8 Best Microservices Architecture Courses & Certifications Online

8 Best Microservices Architecture Courses & Certifications Online

Microservices architecture is one of the most talked about concepts in IT today because it has revolutionized how we build applications. More and more companies have started adopting this architecture. However, the idea of Microservices Architecture is not relatively new. It is based on the Monolith Architecture concept that has existed for decades.

Microservices Architecture is a sort of architecture that divides your application into more minor services. These services will be independently deployable and can be replaced if necessary. Microservices Architecture is all about scalability. The more minor, independent services are easier to scale.

List of the Best Microservices Architecture Courses, Tutorials, & Certifications

  1. Microservices Architecture - The Complete Guide
  2. Application Development using Microservices and Serverless
  3. Building Event-Driven and Microservices Architecture in Azure
  4. Microservices: Clean Architecture, DDD, SAGA, Outbox & Kafka
  5. Microservices: Design Patterns
  6. Design Microservices Architecture with Patterns & Principles
  7. Microservices Foundations
  8. Building Microservices REST APIs Using Spring Data REST

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Learn Microservices with these Best Microservices Architecture Courses & Certifications

1. Microservices Architecture - The Complete Guide

Microservices have become the de-facto standard for software architecture. Several companies have migrated to Microservices, such as Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, Uber, and others. Therefore, this comprehensive course will cover all aspects of Microservices.

In this Microservices course, you will learn the following:

  • What is Microservices Architecture and when to use it?
  • Predecessors of Microservices and the problems with them.
  • The 9 attributes of Microservices.
  • Architecture Process of Microservices.
  • How to design a robust and reliable Microservice.
  • Techniques for deploying and testing Microservices.
  • Service Mesh
  • When not to use Microservices.
  • The 3 strategies for breaking Monolith to Microservices.

The course will introduce students to the microservices fundamentals: why you should use them and what problems they can solve. - and move on to more advanced concepts, such as Service Mesh and Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. Additionally, it will train you to become an expert in Microservices, allowing you to design advanced, robust Microservices applications.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (7,061 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 5h 24m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion
Microservices Architecture - The Complete Guide
Become an expert in the most popular Software Architecture style in the world!

2. Application Development using Microservices and Serverless

The course will begin by exploring how serverless is beneficial to developers. In addition, you will learn when to use serverless programming and serverless models. Moreover, it will model the most relevant use cases and design patterns. Furthermore, you'll learn how serverless can assist with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) and microservices integration.

In this Microservices course, you will:

  • Outline the Microservices fundamentals, advantages, and contrast with monolithic architectures.
  • Create, deploy, and invoke microservices using OpenShift and Istio.
  • Create and deploy a serverless web app.
  • Describe Function as Service capabilities and benefits.

Students will practice deploying microservices with OpenShift and Istio and learning serverless programming concepts via hands-on labs. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to build a multi-tier web application that utilizes IBM Cloud Functions, OpenShift, Istio, and other technologies.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 10h
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion
Application Development using Microservices and Serverless
Offered by IBM Skills Network. Are you a developer ready to explore serverless application development? This intermediate-level course is ... Enroll for free.

3. Building Event-Driven and Microservices Architecture in Azure

This course will teach you how to build complex applications in the Azure Cloud using event-driven architecture. You will learn how to design, manage and monitor infrastructure. Additionally, you will learn how to select and combine resources such as virtual machines, databases, and application servers.

In this Microservices course, you will:

  • Learn the basics of Event-Driven Architecture.
  • Learn how to select the best Azure resources for any situation.
  • Get your hands dirty building and creating Event-Driven Architecture.
  • Learn to build and set up a CI/CD process for your solution.

The course will prepare you for designing and implementing enterprise-ready solutions using Azure Cloud. Students must have basic knowledge of Azure or another cloud provider for this course.

  • Duration: 5h
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion
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4. Microservices: Clean Architecture, DDD, SAGA, Outbox & Kafka

In this course, you will learn about the architectural aspects of microservice architecture and how to develop each service using Clean Architecture principles. Additionally, you will apply Domain Driven Design principles to implement the domain layer.

In this Microservices course, you will:

  • Develop Microservices Architecture using Spring Boot and Kafka.
  • Understand and Apply Clean Architecture.
  • Understand and Apply Hexagonal Architecture.
  • Understand and Apply Domain Driven Design (DDD).
  • Implement SAGA Architecture Pattern.
  • Implement Outbox Architecture Pattern.
  • Implement CQRS Architecture Pattern.
  • Learn Kafka Architecture and Programming on Kafka.
  • Learn using Kafka as the Event Store for Event-Driven Services.
  • Learn Kubernetes basics & Run a local cluster using Docker desktop.
  • Deploy microservices to the local Kubernetes Cluster.
  • Run Confluent Kafka on Kubernetes using cp-helm-charts.
  • Run Postgres on Kubernetes.
  • Learn Google Cloud and Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
  • Deploy microservices to Google Kubernetes Engine.

As part of your Spring boot Java microservice development, you will create 5 SAGA, Outbox, and CQRS patterns using Clean and Hexagonal architecture principles. Furthermore, you will learn how to implement architectural patterns using Apache Kafka as the event store and how to communicate between services using events.

This course will help you learn microservices architecture while applying Clean and Hexagonal Architectures and using Domain Driven Design. In this course, you can always use the latest versions for Spring Boot and other dependencies.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (625 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 17h 50m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion
Microservices: Clean Architecture, DDD, SAGA, Outbox & Kafka
Learn Spring boot microservices with Clean & Hexagonal architectures, DDD, SAGA, Outbox, CQRS, Kafka, Kubernetes & GKE

5. Microservices: Design Patterns

Design patterns reduce the need for developers to solve problems that others have already encountered and resolved in their industry. This course will introduce you to over 15 different design patterns you can use when building and operating microservices and the problems they can help you resolve.

This Microservices Architecture course includes:

  • Decomposition Patterns
  • Integration Patterns
  • Data Patterns
  • Operational Patterns

As part of this course, we will examine decomposition patterns, integration patterns, data patterns, and operational patterns, tying each to one or more problems it is intended to solve. Additionally, you'll learn about API gateways that protect underlying services from chaos by providing a buffer between client requests and the underlying services and sidecars that can offload some processing to another module.

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (56,340 total enrollments)
  • Duration: 1h 24m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion
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6. Design Microservices Architecture with Patterns & Principles

This course delivers knowledge of Design Patterns, Principles, and Best Practices in Microservices Architecture. As one of the first steps in learning about software architecture, we will design a monolithic architecture for an e-commerce website that receives little traffic. Additionally, we will use the correct architectural Design Patterns and techniques to achieve our goals.

In this Microservices course, you will learn the following:

  • Software Architecture Design
  • Microservices Decomposition Strategies
  • Microservices Distributed Caching.
  • Microservices Deployments with Containers and Orchestrators.
  • Design Microservices Architecture using Design Patterns, Principles, and Best Practices.
  • Evolves architecture from monolithic to event-driven microservices architectures.
  • Refactoring System Design for handling millions of requests.
  • Prepare for Software Architecture Interviews.
  • Prepare for System Design Architecture Interviews.
  • And More!

Through step-by-step evolution from monolithic architecture to event-driven microservices, students will learn the design process of software architecture. After completing this course, you will learn how to design a microservices distributed architecture that provides high availability, high scalability, and low latency for millions of requests.

  • Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0 (1,656 ratings total)
  • Duration: 10h
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion
Design Microservices Architecture with Patterns & Principles
Handle millions of request with designing high scalable and high available systems on microservices architecture.

7. Microservices Foundations

Software architectures based on microservices have become a major trend in today's market and understanding what these architectures are and what they aren't is crucial to evaluating them. This course will provide you with information about the basic concepts of microservices to help you and your team decide if microservices are the right architectural model for your team.

This Microservices Architecture course includes:

  • About Microservices
  • Microservices Core Concepts
  • Microservices Advanced Concepts
  • Making Architecture Choices

In the course, we briefly examine how microservices fit within the history of software architecture and discuss some other noteworthy patterns from recent years. After that, you will learn about bounded contexts and API layers, key concepts of microservices. Furthermore, it discusses some of the more advanced aspects of the architecture and how important it is to adopt DevOps culture when migrating to microservices.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (249,965 total enrollments)
  • Duration: 1h 45m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion
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8. Building Microservices REST APIs Using Spring Data REST

As a RESTful microservice, Spring Data REST enables application developers to quickly port an existing Spring Data Repository to the web. The course teaches you how to master the microservices architecture using Spring Data REST.

This course includes:

  • Mastering Microservices Architecture
  • Exposing Microservices REST APIs
  • Implementing Paging & Sorting
  • Implementing Custom Search APIs
  • Leveraging Complex Relationships
  • Testing Microservices REST APIs
  • Documenting Microservices REST APIs

First, you will learn about microservices architecture. Following that, you will learn how to implement Spring Data REST in your existing project and leverage advanced techniques such as pagination and sorting to model complex entity relationships.

Last but not least, you'll learn how to create custom search APIs and write effective integration tests to make sure small changes don't result in unexpected behavior. Upon completing this course, you'll be able to create, document, and share REST APIs with your clients as you master the microservices architecture using Spring Data REST.

  • Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 1h 21m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion
Building Microservices REST APIs Using Spring Data REST
Once you complete this course on microservices architecture you will be an expert. Spring Data REST will help you create and share REST API’s with clients.

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