5 Best Proofreading Courses & Classes - Learn Proofreading Online

Highly curated Proofreading Courses for beginners. Start with the Proofreading Courses and learn Proofreading as a beginner.

5 Best Proofreading Courses & Classes - Learn Proofreading Online

The Best Proofreading Online Courses for beginners to learn Proofreading in 2024.

Proofreading is exceptionally attractive expertise that makes for an incredible side-hustle or second pay. As more individuals compose an assortment of substance over various ventures, openings flourish for experts with better than expected language aptitudes to bankroll their skill for words into a productive locally established business.

Presently like never before previously, the stage is set for acceptable authors, editors, editors, and instructors to hone their abilities and advance their administrations. The field of independent proofreading is all the way open with potential customers all over the place.

The proofreading stage is the last opportunity to get mistakes before associates, distributors, application advisory groups, and the overall population read your composition. Viable proofreading is tied in with cleaning your reports to intrigue perusers with perfect composition and plan.

However, proofreading doesn't get enough consideration as it's regularly hurried or evaded inside and out.

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Top Proofreading Courses, Classes and Certifications List

  1. How to Find & Correct Writing Errors: The Proofreading Guide

  2. Proofreading Power Basics

  3. The Complete Proofreading Course: Editing and Proofreading

  4. Proofread Like a Pro

  5. 6 Steps To Proofreading Jumpstart

1. How to Find & Correct Writing Errors: The Proofreading Guide

Identify and remove embarrassing mistakes from documents.

Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0 ( 773 Ratings total)

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • see and remove embarrassing typos and spelling errors
  • find errors in design and graphics
  • use lists and guides to ensure proofreading consistency
  • work comfortably with professional proofreading symbols

This course is for writers and editors of any genre who are looking to develop their proofreading skills and prevent embarrassing errors in written documents.

First, the course will explain how to develop the right mindset to catch errors. Then, it will show where most errors lurk. It examines the most common errors in words, punctuation, and design.

It also additionally provide unique techniques for making your proofreading work easier and more effective. You will learn tested tips for getting those annoying errors out of your documents and the documents of clients and colleagues.

You can take How to Find & Correct Writing Errors: The Proofreading Guide Certificate Course on Udemy.

2. Proofreading Power Basics

Learn to proofread from an experienced educator and subject matter expert.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 655 Ratings total)

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • understand the basics of proofreading
  • correct common proofreading errors
  • use exercises to practice proofreading skills
  • build proofreading confidence
  • break into freelance proofreading

This offers practical application with hands-on exercises and quizzes to master the fundamentals of proofreading. This is an introduction to proofreading fundamentals for people with keen grammar and writing skills who want an extra skill challenge, particularly teachers, practicing freelance writers, or editors who want to expand their services.

This online proofreading course answers the questions, "What is proofreading," and “How do I get started as a freelance proofreader?” From defining the job of a proofreader to setting up a freelance proofreading business, this proofreading course clearly outlines what it takes to become an effective proofreader.

You can take the Proofreading Power Basics Certificate Course on Udemy.

3. The Complete Proofreading Course: Editing and Proofreading

Learn all aspects of Proofreading, writing, editing, punctuation, and other communication strategies.

Course rating: 3.9 out of 5.0 ( 228 Ratings total)

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • develop the eye for finding mistakes.
  • understand the importance of styles and consistency.
  • increase your skill in finding errors resulting in no more ridiculous typos.

You can take The Complete Proofreading Course: Editing and Proofreading Certificate Course on Udemy.

4. Proofread Like a Pro

How to catch and mark up errors in any document.

Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 228 Ratings total)

In this course, you will learn:

  • how to proofread like a pro.
  • how to use professional proofreading symbols.
  • what to look for when proofreading.
  • strategies for catching more errors.
  • how to find proofreading work.
  • about spelling 'landmines' - and how to avoid them.
  • the most common errors of punctuation, grammar, and syntax.
  • how to ensure the correct use of capitalization, as well as bold and italic text.
  • what to look for when fact-checking an article.
  • how to ensure your document has a consistent style.
  • catching errors in headlines, graphs, charts, and tables.
  • proofreading academic text.
  • tips for proofreading video content.
  • earning an income as a proofreader.

The course includes:

  • Producing error-free documents every time.
  • Using professionally recognized proofreading symbols correctly
  • Knowing exactly what to look for when proofing any document
  • Learning strategies for catching more mistakes
  • Launching a freelance career as a professional proofreader

You will also get detailed instruction on how to use proofreading symbols correctly, to indicate the need to:

  • Insert and delete text
  • Insert and delete punctuation marks
  • Indicate typographical changes (bold, italic, etc)
  • Raise a question about the text
  • Alter the look of paragraphs
  • Indicate you've changed your mind about a mark-up

This course digs deep into the skills you need to be a successful proofreader. But what really sets this course apart is its practicality.

After almost every lecture, you’ll be presented with a proofreading exercise designed to test your understanding of the material – and hone your ability to catch typical errors.

You can take Proofread Like a Pro Certificate Course on Udemy.

5. 6 Steps To Proofreading Jumpstart

Use your eagle-eye for typos to create your dream job reading enjoyable novels from your favorite authors!

Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 ( 54 Ratings total)

In this course, you will :

  • go over exactly what proofreading is and isn't, why the indie-author publishing industry is the key to your success, how to set up your business, and what you'll need in order to be ready to take on clients by the end of the course.
  • how to proofread without being an Editor - You will learn the skills and tools required to proofread fiction.
  • how to accurately proofread between 10,000 - 15,000 words per hour (approximately 40 - 60 book pages per hour) and use the tools given to practice and perfect the technique. This step is important because your earning potential is dependent on how fast and accurate you can proofread.
  • go over how to price your proofreading service (it's not per hour), how much you should charge, and how much money you can realistically expect to make proofreading fiction (it's more than you think!).
  • about invoicing and delivering the finished proofread manuscript back to the author, and finally how to get paid.
  • how to find proofreading clients - Learn how and where to find authors who will pay you premium prices for your proofreading skills without needing a website or competing on popular freelance work bidding sites like Upwork (Fiverr) for proofreading jobs and clients.
  • go over how to present your proofreading service so authors will know how to reach you for proofreading jobs, what your service provides, your pricing, your turn-around time, and deposits and payments. a.k.a "Hanging Your Shingle."

You can take the 6 Steps To Proofreading Jumpstart Certificate Course on Udemy.

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