8 Best NextJS Courses For Beginners: Top Picks for 2024

Highly curated NextJS Tutorials for beginners. Start with the NextJS Tutorials and learn NextJS as a beginner.

8 Best NextJS Courses For Beginners: Top Picks for 2024

Next.js is a full-stack capable framework system for ReactJS - the most well-known JavaScript library you can get familiar with nowadays!

What is NextJS, and Why Should I Learn It?

NextJS is a popular framework built on top of React, a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. What sets NextJS apart is its ability to handle server-side rendering, static site generation, and other advanced features that make building fast, SEO-friendly, and scalable web applications easier. Learning NextJS can significantly enhance your web development skills and open up more job opportunities, as many companies prefer using this framework for its efficiency and performance.

Advantages of using NextJS:

  • Easy To Comprehend
  • JavaScript Framework
  • An Ideal Choice For Server-Side Rendering
  • Does Not Require Any Major Setup
  • Includes Hot-Module Replacement And Error Reporting
  • Ideally Suitable For Creating PWA

How to Choose the Best NextJS Course

When selecting a NextJS course, consider the following:

  • Course Content: Ensure the course covers the basics of NextJS, React, and advanced topics like server-side rendering, API integration, and performance optimization.
  • Instructor Expertise: Look for courses taught by experienced developers who have a solid background in NextJS and web development.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Check the feedback from other students to gauge the course quality and effectiveness.
  • Hands-On Projects: Choose a course that includes practical projects to help you apply what you've learned and build a portfolio.
  • Support and Community: A good course should offer support from the instructor and a community of learners for discussions and troubleshooting.

Best NextJS Courses List

  1. Next.js 14 & React - The Complete Guide
  2. Next.js Dev to Deployment
  3. Complete Next.js with React & Node - Beautiful Portfolio App
  4. Learning Next.js
  5. React Next.js Node API AWS - Build Scaling MERN Stack App
  6. Master Next.js 14 - Full-Stack Complete Guide
  7. Next.js With Tailwind CSS-Build a Frontend Ecommerce Project
  8. Next.js Web Dev: Master this Powerful React Framework

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1. Next.js 14 & React - The Complete Guide [Best NextJS Course on Udemy]

Best Next.js Course Udemy

Learn NextJS 14 from the ground up and build full-stack ReactJS + NextJS apps with the App Router or Pages Router! One of the best NextJS online courses online on Udemy!

In this Nextjs tutorial, you will learn:

  • Learn how to build full-stack React apps with NextJS 14 & the App Router.
  • Build real projects and apply what you learned with hands-on projects and examples.
  • Learn about different ways of building the NextJS app - App Router vs Pages Router.
  • Get started with React Server Components, Client Components, data fetching & more!
  • Handle data submissions via Server Actions.
  • Learn all key NextJS features like pre-rendering, SSR, data fetching, file-based routing, and authentication.

The Nextjs course includes:

  • What is NextJS? And why would you use it?
  • Why is just React (in many cases) not enough?
  • Creating NextJS projects from the ground up & understanding these projects
  • Working with file-based routing
  • Adding dynamic routes and catch-all routes
  • Implementing different forms of page pre-rendering and server-side rendering
  • Working with data and adding data fetching + pre-fetching to your apps
  • Pre-generating dynamic and static pages
  • Adding optimizations like metadata to pages
  • Optimizing images with the NextJS Image component
  • Building full-stack apps with API routes
  • Managing app-wide state with React context (in NextJS apps)
  • Adding authentication to NextJS apps
  • Multiple complete apps where you will apply all these core concepts!
  • A complete React.js refresher module (so that we're all on the same page)

Initially, you will start with the very basics, no NextJS knowledge is required at all, and you will then dive into all the core features that make up NextJS. Both in theory as well as with multiple real projects where all concepts will be applied step-by-step.

After finishing this NextJS course, you'll be well prepared to build your own NextJS projects from the ground up and apply for NextJS positions!

Featured Student Review: "I really love the academind team, Max is an awesome teacher and I really like his courses I know that he is not the only one on the team and my appreciation goes out to all of you. I just wish you would offer a complete guide to (tech/soft)-interviews and code challenges for data structures, algos, etc."

You can take Next.js & React - The Complete Guide Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 40 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

2. Next.js Dev to Deployment

Learn Next.js by building a music event website!

This project-based Nextjs course focuses on teaching you how to use Next.js, a powerful framework for building server-side rendered React websites and static websites. Through the development of a music events application and a static blog called Devspace, you will gain foundational knowledge in Next.js and learn how to create your own dynamic applications. While the course utilizes Strapi as the backend CMS, you can easily adapt the principles to other CMS options.

In this Nextjs tutorial, you will learn the following:

  • Build a music event application from start to finish.
  • Learn the NextJS fundamentals.
  • Create a backend using Strapi CMS.
  • JWT Authentication / HttpOnly Cookie Storage.
  • Pagination, search, and image uploading with Cloudinary.
  • Build a static blog with pagination, search & categories using Markdown.
  • Deploy to production using Vercel.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of Next.js, Strapi, and the associated tools and techniques necessary to build dynamic websites and static blogs. You'll be well-equipped to create and deploy applications to production environments. This is certainly the best Nextjs tutorial to learn Next.js by building a music event website.

  • Course rating: 4.1 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 10 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

3. Complete Next.js with React & Node - Beautiful Portfolio App

Learn how to build an Isomorphic Website, incl. SEO, Blog, and Deployment with one of the best Beginner NextJS classes.

In this Nextjs tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • develop powerful, server-side, and real-world web applications with Next & React.
  • completely understand the processes and architecture of Next.
  • create SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Isomorphic Friendly Applications.
  • establish yourself in the field of the exciting Next and React web development environment.

The course includes:

  • Resource Application
  • Portfolio Application
  • Movie Application (Legacy code)
  • Portfolio Application (Legacy code)

First, the course will integrate the base layout of the application. It will break the layout into small pieces and will create lots of reusable components such as a navbar, portfolio card, and many others.

It will explain how server-side rendering works, how to use different data fetching techniques and the differences and benefits of fetching on the server versus the client.

The first big feature that you will be working on will be authentication. The Auth0 provider will handle authentication. You will learn how to restrict access to pages and manage the authentication state through your application, resulting in UI changes to the application layout.

Next, you will work on portfolio features. The course will implement functionality to create a portfolio and explain to you how to manage forms easily. Then, it will take a look at the update functionality, where it will show you how to populate inputs with existing data.

At the end of the section, you will work on the delete functionality. All of the features will be reactive and updating view in real-time, and You will learn how to create fast static pages with new Next.js functions.

The blog feature will be the biggest one. Users will be able to create blogs using a slate editor that offers different formatting options. Each blog will be saved initially as a draft blog, and it will be the user's responsibility to publish it.

For this purpose, you will create a dashboard page displaying all user blogs to publish or make a draft from the blog. All Published blogs will be highlighted on the blogs page and created as static pages assuring better performance. You will create delete and update functionality as well.

Next, you will work on SEO(search engine optimization) improvements. The course will explain to you the basics of SEO and how to get it working with Next.js.

Finally, you will be covering deployment. The Express API server will be deployed to Heroku. Next.js portfolio application will be deployed to the serverless Vercel platform, making the application super fast on the internet.

You can take Complete Next.js with React & Node - Beautiful Portfolio App Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 44 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

4. Learning Next.js

Learn NextJS for beginners! This course on Eduonix covers the essentials of Next.js, a popular framework for server-rendered React applications. It will provide students with a comprehensive foundation for mastering Next.js.

In this Nextjs course, you will learn:

  • Refreshing your knowledge about React.JS
  • Understanding the importance of Next.JS and the benefits of using it
  • Looking into troubleshooting with Next.JS
  • Building out a simple application
  • Learning about the different styling options in Next.JS
  • Creating an API along the way with Node.JS

Ideal for programmers with some knowledge of React, it delves into setting up Next.js, hot code reloading, automatic routing, server rendering, and more. You'll learn to build static and server-side rendered applications, troubleshoot issues, and create APIs with Node.js.

You can take the Learning Next.js Certificate Course on Eduonix.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 3.26 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

5. React Next.js Node API AWS - Build Scaling MERN Stack App

Best NextJS Tutorial

Learn to build a highly scalable MERN Stack app with AWS for Storage (S3) Email (SES) Hosting (EC2) IAM and more.

In this Nextjs tutorial, you will learn:

  • React JS (Frontend) web development.
  • use Next Js - a react framework for production apps.
  • Node JS API (Backend) Development.
  • build a highly scalable app.
  • use AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) for file uploads.
  • use AWS SES (Simple Email Service) for sending emails.
  • use AWS EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) for hosting your app in the cloud.
  • use AWS Route 53 for Domain/DNS Management.
  • use AWS IAM (Identity & Access Management).
  • write custom rules/policies for accessing AWS services.
  • use Mongo Atlas as a managed database in the cloud.
  • build SEO React apps with Next Js.
  • build real-world Full Stack / MERN Stack Apps from Scratch.
  • implement Secure JWT Based Authentication System.
  • perform CRUD (create read update delete).
  • resize Image Client Side.
  • implement Rich Text Editor.
  • implement Infinite Scrolling.
  • implement the View Count and Mass Email feature.
  • build multi-user platform.
  • build a robust web app for new startups.
  • user login/registration/activation/forgot/reset password.
  • write clean code with easy-to-maintain app architecture.
  • build an application that can grow infinitely in the future.

This Nextjs course will demonstrate how you could launch a project that will have a solid architecture to grow in the future to be used by potentially millions of users. Here, you will be using React and NextJS (React Framework) on the client side.

You will learn how to build an API/server using Node Express MongoDB and use AWS services such as S3 for file storage, SES for sending emails, EC2 for cloud hosting IAM for Identity and access management Route 53 for domain management along with custom rules/policy.

You will also learn how to use Mongo Atlas as a Managed Database Service in the cloud. In this course, you will build a startup project inspired by a successful real-world app (discussed more in the lectures) where multiple users can log in and post/manage the content they submit.

While building a similar project, we will add a few improvements to make it infinitely scalable and easier to maintain. Finally, you will aim for a low cost of operation and implement some functionalities to make it much easier, fun, and more engaging for users to use.

You can take the React Next.js Node API AWS - Build Scaling MERN Stack App Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 3.0 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 25 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

6. Master Next.js 14 - Full-Stack Complete Guide

Whether you're aiming for a steady job or dreaming about creating your own apps, you're starting from square one. No worries about not knowing JavaScript or React; this Next.js course will point you to some cool resources to get up to speed.

In this Nextjs tutorial, you will learn:

  • Next 14 from the Ground Up!
  • Building Full-Stack Projects
  • Deploying Projects Live!
  • Building Websites with Next
  • Building Web Applications with Next

You'll dive into the Next.js framework and cover UI design, data management, user authentication, and styling with Tailwind CSS. Plus, we'll deploy your projects online for the world to see.

You'll be the kind of do-it-all developer everyone wants to hire. This course will provide you with the skills that usually take over a year to learn, and you'll know how to bring an idea to life, from start to finish. This Best NextJS training will make sure you'll love Next.js and enjoy building apps with this framework.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 24.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

7. Next.js With Tailwind CSS-Build a Frontend Ecommerce Project

In this Next.js course, you will dive into learning Next.js and Tailwind CSS by building a complete front-end e-commerce project. This comprehensive course covers everything from organizing a Next.js project to integrating Tailwind CSS, ensuring you understand how to create a responsive and fully functional e-commerce application.

In this Nextjs tutorial, you will learn:

  • Next JS to Build a Complete Frontend Project.
  • Next JS With Tailwind CSS.
  • How to Design a Frontend App Using Tailwind CSS.
  • A Complete Fronted E-commerce Project.
  • How to Build a Responsive Frontend E-commerce Project with Tailwind CSS.

You will start by exploring the fundamentals of Next.js, learning how to structure your project efficiently and work with its various features, such as passing data using props and sharing data between components. This foundation will set the stage for more advanced concepts and practices.

Next, you will learn how to use Tailwind CSS to design a complete, responsive e-commerce app. Tailwind CSS is a powerful utility-first CSS framework that allows for quick and efficient styling. Throughout the course, you will see real-world applications of Tailwind CSS, including how to create and style components, add responsive design elements, and tackle common design challenges.

Additionally, the course covers the integration of different external npm packages with Next.js, enhancing the functionality and performance of your application. You will also learn how to add features like a carousel slider and ensure it is responsive across all devices using Tailwind CSS.

By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of both Next.js and Tailwind CSS, enabling you to build and deploy sophisticated front-end projects from start to finish. You will gain practical experience by working on a real-world project, equipping you with the skills needed to tackle similar challenges in your future development endeavors.

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 25 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

8. Next.js Web Dev: Master this Powerful React Framework

Welcome to this NextJS web development course, where you'll journey into the world of Next.js and React to become a proficient developer. In this Next.js course, we'll cover a range of essential topics to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to create top-tier web applications.

In this Nextjs tutorial, you will learn:

  • Understand Next JS fundamentals, including its core features and advantages.
  • Successfully set up and install Next JS for web development projects.
  • Create dynamic and interactive web applications using advanced routing techniques.
  • Implement various routing strategies, including nested routing, for user-friendly navigation.
  • Proficiently integrate APIs on both the client and server sides.
  • Fetch and display data from external sources seamlessly.
  • Differentiate between client and server components for effective data handling.
  • Optimize web applications for improved performance.

The course starts with an introduction to Next.js, highlighting its key features and advantages. We'll set clear expectations for what you'll learn in the course and prepare you for the hands-on experience ahead. Dive into practical aspects, including setup and installation, Next.js basics, and mastering React Hooks like useState, useEffect, and useMemo.

Routing in Next.js is a vital skill, and we'll cover it extensively. Explore creating dynamic and user-friendly navigation systems, from basic routing to nested routing. Additionally, we'll understand layout design, the differences between common and conditional layouts, and how to effectively implement middleware.

The course places a strong emphasis on API integration, encompassing both client-side and server-side APIs. Gain hands-on experience working with data from external sources and grasp the nuances of client and server components. We'll also delve into optimization, covering image optimization, SEO best practices, and fundamental styling techniques to enhance user experiences.

By the course's end, you'll emerge as a Next.js expert, capable of building efficient, optimized, and feature-rich web applications. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this NextJS web development course will empower you to create web applications that excel in the digital landscape.

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion


How long does it take to learn NextJS for beginners?

Learning NextJS can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on your background and the time you dedicate to studying. If you already know React, you might pick it up faster. For complete beginners, it may take longer as you need to understand JavaScript and React first.

Can I learn NextJS without prior knowledge of React?

It's possible, but not recommended. NextJS builds on React, so having a basic understanding of React will make learning NextJS much easier. You might want to start with a React course before diving into NextJS.

Are there any certifications available for NextJS courses?

Yes, many online platforms offer certifications upon completing their NextJS courses. These certifications can be a valuable addition to your resume and demonstrate your skills to potential employers.

What are the career opportunities after learning NextJS?

Learning NextJS can lead to various job opportunities, including roles like front-end developer, full-stack developer, and web developer. Many companies use NextJS for its performance benefits, so having expertise in this framework can make you a desirable candidate in the job market.

What are some common challenges beginners face when learning NextJS?

Beginners might struggle with understanding server-side rendering, managing data fetching methods, and integrating APIs. Additionally, grasping the differences between client-side and server-side operations can be challenging. However, with practice and good resources, these challenges can be overcome.

Hey! If you have made it this far then certainly you are willing to learn more and here at Coursesity, it is our duty to enlighten people with knowledge on topics they are willing to learn. Here are some more topics that we think will be interesting for you!