6 Best NestJS Courses For Beginners in 2024

6 Best NestJS Courses For Beginners in 2024
Learn NestJS Online

In the field of web development, the landscape is evolving at a pace. Among the frameworks, to developers, NestJS has gained significant popularity as a favored option for constructing high-quality backend applications suitable for enterprises.

What is NestJS?

NestJS is an open-source Node.js framework built on TypeScript that provides a scalable approach to developing server-side applications. Its user-friendly nature, defined architecture, and straightforward Command Line Interface (CLI) tools make it an excellent choice, for beginners entering this domain.

How to choose the best NestJS course?

When selecting the best NestJS course, consider the following:

  • Instructor Credentials: Look for courses taught by instructors with proven experience in Node.js and specifically in NestJS.
  • Curriculum: Ensure the course covers fundamental concepts as well as advanced features like microservices, security, and testing.
  • Practical Examples: Must have hands-on projects or real-world applications for understanding practical implementations.
  • Reviews and Testimonials: Check student reviews to gauge the effectiveness and clarity of the course.
  • Updates and Relevance: Make sure the course content is updated regularly to keep pace with the latest versions and features of NestJS.

Keeping this in mind, here at Coursesity, we have created this list of the best NestJS courses for beginners. Whether you're working on a project or an enterprise application, these NestJS courses will help you succeed. So, without further ado, let's get started!

Top NestJS Courses List

  1. NestJS Zero to Hero - Modern TypeScript Back-end Development
  2. NestJS: The Complete Developer's Guide
  3. Master NestJS 9 - Node.js Framework 2023
  4. NestJS - Building Real Project API From Scratch
  5. NestJS Microservices: Build & Deploy a Scaleable Backend
  6. The Nest JS Bootcamp - Complete Developer Guide

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1. NestJS Zero to Hero - Modern TypeScript Back-end Development

This comprehensive and hands-on exploration of the NestJS framework will take learners from novice to proficient developers. With a focus on practical application, this course covers everything from the fundamentals of NestJS to advanced topics in building scalable and maintainable backend applications.

In this NestJS course, you will learn the following:

  • Becoming familiar with the NestJS framework and its components.
  • Designing and developing REST APIs performing CRUD operations.
  • Authentication and Authorization for back-end applications.
  • Using TypeORM for database interaction.
  • Security best practices, password hashing, and storing sensitive information.
  • Persisting data using a database.
  • Deploying back-end applications at a production-ready state to Amazon Web Services.
  • Writing clean, maintainable code in line with industry standards.
  • Utilizing the NestJS Command Line Interface (CLI).
  • Using Postman for testing back-end services.
  • Using pgAdmin as an interface tool to manage PostgreSQL databases.
  • Implement efficient logging in a back-end application.
  • Environment-based configuration management and environment variables.
  • Implementing data validation and using Pipes.
  • Guarding endpoints for authorized users using Guards.
  • Modeling entities for the persistence layer.
  • TypeScript best practices.
  • Handling asynchronous operations using async-await.
  • Using Data Transfer Objects (DTO).
  • Hands-on experience with JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
  • Unit testing NestJS applications.
  • Using GraphQL with NestJS.
  • Database persistence with MongoDB.

You will learn NestJS's architecture, dependency injection, and best practices for building RESTful APIs. Additionally, the course explores database integration, authentication, and security, empowering learners to create production-ready applications.

Whether you're a newcomer to backend development or an experienced programmer seeking to master NestJS, this course provides the knowledge and skills needed to become a confident and skilled NestJS developer.

  • Course Rating: 4.6 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 8.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

2. NestJS: The Complete Developer's Guide

This course is a comprehensive and in-depth journey into the world of NestJS, allowing learners to fully understand the Node.js framework. You will learn how to build scalable and efficient server-side applications.

In this NestJS course, you will learn the following:

  • Deploy a feature-complete app to production.
  • Build authentication and permissions systems from scratch.
  • Write integration and unit tests to ensure your code is working.
  • Automatically validate data included with incoming requests.
  • Use an API client to manually test your app.
  • Apply structure to your code with Typescript.
  • Make your code more reusable and testable with dependency injection.
  • Tie different types of data together with TypeORM relationships.
  • Get a behind-the-scenes understanding of NestJS.
  • Use Guards to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to sensitive data.
  • Understand Nest's special request-response cycle.
  • Model your app's data using TypeORM entities.
  • Use decorators to dramatically simplify your code.

Through a blend of engaging video lectures, hands-on coding exercises, and real-world projects, participants will delve deep into NestJS's architecture, utilizing its features to create RESTful APIs and web applications. The course covers essential topics like database integration, authentication, and security, while also exploring advanced concepts like GraphQL and microservices.

By the end of this course, learners will have the expertise to design and deploy production-ready applications using NestJS, making it an indispensable resource for those seeking to excel in modern backend development.

  • Course Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 19.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

3. Master NestJS 9 - Node.js Framework 2024

This comprehensive and advanced NestJS course will give learners an in-depth mastery of this versatile Node.js platform. Designed for experienced developers looking to elevate their skills, this course delves into NestJS's architecture and capabilities, enabling participants to build robust, scalable, and efficient backend applications.

In this NestJS course, you will learn the following:

  • Developing robust REST APIs.
  • Understand and Create GraphQL APIs.
  • Testing with Unit & End-to-End Tests.
  • Robust Development Workflow using Docker.
  • Using modern database abstraction (TypeORM).
  • Understand Modules, Providers, and Services.
  • Learn Authentication and authorization (with Passport).
  • Understand how JWT Tokens Work.
  • Understand how to configure the app and how to keep logs.
  • Understand the Query Builder - learn how to build queries effectively.
  • Learn how to validate and serialize data.
  • Learn to use Nest CLI.
  • Understand code design patterns like Repository or Service.

Through engaging video lectures, hands-on coding projects, and real-world examples, learners will gain proficiency in utilizing NestJS for creating RESTful APIs, database integration, authentication, and more. Furthermore, the course dives into advanced topics like GraphQL, microservices, and testing strategies, equipping participants with the tools and knowledge to tackle complex development challenges.

Whether you're aiming to become a proficient NestJS developer or seeking to enhance your backend development expertise, this course serves as an invaluable resource for mastering the intricacies of this powerful framework.

  • Course Rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (534 Rating total)
  • Duration: 12 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

4. NestJS - Building Real Project API From Scratch

This course is a hands-on guide for developers seeking experience building robust and scalable backend applications. With a strong emphasis on application, participants will follow step-by-step instructions to construct a fully functional API, gaining valuable insights into NestJS's core concepts and best practices.

In this NestJS course, you will learn the following:

  • Build real projects with NestJS.
  • Write high-quality code in NestJS.
  • Create reusable modules and services in NestJS.

Through engaging video tutorials, coding exercises, and real-life project challenges, learners will master essential aspects of building RESTful APIs, including data modeling, authentication, error handling, and database integration.

Once you finish the course, you will gain a grasp of NestJS. You will create a fully operational API that can serve as a solid base for your projects. This course is an option for developers who want to enhance their NestJS abilities and advance to the stage.

  • Course Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 8 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

5. NestJS Microservices: Build & Deploy a Scaleable Backend

This course is an advanced and specialized exploration of microservices architecture within the context of the NestJS framework. For experienced developers and architects, this course explores the intricacies of building, deploying, and scaling microservice-based applications. In addition to learning the fundamentals of microservices, participants will gain practical experience in implementing a robust, distributed backend system through hands-on learning.

In this NestJS course, you will learn the following:

  • Build & deploy real NestJS microservices following best practices.
  • Learn how to build a common library where common code can be shared amongst many applications.
  • Connect NestJS microservices together in a Kubernetes cluster on AWS & Google Cloud.
  • Test NestJS microservices using an E2E framework.
  • Implement JWT authentication & user roles.
  • Integrate payment functionality with Stripe.
  • Send emails with nodemailer & Gmail.
  • Create CRUD APIs & save data with MongoDB, TypeORM & MySQL.
  • Use RabbitMQ to process & retry messages asynchronously.
  • Learn how to connect microservices together using gRPC.
  • Use GraphQL & Apollo Federation to build an API Gateway and expose our microservices.
  • Implement an automated CI/CD pipeline with CloudBuild.
  • Provision a load balancer to expose our application externally.
  • Develop a production Dockerfile & package json for each microservice.

Through comprehensive video tutorials, coding exercises, and real-world project scenarios, learners will explore topics such as service communication, data consistency, load balancing, and deployment strategies.

By the end of this course, you'll be well-equipped to design and implement microservices architectures for complex, scalable applications, making it an ideal choice for developers seeking expertise in this cutting-edge field.

  • Course Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 10 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

6. The Nest JS Bootcamp - Complete Developer Guide

This course is a top pick for developers at any level, from beginners to experienced programmers, aiming to become proficient in building efficient and scalable backend applications. With a focus on practicality, participants will dive deep into NestJS's architecture, and through engaging video lectures, hands-on coding exercises, and real-world projects, they will gain the knowledge and skills to create RESTful APIs, integrate databases, implement authentication and security features, and handle complex backend development challenges.

In this NestJS course, you will learn the following:

  • Learn how to utilize NestJS to be a production-ready REST API.
  • Learn how to implement complex functionality like authentication and authorization.
  • Learn how to write tests for your services and controllers.
  • Learn all of the different entities provided in NestJS.

The course also covers advanced topics like GraphQL and testing strategies, equipping learners with the tools to excel in modern backend development. Whether you're starting your journey in web development or aiming to enhance your existing skills, this course serves as an invaluable resource for mastering the NestJS framework and becoming a confident backend developer.

  • Course Rating: 4.7 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 9.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion


What can I expect to learn from NestJS courses?

From NestJS courses, you can expect to learn about building efficient, reliable server-side applications using NestJS with TypeScript. Topics often include basics of the framework, controllers, providers, modules, middleware, exception filters, pipes, guards, interceptors, and integration with databases.

Are there any prerequisites for taking NestJS courses?

Knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js is usually required. Familiarity with TypeScript and concepts of RESTful services can be helpful.

How long does it take to complete a NestJS course?

The duration can vary depending on the depth of the course, ranging from a few hours for basic introductions to several weeks for comprehensive learning.

Are there any free NestJS courses available?

Yes, there are free NestJS courses available online. Websites like YouTube or free sections of paid platforms often provide introductory content at no cost.

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