9 Best PostgreSQL Tutorials For Beginners in 2025

Get a solid understanding of PostgreSQL with the best PostgreSQL tutorials for beginners.

9 Best PostgreSQL Tutorials For Beginners in 2025

The Best PostgreSQL online courses and tutorials for beginners to learn PostgreSQL from scratch in 2025.

PostgreSQL is the world’s most advanced open-source relational database. It has a strong reputation for its reliability, data integrity, and robustness. Because of this, PostgreSQL is one of the most popular and widely used database systems in the world. Companies that use PostgreSQL include Apple, Cisco, Spotify, Fujitsu, Skype, Netflix, and IMDb.

PostgreSQL is arguably the most advance and powerful open-source enterprise-class relational database system. It is the object-relational database system and provides the most standard compliant system for Database designers. It provides complete support for reliable transactions that are (ACID compliant) where ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability.

Its advanced underlying technology makes it extremely powerful and programmable. Support for concurrency is one of its key features. It is one of the most important technologies you will learn and will greatly affect the way you work with Databases. It is the ultimate RDBM system that will allow you to create complex web apps that work flawlessly even for a very large number of users.

PostgreSQL is the fastest-growing RDBMS and with a large and thriving community, it is a great asset to learn this amazing technology. Therefore, in this article, you will acquire the best way to learn PostgreSQL.

Top Postgre Courses Certifications List

  1. Learn SQL, PostgreSQL, and PgAdmin 4: Master Database Queries

  2. Spatial SQL with Postgres : A language for geographers

  3. Querying Data from PostgreSQL

  4. Learn SQL Using PostgreSQL: From Zero to Hero

  5. The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course

  6. Intro To PostgreSQL Databases With PgAdmin For Beginners

  7. PostgreSQL Playbook for Developer DBAs

  8. Learn Database Design using PostgreSQL

  9. PostgreSQL Data Manipulation Playbook

1. Learn SQL, PostgreSQL, and PgAdmin 4: Master Database Queries

In this course, you will learn PostgreSQL step-by-step and its fundamentals. This course will teach you how to learn PostgreSQL and SQL by writing SQL queries using PostgreSQL and PgAdmin 4.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (7,127 Rating total)

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • create a database from scratch.
  • use SQL to perform data analysis.
  • perform complex SQL queries using joins and subqueries.
  • understand database concepts such as database relationships.

The course includes:

  • Creating a relational database from scratch.
  • Creating, altering, and deleting tables from a database.
  • Inserting, updating, and deleting data from a table.
  • Retrieving data from a database using select queries.
  • Filtering data using where clauses and logical operators.
  • Ordering and limiting data retrieved from a table.
  • Using aggregate functions and group data to gain more meaningful insights from a database.
  • Relating tables together using database relationships.
  • Using SQL join queries to retrieve data from multiple tables in a single query.
  • Mastering complex SQL subqueries.
  • Applying SQL string functions to data in PostgreSQL.

You can take Learn SQL, PostgreSQL, and PgAdmin 4: Master Database Queries Certificate Course on Udemy.

2. Spatial SQL with Postgres: A language for geographers

This course is designed to teach you how to write SQL to replicate many database and GIS tasks. It starts with a very basic overview and then proceeds to more advanced topics related to GIS. Here, you will learn how to develop SQL queries that perform advanced GIS tasks, some of which might be impossible to perform in the GUI.

Course rating: 3.9 out of 5.0 ( 637 Rating total)

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • use SQL to manage spatial data.
  • create advanced spatial analysis tools in SQL.
  • replicate many traditional GIS tasks (overlay, buffer, etc.) using SQL.
  • understand and manage traditional and spatial indexes.

This course will teach you how to apply spatial techniques with SQL, how these spatial techniques work, and how you can perform GIS tasks in a fraction of the time it takes to use the GUI.

You can take Spatial SQL with Postgres: A Language for Geographers Certificate Course on Udemy.

3. Querying Data from PostgreSQL

In this course, you will learn how to use PostgreSQL to author queries that retrieve information from databases. Using SQL, you will learn how to select the data you need, filter that data, and gather data from various tables. Here, you will get a comprehensive introduction to how to query data using PostgreSQL and its pgAdmin tool. First, you will learn the basic structure of a relational database.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 ( 265 Rating total)

In this PostgreSQL course, you will learn how to:

  • easily retrieve data from relational databases.
  • select data from tables.
  • apply criteria and filters to limit your results.
  • enhance your skills by retrieving data from multiple tables.

Next, you will discover how to select data from tables, apply criteria and filters to limit your results and enhance these skills by retrieving data from multiple tables. Finally, you will explore basic aggregation functions and be exposed to ANSI-compliant SQL.

You can take Querying Data from PostgreSQL Certificate Course on Pluralsight.

4. Learn SQL Using PostgreSQL: From Zero to Hero

In this course, you will understand PostgreSQL starting with basics to advanced features like triggers, PL/pgSQL functions, window functions, and CTE.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 ( 3,464 Rating total)

In this PostgreSQL course, you will learn how to:

  • perform sophisticated queries.
  • join tables together.
  • use the group by answering questions on the aggregated data.
  • create and modify tables.
  • create indexes to improve search speed.
  • put constraints to keep data clean.
  • use the pgAdmin tool.
  • understand recursive queries.
  • views make accessing data simpler.
  • understand subqueries, common table expressions, conditional expressions, and window functions.
  • understand the sequences to auto-increment fields.
  • handle date and time data.
  • understand the SQL functions.
  • understand transactions and concurrency control, PL/pgSQL functions, triggers, Composite data types, and Array data types.

The course includes:

  • Basic selection statements.
  • Joining multiple tables together.
  • Grouping records to get aggregate data.
  • Inserting, updating, and deleting records.
  • Creating tables and indexes.
  • Subqueries to create sophisticated reports.
  • Table constraints to keep data clean.
  • Sequences to create auto-incrementing fields.
  • CTE - common table expressions that include recursive queries.
  • Views to simply accessing complex queries.
  • Conditional Expressions for queries.
  • Window functions to combine regular queries with aggregate data.
  • How to work with date, time, and intervals.
  • Create SQL Functions to capture complex statements.
  • Create PL/pgSQL Functions that allow programming with if/then and loops.
  • Triggers.
  • Array data types.
  • Composite data types.
  • Transactions and concurrency control.

You can take Learn SQL Using PostgreSQL: From Zero to Hero Certificate Course on Udemy.

5. The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course

In this course, you will learn about the basics or fundamentals of PostgreSQL and advanced Python. Here, you will learn about Python web & APIs, Advanced PostgreSQL, and Data Structures & Algorithms.

Course rating: 4.8 out of 5.0 ( 1,943 Rating total)

In this PostgreSQL course, you will learn how to:

  • understand software and programming with Python from beginning to end.
  • create Python applications ranging from beginner, basic applications to advanced, useful, and engaging applications.
  • extend Python applications by using professional data storage which is PostgreSQL.
  • understand advanced concepts extremely useful in jobs and interviews, such as data structures and algorithms.

You can take The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course Certificate Course on Udemy.

6. Intro To PostgreSQL Databases With PgAdmin For Beginners

In this PostgreSQL course, you will learn the basics & fundamentals of SQL & PostgreSQL for creating databases and writing SQL Queries using PostgreSQL and PgAdmin 4.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 4,586 Rating total)

In this PostgreSQL course, you will learn how to:

  • use PostgreSQL Database with PgAdmin 4.
  • understand the basics of what a Database can do.
  • install PostgreSQL and PgAdmin 4.
  • create a database and table.
  • put data in and take data out using PgAdmin.
  • update and delete data from the database.
  • explore what is in the database whenever you want.
  • create basic reports with the data from your database.
  • understand SQL Commands such as SELECT, WHERE, AND, OR, NOT, ORDER BY, and INSERT INTO.
  • understand SQL Commands like UPDATE, DELETE, LIMIT, and INNER JOIN.
  • acknowledge all the Primary and Foreign keys.
  • backup and restore database and tables.

The course includes:

  • Install pgAdmin and PostgreSQL.
  • What is a Database?
  • pgAdmin overview.
  • Create table columns.
  • Add data to a Table.
  • PostgreSQL select Statements.
  • PostgreSQL where Clause.
  • PostgreSQL wildcards.
  • PostgreSQL AND OR NOT.
  • PostgreSQL Order By.
  • PostgreSQL Insert Into.
  • PostgreSQL Update.
  • PostgreSQL Delete.
  • PostgreSQL Limit.
  • pgAdmin Menu Walkthru.
  • PostgreSQL Foreign Keys.
  • PostgreSQL Inner Join.
  • PostgreSQL Join Where Hack.
  • PostgreSQL Delete Table.
  • PostgreSQL Import and Export Tables.
  • PostgreSQL Backup and Restore Database.

You can take Intro To PostgreSQL Databases With PgAdmin For Beginners Certificate Course on Udemy.

7. PostgreSQL Playbook for Developer DBAs

In this course, you will learn how how to secure your server, optimize performance, and safeguard your data as a Developer DBA. You will cover tasks in areas such as hardware and security, backing up and restoring your data, as well as fixing slow queries by adding indexes. Finally, you will learn about three hosted solutions for database management.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 ( 60 Rating total)

In this PostgreSQL course, you will learn:

  • about all the essential tasks and duties of a Database Administrator.
  • secure your server, optimize performance, and safeguard your data as a DBA.
  • about three hosted solutions for database management.

You can take PostgreSQL Playbook for Developer DBAs Certificate Course on Pluralsight.

8. Learn Database Design using PostgreSQL

This course tries to teach you the complex system of learning database design using PostgreSQL in the easiest of ways. It will start with a basic intro to the RDBMS system with an emphasis on PostgreSQL. It will also discuss the main differences between MySQL and PostgreSQL the two most popular open-source RDBMS.

Course rating: 3.6 out of 5.0 ( 155 Rating total)

In this PostgreSQL course, you will learn how to:

  • understand PostgreSQL RDBMS and the Object Relational Model of PostgreSQL.
  • implement web apps using PostgreSQL.
  • master SQL and use it with PostgreSQL.
  • build complex systems using PostgreSQL.

The course includes:

  • Using PostgreSQL in your projects.
  • Understanding the important features of Postgres.
  • Understanding the object-relational model.
  • Mastering SQL which can be used across DB systems.
  • Building actual web apps using PostgreSQL.

You can take Learn Database Design using PostgreSQL Certificate Course on Udemy.

9. PostgreSQL Data Manipulation Playbook

In this course, you will learn about challenges associated with multi-user data access and the tools that PostgreSQL provides to tackle them, so you can avoid data consistency issues. You will learn about the various concurrency phenomena that may occur when multiple users access shared resources.

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 ( 77 Rating total)

In this PostgreSQL course, you will learn how to:

  • predict, prepare, and plan for challenges associated with multi-user data access.
  • use advanced techniques to solve harder challenges, associated with large-scale data modifications.
  • use PostgreSQL rich DML syntax to tackle data modifications.

First, you will cover how to predict, prepare, and plan for these challenges. Next, you will discover how to use PostgreSQL-rich DML syntax to tackle data modifications, and how to use advanced techniques to solve harder challenges, associated with large-scale data modifications. Finally, you will explore how to avoid many common pitfalls along the way.

This course gives you both the fundamental theoretical knowledge needed to understand concurrency challenges and the practical tools and techniques you will need to tackle these efficiently for your database applications.

You can take the PostgreSQL Data Manipulation Playbook Certificate Course on Pluralsight.

Thank you for reading this. We hope our course curation would help you to pick the right course to learn PostgreSQL. In case you want to explore more, you can take the free PostgreSQL courses.

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