24 Best ChatGPT Alternatives With Pros & Cons

24 Best ChatGPT Alternatives With Pros & Cons
ChatGPT Alternatives

Nowadays, AI platforms have increasingly become the in-thing in the significantly changing digital era thanks to new algorithms reforming the way we relate to technology. Among these, ChatGPT has emerged as a familiar name because of its capability that no other bot and human-like text generators have achieved. Nevertheless, in the matter of technology, there is always scope for more - and that's where our search for ChatGPT alternatives begins.

Understanding the Need for ChatGPT Alternatives

Before discussing the different ChatGPT alternatives, there is one question we must ask ourselves. Why one may want to explore other AI platforms like ChatGPT? Well, it's no rocket science. As a user, we seek features related to our project and we want to customize them as we need. For example, it could be help with advanced coding, working with different languages, or perhaps an interface that aligns better with our workflow. On the other hand, some users focus more on privacy and cost alongside customization. Therefore, having a perfect AI tool is something based on your requirements.

Therefore, based on those requirements, we have compiled this list of 24 ChatGPT alternatives that will help you with whatever project you are working on or planning to pursue. But before talking about those ChatGPT alternatives, first, let's talk about the Pros and Cons of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT Pros & Cons

Before we go into the alternatives, it is very crucial to have a clear picture of ChatGPT’s strengths and weaknesses. Indeed, it features impressive natural language processing, but some of them, in our opinion, might hear less cohesive or relevant replies than in a real-life conversation.


  • Versatile in handling a wide range of queries.
  • High-quality, coherent, and contextually relevant responses.
  • Continually updated knowledge base and models.


  • Sometimes, it generates incorrect or biased information.
  • Limited customization options for specific user needs.
  • It can be resource-intensive, requiring strong hardware or internet connection for optimal use.

24 Best ChatGPT Alternatives List

  1. Google Gemini (Formerly Bard)
  2. Semrush ContentShake AI
  3. Microsoft Copilot
  4. Claude 3
  5. GitHub Copilot
  6. Perplexity
  7. Grok
  8. OpenAI Playground
  9. WriteSonic
  10. Longshot AI
  11. Character.AI
  12. AnonChatGPT
  13. Poe
  14. Copy.ai
  15. ConversaAI
  16. Amazon CodeWhisperer
  17. ELSA Speak
  18. Botsonic [WriteSonic]
  19. Elicit
  20. Replika
  21. Pi
  22. HuggingChat
  23. Chatsonic - AI Chatbot [WriteSonic]
  24. Jasper

1. Google Gemini (Formerly Bard)

Google Gemini

Known for its robust features and user-friendly interface, Google Gemini offers a compelling alternative to ChatGPT. However, its pricing structure might be a deterrent for some users.

Features: Integrates with Google's search services to provide factual and up-to-date responses. For example:

  • General conversational abilities
  • Coding assistance
  • Math solutions
  • Research/analysis

Cost: Free (integrated into Google Search)


  • Direct integration with Google services.
  • Access to a wide range of information.


  • Limited availability during its preview phase.
  • Dependence on Google's ecosystem might not suit all users.

2. Semrush ContentShake AI

Semrush ContentShake AI

With its advanced content generation capabilities, Semrush ContentShake AI excels at producing high-quality text. However, its integration options are somewhat limited.

Features: Long-form content generation, SEO optimization, ideation tools.


  • Integrated with Semrush's SEO tools for optimized content creation.
  • A User-friendly interface simplifies content generation.


  • Costly for individuals or small businesses not already using Semrush.
  • May require SEO knowledge to fully leverage all features.

Cost: Included in Semrush's Guru Plan ($199.95/mo).

3. Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot

Leveraging the power of GitHub Copilot, Microsoft Copilot delivers exceptional code generation capabilities. Yet, it may not be suitable for general conversational AI tasks.

Features: Code understanding, editing assistance, documentation generation.


  • Seamless integration with Microsoft products.
  • A diverse set of productivity tools.


  • Requires a Microsoft 365 subscription.
  • May have a learning curve for full utilization.

Cost: Included with certain Microsoft 365 subscriptions; specific pricing for Copilot features may vary.

4. Claude 3

Claude 3

Claude 3 stands out for its simplicity and ease of use, making it ideal for beginners. However, its feature set may be too basic for advanced users.

Features: Engages in thoughtful discussions, creative writing, analysis, and coding.


  • Emphasizes safety and alignment with user intentions.
  • Capable of handling a wide range of conversational topics.


  • Limited availability and access to information.
  • Pricing and the full feature set require direct inquiry.

Cost: Paid access and API, currently in a testing phase.

5. GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot

GitHub Copilot's ability to generate code snippets based on natural language commands is unparalleled. However, its reliance on code examples may lead to plagiarism concerns.

Features: Code completion suggestions, documentation generation, and code explanations across many programming languages.


  • Can significantly speed up coding.
  • Supports a wide range of programming languages.


  • Costs can add up for larger teams.
  • May not always provide contextually perfect code.

Cost: Available as part of GitHub’s paid plans with pricing starting at $10/month per user or $100/year.

6. Perplexity


Perplexity boasts state-of-the-art language models that excel at generating coherent and contextually relevant responses. However, its computational requirements may be prohibitive for some users.

Features: Writing assistance, content generation, grammar/style checking, customization.


  • Provides sources for its answers.
  • Can handle complex queries.


  • Still in development, with occasional inaccuracies.
  • Limited personalization options.

Cost: Free to use in its basic form; Premium plan starts at $20/month and $200 per year for Pro membership.

7. Grok

Grok offers a unique approach to conversational AI, focusing on semantic understanding and context preservation. However, its learning curve may be steep for novice users.

Features: Question answering, topic explanations, research assistance.


  • Simplifies meeting scheduling and calendar management.
  • Integrates with popular calendar services.


  • Advanced features are locked behind the Pro version.
  • May overlap with existing calendar tools for some users.

Cost: Access is available through partner integrations. You need to sign in with X to join xAI's early access program. Participation in the early access program is currently limited to X Premium+ subscribers.

8. OpenAI Playground

OpenAI Playground

As an open-source alternative to ChatGPT, OpenAI Playground empowers developers to customize and fine-tune their language models. However, its documentation and support resources may be lacking.

Features: Conversational abilities, text generation, coding assistance. Users can test different prompts and settings with models like GPT-3.


  • Great for experimentation and learning.
  • Direct access to cutting-edge AI models.


  • Costs can be high with extensive use.
  • Requires technical knowledge to use effectively.

Cost: Free for limited access, paid for premium features.

9. WriteSonic


With its intuitive interface and diverse feature set, WriteSonic is a popular choice among content creators. However, its pricing plans may not be suitable for budget-conscious users.


  • Real-Time Google Search Integration
  • Agent Mode: Automated In-Depth Research With Extensive Citations.
  • Chat With Your PDF And Docs
  • Chat With Your
  • Images
  • Summarize Webpages
  • Repurpose Audio Files
  • Generate Human-Like Voiceovers
  • Write In Your Brand Voice
  • AI Image Generation
  • In-Built Fact Check
  • In-Built Plagiarism Check


  • Diverse content creation capabilities.
  • User-friendly interface.


  • Quality can vary and may require editing.
  • Higher costs for premium features.

Cost: Plans start at $12.67/month.

10. LongShot AI

LongShot AI

With its intuitive interface and diverse feature set, WriteSonic is a popular choice among content creators. However, its pricing plans may not be suitable for budget-conscious users.

Features: Wide range of content formats, writing ideation, and expansion.


  • A comprehensive tool for content creation and optimization.
  • The fact-checking feature enhances content credibility.


  • Higher-tier plans can be expensive for freelancers and small businesses.
  • The learning curve to utilize all features effectively.

Cost: Plans start at $16/month.

11. Character.AI


Character.AI specializes in generating engaging and compelling character dialogue for various applications. However, its customization options may be limited compared to other platforms.

Features: Open-ended chatbots, role-playing, creative writing.


  • Highly customizable interactions.
  • Creative and entertaining.


  • May not have practical applications for all users.
  • Interaction quality varies by character and user input.

Cost: Free, with premium tiers available.

12. AnonChatGPT


AnonChatGPT offers a secure and anonymous platform for conversational AI tasks. However, its user base and community support may be smaller than other alternatives.


  • Anonymous conversations with AI, ensuring privacy.
  • Similar conversational abilities to ChatGPT, covering a wide range of topics.


  • Ensures user anonymity and privacy.
  • Broad conversational capabilities.


  • Limited information on long-term sustainability or potential costs.
  • May lack the integrations and extensive features of more established platforms.

Cost: Free

13. Poe

Poe AI is a conversational AI tool made by Poe Labs. It is built to offer a human-like chat experience by applying NLP and ML technologies. The system is designed to enrich user communication with applications, websites, and virtual assistants by offering smart and sensible answers.


  • Platforms like Poe often offer access to various AI models, allowing users to experiment with different types of AI, from text-based models like ChatGPT to more specialized ones.
  • A user-friendly interface that lets users easily switch between AI models and interact with them through text or voice input.
  • Some platforms include community features, enabling users to share their AI interactions or discover templates and prompts created by others.


  • Access to multiple AI models in one place offers a broad range of AI interactions, from casual conversation to generating specific content.
  • Such platforms can be excellent resources for learning more about AI capabilities and limitations through direct experimentation.
  • Users can explore creative uses of AI, such as writing assistance, brainstorming, or even creating art and music.


  • The wide range of features and models might overwhelm new users unfamiliar with AI technology.
  • The output quality can vary significantly between different AI models, and some may not be reliable for specific tasks.
  • Depending on the platform, there might be concerns about how user data is handled and whether interactions are stored or used for training purposes.

Cost: Free, with premium features in development.

14. Copy.ai


Copy.ai is a tool designed to automate content creation, from marketing copy to blog posts, using AI to streamline the writing process.


  • Automated content creation across various formats.
  • Easy-to-use interface with guided prompts.
  • Tools for brainstorming and improving content.


  • Significantly speeds up content creation.
  • Helps overcome writer's block with creative suggestions.


  • Content may require editing for brand voice consistency.
  • Can generate generic responses without fine-tuning.

15. ConversAI


ConversAI's comprehensive feature set includes sentiment analysis, entity recognition, and topic modeling. However, its integration options may be limited compared to other platforms.

  • Features: General conversational abilities, and personality customization.
  • Cost: Early access pricing is not available.
  • Pros: Emphasis on relationship-building, and persona training.
  • Cons: Still in early development stages.

16. Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon's AI-driven code suggestion tool aims to improve developer productivity by providing recommendations for code as you type.


  • Real-time code suggestions.
  • Integration with popular IDEs.
  • Supports multiple programming languages.


  • Enhances coding efficiency.
  • Reduces time spent on debugging.


  • Limited to supported languages and IDEs.
  • May not always provide contextually perfect code snippets.

17. ELSA Speak

ELSA Speak

ELSA Speak uses advanced speech recognition technology to help improve English pronunciation and language learning.


  • Personalized pronunciation lessons.
  • Real-time feedback on pronunciation errors.
  • English learning tailored to your proficiency level.


  • Highly effective for non-native English speakers.
  • Flexible learning path customized to individual needs.


  • Focused solely on English, not suitable for learning other languages.
  • Requires consistent practice to see significant improvement.

18. Botsonic [WriteSonic]


Botsonic is designed for creating voice-enabled applications, emphasizing natural language understanding and speech synthesis.


  • Easy-to-use interface for developing voice bots.
  • Integration with various platforms and APIs.
  • Supports multiple languages and dialects.


  • Simplifies the development of voice-activated apps.
  • Broad language support enhances accessibility.


  • May require technical know-how to fully leverage.
  • Integration complexity varies by platform.

19. Elicit


Elicit is a research assistant AI, designed to help users gather, synthesize, and analyze academic papers and data.


  • Advanced search across multiple databases.
  • Summarization of research papers.
  • Bibliography and citation generation.


  • Streamlines the research process.
  • Facilitates easier understanding of complex topics.


  • Primarily academic focus limits general utility.
  • Requires understanding of research methodologies to use effectively.

20. Replika


Replika offers a unique spin by providing an AI companion that learns and grows from conversations with you, aiming to offer emotional support and companionship.


  • Personalized conversation based on user interactions.
  • Emotional intelligence to provide support.
  • Various interaction modes (text, voice).


  • Offers emotional support and companionship.
  • Helps with loneliness and mental health.


  • Interaction quality can vary.
  • May not replace human interaction for everyone.

21. Pi


Pi is an AI-driven tool designed to enhance personal productivity through task management, note-taking, and organizing ideas.


  • AI-powered task management and note-taking.
  • Integration with existing productivity tools.
  • Customizable organization systems.


  • Streamlines personal and professional organization.
  • Reduces time spent on task management.


  • Learning curve to fully utilize AI features.
  • Dependence on integrations for full functionality.

22. HuggingChat


Built on top of Hugging Face's transformer models, HuggingChat allows users to create and interact with custom AI chatbots.

  • Features:
  • Easy creation of custom chatbots.
  • Access to advanced AI models.
  • Customizable based on user input and feedback.


  • Flexibility in creating personalized AI interactions.
  • High-quality, conversational AI experiences.


  • Requires some technical knowledge to set up and customize.
  • Potentially high resource usage depending on the model.

23. Chatsonic - AI Chatbot [WriteSonic]

Chatsonic AI Chatbot

Chatsonic combines conversational AI with real-time information from the web, offering users up-to-date responses on a wide range of topics.


  • Real-time information fetching for up-to-date responses.
  • Voice and text interaction capabilities.
  • Integration with various platforms for seamless use.


  • Provides information that is current and relevant.
  • Versatile interaction options enhance usability.


  • Dependence on external information sources may affect response accuracy.
  • May require fine-tuning to filter and prioritize information sources.

24. Jasper

Jasper AI

Jasper is a content creation AI designed to help users produce high-quality content, from blog posts to social media content, with efficiency and creativity.


  • Advanced content creation and editing tools.
  • Supports multiple languages and content types.
  • Integrated plagiarism checker.


  • Enhances content quality and creativity.
  • Saves time on content production.


  • Subscription can be costly for some users.
  • Requires user guidance to align content with specific brand tones.


While ChatGPT has been revolutionary, we're just scratching the surface of what advanced AI language models can do. The alternatives highlighted here represent just a small sample of the many chatbots being developed by tech giants, startups, researchers, and more.

In the years ahead, we'll likely see continued rapid progress in areas like:

  • More specialized and capable AI models tailored for different domains
  • Tighter integrations of AI into everyday software and services
  • Improved safeguards for reliability, security, and ethical AI development
  • New human-AI collaboration paradigms that amplify our abilities

The future of AI is wide open, and chatbots like ChatGPT are an exciting first step. By exploring and thoughtfully adopting these tools, we can expand the frontiers of what's possible with artificial intelligence.


What is more powerful than ChatGPT?

While ChatGPT offers impressive capabilities, alternatives such as Google Gemini and Microsoft Copilot offer unique features and advantages.

Who owns ChatGPT?

ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI, a leading artificial intelligence research laboratory.

Is ChatGPT owned by Elon Musk?

While Elon Musk was one of the co-founders of OpenAI, he is no longer directly involved in the company's operations.

Why is ChatGPT so powerful?

ChatGPT's power lies in its large-scale language models trained on vast amounts of text data, enabling it to generate contextually relevant responses.

How powerful is GPT-4?

GPT-4 is the latest iteration of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer series and boasts even larger and more powerful language models compared to its predecessors.

Is ChatGPT the most advanced AI?

While ChatGPT is a highly advanced AI-driven conversation platform, there are other alternatives with comparable or even superior capabilities in certain areas.