10 Best Psychic Courses: Top Online Programs to Develop Your Intuition

10 Best Psychic Courses: Top Online Programs to Develop Your Intuition

In a world where intuition meets the unexplained and the mystical, the journey of becoming a psychic explores the extraordinary. Psychic abilities have fascinated humanity for centuries, offering glimpses into the realm of the unknown, spiritual insights, and a deeper connection to the universe. Whether you've had a lifelong fascination with the mystical arts or you're just beginning to awaken your inner psychic, the path to unlocking these unique talents begins with proper guidance and training.

What are Psychic Courses?

Psychic courses are classes that teach you how to tap into and develop your psychic abilities. These abilities can include things like sensing energy, communicating with spirits, seeing visions, or knowing things without being told. The courses often involve exercises to strengthen your intuition, meditation practices to help you focus, and lessons on how to interpret the information you receive. Whether you’re new to these concepts or have some experience, psychic courses can help you improve your skills and connect more deeply with your inner senses and the spiritual world.

Choosing the Right Course for You

Choosing the right psychic course depends on what you want to learn and how you like to learn. Here are some tips to help you decide:

  1. Know Your Goals: Think about what you want to achieve. Are you interested in a specific skill like mediumship or energy healing, or do you want a general overview of psychic abilities?
  2. Check the Instructor: Look for courses taught by experienced and well-reviewed instructors who have a good reputation in the field.
  3. Read Reviews: Look at what other students have said about the course to see if it’s a good fit for you.
  4. Consider the Format: Decide if you prefer an online course that you can do at your own pace or an in-person class where you can interact directly with the teacher and other students.
  5. Look at the Content: Make sure the course covers the topics you’re interested in and includes practical exercises as well as theory.
  6. Budget and Accessibility: Check the cost of the course and see if it fits your budget. Also, see if there are any prerequisites or materials you need.

By thinking about these factors, you can find a course that matches your needs and helps you on your journey to developing your psychic abilities.

Keeping this in mind, here at Coursesity, we have curated some of the Best Psychic Development Courses with certification. We have covered everything in this guide from clairvoyance courses to mediumship, energy healing courses to intuition training programs. Join us as we dive into the extraordinary, where intuition becomes a powerful tool and psychic abilities are honed to provide guidance, healing, and understanding.

Top Psychic Courses List

  1. How to Be Psychic - Psychic Development for Beginners
  2. Remove Blocks to Psychic Power with Past Life Therapy
  3. The Definitive Guide To Psychic Development
  4. Definitive Spiritual Guide To Psychic Mediumship Development
  5. Psychic Mediumship Development: How To Activate Your 3rd Eye
  6. Psychic Mediumship, Mindfulness & Manifestation, Masterclass
  7. Psychic Readings Intermediate: Clairvoyance, Cards & Guides
  8. Explore Unknown Senses: Master Psychic Mediumship Clairs
  9. Connecting Within: A Journey Through Spiritual Meditation
  10. Angelic Psychic Mediumship: Learn to talk to your Angels x

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1. How to Be Psychic - Psychic Development for Beginners

The How to Be Psychic course is a captivating and enlightening journey into the world of psychic abilities and intuition. It is tailored for beginners who are curious about unlocking their psychic potential and exploring the realms of extrasensory perception. This is one of the best online psychic classes on becoming a psychic on Udemy.

In this Psychic course, you will learn the following:

  • Contact Your Spirit Guides for Advice and Learn To Contact Spirit Guides and Angels To Do Psychic Readings on Others.
  • How to Read Oracle Cards for General, Love, and Career.
  • The Most Powerful Tools to easily Boost your Psychic Readings.
  • Protect Yourself from being psychically attacked by negative people who drain you.
  • Discover the Best Angels, Gods, Goddess, and Ascended Masters to call in to help you overcome a challenge.
  • Heal your chakras so you have more energy and can think more clearly.
  • Recognize the hidden ulterior motives of others so you can make the decisions that are best for your future.
  • Clear any blockages to contact higher beings.
  • Attract more clients to your business.

Through engaging lessons, practical exercises, and real-world applications, students will gain insights into the world of psychic phenomena and develop their own psychic skills. Furthermore, you will learn how to tap into their innate psychic abilities, sharpen their intuition, and explore various psychic tools and techniques.

  • Course Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 5.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

2. Remove Blocks to Psychic Power with Past Life Therapy

Led by experienced instructors, the course covers a wide range of topics, including past life regression techniques, accessing past life memories, and harnessing these insights for psychic development. Participants will learn how to guide themselves and others through past life regression sessions, tapping into the wisdom and experiences of previous lifetimes.

In this Psychic course, you will learn the following:

  • Unlock Your Psychic Powers Using Past Life Regression.
  • Release Blockages from Past-Lifetimes that prevent you from earning income as a Healer or Psychic.
  • Discover your Unique Soul Journey as an Intuitive and a Healer and How You Can Reclaim these Ancient Gifts.
  • Use Past life therapy to Discover Who you were and Heal Old Trauma from Past Lifetimes.
  • Balance Your Karmic Debt.
  • Get a Sal Jade Certificate from the Psychic Healing Academy upon completion.

Through engaging lessons, guided meditations, and practical exercises, students will gain a deeper understanding of their psychic potential and how past life regression can enhance their intuitive abilities. Whether you're a seasoned psychic or someone embarking on a journey of self-discovery, this course provides valuable tools and insights to explore the depths of your psychic gifts.

  • Course Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

3. The Definitive Guide To Psychic Development

Led by experienced instructors, the course covers a wide range of topics related to psychic development, including intuitive insights, energy reading, and psychic protection. Participants will learn how to tap into their innate psychic gifts, sharpen their intuition, and access higher levels of consciousness.

In this Psychic course, you will learn the following:

  • Learn how to connect with others on a psychic level in a way that is meaningful and powerful.
  • Learn How To Understand Yourself Better & The Ability To Listen To The Inner Soul.
  • Learn How To Protect Yourself From Other People's Energies.
  • Personal Development Through Spiritual Intuitive Guidance Helping You To Make The Right Decisions.
  • Learn How To Heal Your Chakras So You Can Live A Happy Healthy Life.
  • Help Others Become More Aware Of Their Energetic Blockages and Spiritual Pathway.
  • Learn How To Teach Others The Main Structure and Attunement To Become A Psychic Medium.
  • Learn The Ability To Deliver A Private Reading With Purpose and as A Career.
  • Learn How To Bring More People To Your Spiritual Business.

Through engaging lessons, guided exercises, and real-world applications, students will gain valuable insights into the world of psychics and develop their own psychic skills. Dive into the world of psychic phenomena and unlock your intuitive gifts with this course.

  • Course Rating: 4.9 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 1.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

4. Definitive Spiritual Guide To Psychic Mediumship Development

The course is a comprehensive and illuminating program designed for individuals interested in exploring the realm of mediumship. It is ideal for those who wish to develop their mediumistic abilities and connect with the spiritual world.

In this Psychic course, you will learn the following:

  • Core foundations to understand and start your personal journey and the journey with spirit
  • Methods of connection with self and spirit will give you a different perspective and will allow you to deliver your true gift.
  • Overcome human ambition and deliver your spiritual connection x.
  • Build Your authentic connection and relationship with self and spirit.
  • Learn how to fulfill your spiritual purpose with clarity and direction.
  • Give messages of love and support from the spirit world.
  • Understand your own personal spiritual awakening.
  • Work with spirit to help others.

Led by experienced instructors, the course covers a wide range of topics related to mediumship, including communication with spirits, psychic senses, and conducting mediumistic readings. Participants will learn how to harness their intuitive and mediumistic gifts to connect with the spirit realm and offer guidance and messages to others.

  • Course Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

5. Psychic Mediumship Development: How To Activate Your 3rd Eye

This course is designed for individuals seeking to awaken their third eye and access higher states of consciousness. Led by experienced instructors, the course delves into the third eye's significance in various spiritual traditions, its connection to intuition and psychic abilities, and practical techniques for activation. Participants will learn how to open and align their third eye chakra to enhance their intuitive insights and spiritual awareness.

In this Psychic course, you will learn the following:

  • How to fully understand their third eye.
  • The five sign of their third eye is awakening.
  • How to cleanse their third eye.
  • How through meditation they can power up their third eye.
  • How to fully activate their third eye.
  • How to work with their third eye both psychically and mediumistically.
  • How to be more spiritual.
  • Spirituality Values
  • Psychic Mediumship Development.
  • An understanding of all the Clairs.
  • Spiritual Transformation

Through engaging lessons, guided meditations, and practical exercises, students will gain a deeper understanding of the third eye and how its activation can lead to heightened intuition and spiritual growth.

  • Course Rating: 4.8 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

6. Psychic Mediumship, Mindfulness & Manifestation, Masterclass

The course is a comprehensive and transformative program designed for individuals eager to explore the realms of psychic mediumship, mindfulness, and manifestation. Led by experienced instructors, the course covers a wide range of topics, including psychic development, mediumship communication, mindfulness practices, and manifestation techniques. (One of the Bestseller Online Psychic Classes!)

In this Psychic course, you will learn the following:

  • Truly Understand Your Spiritual Awakening.
  • Master All Aspects Of Your Spiritual Life.
  • Master The Art Of Manifestation and Bring Your Dreams To Life.
  • Recognize and understand The Need To Connect With Yourself.
  • Release Any Emotions That You Have Stored Away For Many Years.
  • Understand The Mechanics Of Meditation.
  • Take Away All The Myths Of Meditation.
  • Let Go Of All Your Self Doubt.
  • Master The Art Of Living A Life In The Moment.
  • Develop Ways To Overcome Fear and Anxiety.
  • Get A Deeper Understanding Of Psychic Mediumship.
  • Walk Through Connecting With Spirit.

Participants will learn how to tap into their intuitive abilities, connect with the spiritual realm, and harness the power of mindfulness and manifestation to create positive change. Through engaging lessons, guided meditations, and practical exercises, students will gain valuable insights into psychic mediumship and develop skills for enhancing their psychic gifts.

  • Course Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

7. Psychic Readings Intermediate: Clairvoyance, Cards & Guides

One of the best Clairvoyance courses to strengthen your Clairvoyance online. The course is a captivating and insightful program designed for individuals looking to deepen their psychic reading abilities. Led by experienced instructors, the course delves into advanced topics related to psychic readings, including energy reading, aura interpretation, and psychic tools and symbols.

In this Psychic course, you will learn the following:

  • Strengthen Your Clairvoyance and Other Psychic Gifts For More Advanced Psychic Development.
  • Work with Spirit guides and Angels beyond beginner level for psychic readings, channelling, and self-improvement.
  • Go Beyond beginner level to read Oracle Cards at a More Professional Level.
  • 2 Guided Meditations: Forge a Stronger Connection to Your Guides and Attract your Ideal Clients to Your Psychic Business.
  • Learn how to control your psychic abilities.
  • Improve, Awaken, and Strengthen Your Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Claircognience.
  • Mastering meditation and psychic development.
  • Create more Awareness around your psychic development and spiritual journey.
  • Building a Strong Connection with Your Oracle Cards for more accurate readings.

Through engaging lessons, practical exercises, and real-world applications, students will gain a deeper understanding of psychic readings and develop their own unique reading styles. Participants will learn how to perform more in-depth and insightful readings, harnessing their psychic gifts to provide guidance and clarity to others.

  • Course Rating: 4.9 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 8.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

8. Explore Unknown Senses: Master Psychic Mediumship Clairs

Unlock your Sixth Sense with one of the hottest and newest Psychic development courses on Udemy. Guided by a seasoned psychic expert, this course invites you on an enlightening journey to awaken and master the psychic senses lying dormant within you. Learn how to master the Art of Psychic Mediumship Clairs for a Deeper Connection to the Unseen World.

In this course, you will take a deep dive into psychic clairs, exploring the depths of Clairgustance, Clairsalience, Clairempathy, and Clairtangency. Each module is carefully crafted to expand your awareness and deepen your connection to the spiritual realm. The course features hands-on learning with practical exercises, meditative practices, and reflective journaling designed to ground your learning in personal experience and intuitive discovery.

In this Psychic class, you will learn the following:

  • Unlock Your Sixth Sense: Master the Art of Psychic Clairs for a Deeper Connection to the Unseen World.
  • Apply practical exercises and meditations designed to awaken and enhance each psychic sense, demonstrating an ability to receive and interpret sensory information.
  • Integrate psychic senses into daily life, utilizing them to deepen personal intuition, enrich spiritual practices, and foster a stronger connection with the sur
  • Employ ethical considerations and protective measures in psychic practices, ensuring responsible and respectful engagement with psychic abilities.
  • Reflect on and document personal psychic experiences and insights in a structured manner, facilitating continuous learning and development of psychic abilities.
  • Collaborate and communicate effectively within a community of learners, sharing experiences, offering support, and contributing to collective growth.

You will benefit from the wisdom and insights of an instructor with profound psychic knowledge and experience, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of psychic abilities training. Whether you're beginning or seeking to deepen your psychic abilities, this Psychic mediumship training will help you unlock your potential.

  • Course Rating: 4.9 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

9. Connecting Within: A Journey Through Spiritual Meditation

Unlock the Mysteries of the Spiritual Realm: Find Guidance, Purpose, and Connection with one of the finest Spiritual growth courses online.

This course is not just an educational experience; it’s an invitation to explore the profound layers of your spirit and the universe. Whether you seek to deepen your mindfulness, connect with spirit guides, experience chakra healing, or reconnect with loved ones beyond the veil, this course provides a path to profound self-discovery and enlightenment.

In this Psychic class, you will learn the following:

  • Gain the ability to stay present and mindful, enhancing awareness of your thoughts and emotions.
  • Learn to identify and communicate with your spirit guides to receive guidance and clarity.
  • Master techniques for balancing and healing your chakras to improve your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • Develop skills to connect and communicate with departed loved ones, deepening your spiritual connections.
  • Discover methods to access and engage with your higher self, fostering greater self-understanding and spiritual growth.
  • Learn how to integrate meditation and spiritual practices into daily life, enhancing your overall life quality and peace.

Each module is infused with heartfelt wisdom and practical knowledge, aiming to help you forge a powerful connection with your inner self and the spiritual dimensions that surround you. Whether you are beginning your spiritual path or looking to deepen your existing practice, this course will offer enriching insights and transformative experiences.

  • Course Rating: 4.9 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

10. Angelic Psychic Mediumship: Learn to talk to your Angels x

This Psychic mediumship training is your gateway to deepening your spiritual journey and connecting with the angelic realm. Learn how to receive healing and powerful guidance from your angels, enhancing your psychic and mediumship abilities.

In this Psychic class, you will learn the following:

  • Learn all aspects of working with and building relationships with Angels.
  • Meet your guardian Angel.
  • How to work with angels to heal.
  • Angelic Meditations
  • Understanding how different Angels can help you in different situations.
  • How to teach others the amazing gift of connecting with angels.

Gain a deep understanding of the Angelic Realm and learn to communicate with your angels to receive their guidance, healing, love, protection, and inspiration. Additionally, you will discover the incredible gifts that angels offer and enhance your psychic and mediumship spiritual development. This course helps you walk your true spiritual path with clarity and purpose.

  • Course Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 1 Hour
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion


How can psychic courses help enhance my intuitive abilities?

Psychic courses are designed to help you develop your natural intuitive abilities through structured exercises, meditation practices, and guided visualizations. By regularly practicing these techniques, you can learn to better sense and interpret the subtle energies around you. These courses often include practical tips on how to trust your intuition, recognize intuitive signals, and apply your skills in everyday life.

Do I need any prior experience to take a psychic course?

No, you don't need any prior experience to take a psychic course. Many courses are designed for beginners and start with the basics. They will guide you step-by-step through the fundamental concepts and practices. If you already have some experience, there are also more advanced courses available that can help you further develop your abilities.

Can I get certified as a psychic through these courses?

Yes, many psychic courses offer certifications upon completion. These certifications can vary in their recognition and credibility, so it's important to research the course and the instructor. Certification can provide you with a sense of achievement and may help you in establishing credibility if you choose to offer psychic services professionally.

How can I practice my psychic skills outside of the course?

You can practice your psychic skills outside of the course by incorporating daily exercises and meditation into your routine. Try keeping a journal to record your intuitive impressions and any psychic experiences you have. Practice reading for friends and family, or join online communities and forums where you can exchange readings and get feedback. The key is to stay consistent and open to learning from each experience.

What is the difference between Clairvoyance and Clairaudience?

Clairvoyance and clairaudience are two different types of psychic abilities. Clairvoyance means "clear seeing" and involves receiving intuitive information through visual images. This could be in the form of visions, symbols, or seeing energy fields. Clairaudience means "clear hearing" and involves receiving intuitive information through hearing. This can include hearing voices, sounds, or messages from the spiritual realm. Both abilities are ways of receiving information beyond the ordinary senses, but they use different sensory channels.

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