex & engaging Vue apps with Nuxt3. Nuxt3 provides universal rendering, file-based router, and other features

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (841 Rating total)
  • Duration: 17 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

During this Nuxt 3 course, you will study:

  • Understanding the additional features that Nuxt provides on top of Vue, like universal rendering, auto importation, and file-based routing
  • Utilizing Nuxt to build production-ready applications with based development practices
  • Leveraging the many Nuxt 3 compostables like use fetch, useAsyncData, state or useMeta
  • Implementing routing with a file-based approach

Initially, you will learn exactly what Nuxt is and the problems it solves. You will learn about client-side rendering and compare it with universal rendering. Then, you will refresh your Vue 3 knowledge by building an app with the composition API. You will also learn about TypeScript and how Nuxt handles components.

Next, you will dive deeper into the Nuxt ecosystem and learn about file-based routing, layouts, and defining page metadata. Moving on, you will also learn all about how we can globally manage states with composable.

Plus, you will learn how to make HTTP requests by using useFetch and useAsyncData and leverage the powers of Nuxt to build your very own REST API and utilize it in the client.

You can take The Nuxt 3 Bootcamp - The Complete Developer Guide Course on Udemy.

3. The Complete Nuxt.js & Vue.js Course

Complete Developer Guide covering Vue.js and Nuxt.js basic to advance concepts. Get your hands on real projects.

  • Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0 (214 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 41.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

During this Nuxt course, you will learn:

  • Develop powerful, modern, real-world web applications.
  • Completely understand the processes and concepts of Nuxt JS & Vue JS 2.
  • Use gained knowledge to create your own Web Applications.
  • Become fluent in concepts and tools like SSR, Vuex, Vuelidate, and more.

During this course, you will work on 3 different projects.

Project 1 - Todo Application: This project is covering basic concepts every developer should know. You will be working on the "todo" application learning Vue JS-related concepts. The section is covering also Html and CSS explanations.

  • Get basic knowledge of programming.
  • Know how to create and store data in our browser Local Storage.
  • Fully understand Vue JS concepts like data binding, data manipulation, event handling, state management, and much more.

Project 2 – Post Application: In this project, students will get familiar with Nuxt.js/Vue.js-related topics. In this project, students will be working on an application to create and manage posts.

  • Get basic knowledge of Nuxt.js.
  • Learn how SSR works.
  • Get familiar with Vuex.
  • Learn on how to persist data on Server.

Project 3 – Promote Yourself Application: In this project, you will learn how to create a beautiful, self-promotion application with an admin dashboard, authentication, REST features, and other interesting stuff.

In the first section, you will learn authentication including register and login functionality. You will also find an explanation of form validation with the Vuelidate package.

After that, you will start working on functionality to create and manage products. You will learn how to create new custom inputs and how to manage data flow in forms. You will integrate a blog editor containing different formatting options and functionalities to edit and publish blogs. You will be working on functionality to display published and featured blogs and they learn how to create a pagination feature later on.

In the last section, you will learn about how to implement SEO improvements into the application. At the end you will do deployment of the application to Heroku.

You can take The Complete Nuxt.js & Vue.js Course Certificate Course on Udemy.

4. Vue.js Jump-start with Nuxt.js & Firebase

Learn how to build search engine-friendly web apps with Vue & Nuxt

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (65 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 6.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

During this course, you will study:

  • You will be able to jump-start their new Vue/Nuxt projects with the skill and app boilerplate from this course.
  • Get a good grasp of Vuex, VueRouter, and Nuxt.
  • Properly structured and secured the Firebase database and make reasonably complex Firebase queries.
  • Install and integrate Vue plugins and Nuxt modules and create Vue filters.
  • General understanding of a full-blown application that includes user management and role-based access.
  • Techniques to make pages built with Vue/Nuxt search engine friendly.
  • Basic understanding of deploying the Vue/Nuxt app as a server in production mode with PM2.

In this course, you will learn how to build a search engine-friendly website or application using Vue.js with Nuxt.js. You will have search engine-friendly features and improved performance by using Nuxt.js which is a Vue framework.

The other major part of the course is Firebase. you will use firebase as the database. You will be learning how to structure the database, its security rules, file storage, and of course queries to work with data. This course will help you learn simple to reasonably complex Firebase queries.

During this course, you would learn by building an app. You will build a simple e-commerce app with product and user management and role-based access. Then there is a product catalog and shopping cart on the front end. At the end of the course, you will have a working app boilerplate that you could use for your own projects.

You can take Vue.js Jump-start with Nuxt.js & Firebase Certificate Course on Udemy.

5. Complete Nuxt.js 2.4+ Course

Take your Vue JS skill to the next level!

  • Course rating: 3.8 out of 5.0 (183 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

During this course, you will learn How to create apps using Nuxt. In the first section, you will create a Vue app using Vue CLI 3. You will recreate the same app using Nuxt and show the similarities between Vue and Nuxt.

This course includes five sections.

  • Nuxt basics
  • Nuxt plugins and modules
  • Nuxt routing system
  • Nuxt context
  • Data exchange with the backend program (Express.js)

You will also learn many new skills in this process, including how to handle cookies and create a membership system.

You can take the Complete Nuxt.js 2.4+ Course Certificate Course on Udemy.

6. Nuxt.js - Blazing Fast Static Sites with Vue.js (for FREE)

Build highly amazing Vue JS apps with Nuxt.js. Nuxt uses server-side rendering and a folder-based configuration.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (93 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 1 Hour

In this Nuxt course, you will learn:

  • creating pages.
  • using components (for Header).
  • using Layouts.
  • using Sass & Global CSS Files.
  • Page transitions (Animations).
  • Page loading bar animation.
  • building the project.

The course includes:

  • Setting Things Up and Learning the Basics
  • Creating the Website

You can take Nuxt.js - Blazing Fast Static Sites with Vue.js (for FREE) Certificate Course on Udemy.

7. Master Nuxt.js - A Vuejs Framework By Building Projects

Build two projects with Nuxt & Deploy, including state management by Vuex in nuxt, firebase as database management

  • Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0 (22 Rating total)
  • Duration: 6 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

During this Nuxt course, you will study:

  • How to kick start with Nuxt js.
  • Build server-side-rendered single-page applications (SPAs) in nuxt.
  • Build a weather application using API in Nuxtjs.
  • Building Quiz app with Firebase in nuxt.
  • Authentication using firebase in nuxtjs.
  • Deploying Nuxtjs on digital ocean server.
  • Making Nuxtjs an SEO-friendly application.
  • Including external Library.
  • Writing effective, reusable, and manageable vuejs/javascript code.

You will get introduced to Nuxt.js in detail and work on two real vue.js nuxt.js projects. In this course, you will learn the core concepts of Nuxt.js and how exactly it works behind the scene. You will dive into the rendered nuxt directory to see from where nuxt serves every page and how they have been configured.

The course will teach you:

  • Build server-side-rendered single-page-applications (SPAs)
  • How to use vuetify framework
  • Making Nuxtjs an SEO-friendly application
  • Including external Library
  • Writing effective, reusable, and manageable vue.js/javascript code
  • Deploying Nuxtjs on the digital ocean server
  • Authentication using firebase in nuxt.js

You can take Master Nuxt.js - A Vuejs framework by building projects Certificate Course on Udemy.

8. Complete Nuxt.js Course

Master Nuxt and Take Your Vue.js Skills to the Next Level!

  • Course rating: 3.8 out of 5.0 (183 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

This Nuxt 3 Udemy course includes:

  • Create a Vue App using Vue-CLI
  • Nuxt fundamentals
  • Nuxt fundamentals: review and practice
  • Nuxt plugins
  • Nuxt plugins: review and practice
  • Nuxt routing system
  • Nuxt routing system: review and practice
  • Context and middleware
  • The four Nuxt context methods: review and practice
  • Retrieve data from the backend program

With this Nuxt JS tutorial, you will learn how to create a Vue app using Vue CLI 3 as the file structure created by Vue CLI 3 is very similar to the one used in Nuxt and they even have the same mechanism of generating pages.

Then, you will recreate the same app using Nuxt and show the similarities between Vue and Nuxt.

You can take the Complete Nuxt.js Course Certificate Course on Udemy.

9. Building Applications with VueJs, Vuex, VueRouter, and Nuxt

Master the VueJs fundamentals by building single-page and server-rendered applications(Inc. Vuex, VueRouter, Nuxt)

  • Course rating: 3.8 out of 5.0 (56 Rating total)
  • Duration: 6 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

During this Nuxt 3 tutorial, you will study:

  • Understand how to create web apps on Vue.
  • Manage state with Vuex.
  • Routing with VueRouter.
  • Consume Restful APIS with Vuejs and Vuex.
  • Build Server rendered Applications with NuxtJs and Vuex.
  • Learn Forms in VueJs.

In this course, you will learn:

  • Setting up a Development Environment and Workflow.
  • The Basics (including the basic Syntax, Understanding Templates and much more.
  • Interacting with DOM (Rendering Lists, Conditionally attaching/ detaching Elements).
  • Using Components.
  • Binding to Form Input.
  • State Management with VueJs.
  • How to create an awesome Single-Page-Application (SPA) with Routing.
  • Build Server Rendered App with NuxtJs.

In this Nuxt course, you are going to build 6 small web applications with Vue.js, Vuex, and Nuxt

  • Vote App - Learn the Vue basics by building vote application.
  • Todo App - In this module, you will build a basic Todo App with VueJs.
  • Kanban Board Application - In this module you will build a basic project management app using Vue components.
  • Shopping Cart Server with Vuex - In this course, you will master the Vuex fundamentals by building a shopping cart feature.
  • Build a conference form - In this module, you will master the forms fundamentals of VueJs.
  • Blog App - You will learn how to build server-rendered applications with Vuex and NuxtJs.

You can take Building Applications with VueJs, Vuex, VueRouter, and Nuxt Certificate Course on Udemy.

Thank you for reading this. We hope our course curation would help you to pick the right course to learn Nuxt JS. In case you want to explore more, you can take the free Nuxt JS courses.

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