8 Best Java GUI Courses For Beginners in 2024

8 Best Java GUI Courses For Beginners in 2024
Java GUI Courses

Java GUI (Graphical User Interface) refers to the graphical components and tools used to build user interfaces in Java-based applications. The GUI facilitates user interaction with software through menus, buttons, windows, and other interactive elements. Let's talk about it in a bit of detail.

What is Java GUI Programming?

Java GUI programming involves creating graphical user interfaces for Java applications. This type of programming allows developers to design and build interfaces that users interact with, such as windows, buttons, menus, and text fields. Java provides two main libraries for GUI development: Swing and JavaFX. Swing is older and still widely used, offering a rich set of components, while JavaFX is newer, providing advanced features, better graphics, and more flexibility. Java GUI programming is essential for developing desktop applications that require a user-friendly interface.

How to Choose the Best Java GUI Courses for Beginners

To choose the best Java Graphical User Interface Courses (GUI) for beginners, follow these tips:

  1. Check the Curriculum: Ensure the course covers both Java Swing and JavaFX, starting with basics and progressing to advanced topics.
  2. Look for Experienced Instructors: Choose courses taught by instructors with a strong background in Java development.
  3. Read Reviews: Look at feedback from other students to see if the course is effective and well-received.
  4. Focus on Practical Examples: Select courses that include hands-on projects and examples to apply what you learn.
  5. Support and Updates: Pick courses that offer support, such as Q&A sections, and regular updates to keep the content current.
  6. Free Resources: Utilize free tutorials and resources available online to complement your learning.

Java provides several libraries and frameworks for creating GUIs, such as the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing, and JavaFX. Developers can use these libraries to build user interfaces with pre-built graphical components.

Why should you learn Java GUI?

Learning Java GUI can be beneficial for several reasons, including:

  1. Building Desktop Applications: Java GUI is used to build cross-platform desktop applications. Desktop applications are typically faster and more powerful than web applications, providing a richer and more interactive user experience.
  2. Career Opportunities: Java GUI developers are in high demand. Many companies seek developers who can build user-friendly and responsive desktop applications.
  3. Cross-Platform Development: Java GUI applications can be developed to run on multiple platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux. In this way, developers can create a single application that can run on multiple operating systems, which reduces development costs and time.
  4. Rich User Interfaces: Java GUI provides a wide range of graphical components for developers to build rich and interactive user interfaces. It allows developers to create applications that are visually appealing and easy to use.
  5. Integration with Java: Java GUI can be integrated with other Java technologies, such as Java Servlets and Java Server Pages, to build powerful and dynamic applications.

As a result, Java GUIs are essential to many Java-based applications, allowing developers to build a user-friendly interface for their software. Overall, learning Java GUI can be a valuable skill for developers who want to build powerful, cross-platform desktop applications with rich user interfaces.

Best Java GUI Tutorials List

  1. Java 17 Masterclass: Start Coding in 2024
  2. Java SE with Swing, JPA, and Maven (+Game Development)
  3. Java Swing (GUI) Programming: From Beginner to Expert
  4. Build Your First GUI App With Java
  5. Java Swing Desktop App with CRUD Operations Using MySQL
  6. Learn Java with Swing
  7. Java Swings & AWT API for Java GUI Programming from Scratch
  8. Learning JavaFX GUI Development

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1. Java 17 Masterclass: Start Coding in 2024

This course will equip you with the necessary Java skills to become a successful Java developer. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the Java language be able to create your own Java applications and be productive in the software development field.

In this Java course, you will learn the following:

  • Learn the core Java skills needed to apply for Java developer positions in just 14 hours.
  • Be able to sit for and pass the Oracle Java Certificate exam if you choose.
  • Be able to demonstrate your understanding of Java to future employers.
  • Learn industry "best practices" in Java software development from a professional Java developer who has worked in the language for close to 25 years.
  • Acquire essential Java basics for transitioning to the Spring Framework, Java EE, Android development, and more.
  • Obtain proficiency in Java 17, as well as older versions including Java 11 and Java 8.
  • Java 21 features are coming soon!

Additionally, you will receive a solid grounding in Java essentials in just the first 14 hours, with Java 17 as the focal point. As new versions like Java 21 emerge, this course will adapt, providing you with the most contemporary and robust Java education available.

No matter your current programming skills, this Java course will help you achieve your goals. It will provide you with all the necessary tools and knowledge to help you build your confidence and become a successful Java programmer.  By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently use and apply your knowledge of Java to achieve success in your career.

Whether you're aiming to secure your first Java programming job, advance to a senior software developer role, prepare for the Oracle Java certification exam, or develop your own Java applications, this Java Masterclass is your comprehensive resource for achieving these goals and more.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 135.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

2. Java SE with Swing, JPA, and Maven (+Game Development)

This course is designed for aspiring Java developers who want to understand the broader aspects of software engineering beyond just coding. It starts with setting up the environment, including installing Java, Eclipse, Maven, and MySQL. You'll learn to use Maven for managing dependencies and build lifecycles, and the Java Persistence API (JPA) for database operations, including object-relational mapping, inheritance, and CRUD operations using Hibernate.

In this Gui Java swing course, you will learn the following:

  • Use the Maven framework.
  • Use Java Persistence API framework.
  • Use the Swing framework.
  • Able to create complex applications from scratch.
  • Understand game development fundamentals.

The course also covers creating user interfaces with the Swing framework and developing a desktop application from scratch using Maven, Swing, and JPA with MySQL. Additionally, you'll delve into Java game development, learning about animations, sprites, game loops, and user interface components with Swing.

An appendix section revisits Java basics such as data types, loops, decision-making, memory management, and basic data structures like arrays, lists, and maps. This comprehensive course aims to equip you with the skills to build modular, reusable, and loosely coupled software components, preparing you for real-world software engineering challenges.

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 15 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

3. Java Swing (GUI) Programming: From Beginner to Expert

Learn Java Swing Online to create desktop and Internet GUI Java programs and take your Java programming to the next level.

This Java Swing course will help you learn to build desktop and web-based applications with Java Swing, Java's default user interface toolkit. Each tutorial within the course is self-contained, but we will also guide you through creating two complete applications, step by step. You can choose to work through the entire course or pick and choose the tutorials that interest you.

In this Gui Java swing course, you will learn the following:

  • Learn how to write GUI (graphical user interface) applications in Java.
  • Understand the Java Swing framework.
  • Discover how to create database applications.

During this Java course, we will explore a range of topics. The course covers almost all Swing widgets, the JDBC database interface, the graphics API, the model-view-controller architecture, serialization for storing data, and even basic animation. By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge to become an advanced Swing developer able to create sophisticated and adaptable Swing GUI applications.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 14 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

4. Build Your First GUI App With Java

This 2-hour-long project-based course will introduce you to the world of Java Graphical User Interface (GUI) frameworks. You will learn to develop GUI applications with Java, including the details of Java GUI components. Working with the NetBeans IDE, you will understand how to generate code and design Java apps.

In this Java course, you will learn the following topics:

  1. Introduction to GUI apps
  2. Developing GUI apps using NetBeans IDE
  3. Adding GUI components into a frame
  4. Text fields and buttons in a frame
  5. How to create radio buttons
  6. Java event Handling
  7. Advanced event handling techniques in java
  8. How to use combo boxes

By the end of this project, you will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to design and develop your own GUI applications using Java GUI component tools. This Java course will provide an in-depth learning experience, allowing you to explore the full potential of this powerful framework.

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (125 rating total)
  • Duration: 9h
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

5. Java Swing Desktop App with CRUD Operations Using MySQL

This course is designed to teach you how to create a basic Login System in Java Swing with a MySQL database using Wamp Server. If you want to learn basic Java GUI application development (Desktop Application), this course is perfect for you. It covers all the essential concepts of Java Swing with NetBeans IDE.

In this Java course, you will learn the following:

  • Create a login JFrame with a jProgressBar that loads automatically after login.
  • Menus on the admin JFrame.
  • Perform new, save, update, delete, and clear operations in the EmployeeInfo JFrame form.
  • Upload passport-size images on JDesktopPane and save them in the database.
  • Learn how to handle tables in Java Swing.

By the end of this course, you will have complete knowledge of Java Swing Login System and CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) and be able to create real-world desktop applications in Java. The course will also cover many additional functionalities in future videos, ensuring you have a well-rounded skill set in Java GUI development.

  • Course rating: 3.9 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 6 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

6. Learn Java with Swing

This course introduces you to Swing, a graphical user interface (GUI) builder for Java applications. It helps you understand Swing basics and teaches you how to create a GUI in Java. You will learn about the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and use a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) editor.

In this Java course, you will learn the following topics:

  • Swing Basics
  • Containers
  • Components and Layouts
  • Events

Furthermore, you will be taught about containers, Swing components, layouts, and event handling—which occurs when users interact with the interface. Through this course, you will be able to create a GUI in Java with confidence.

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 1h 43m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

7. Java Swings & AWT API for Java GUI Programming from Scratch

If you're looking for a course that will help you create a Graphical User Interface application for yourself or to market to a customer, this course is perfect for you. Even if you have little to no knowledge of Java, this course covers the basics and then gradually builds up to advanced topics such as AWT API and SWING API.

In this Java course, you will learn the following topics:

  • Java Swing with real-time Project
  • Java AWT
  • Core Java
  • The rapid development of any kind of GUI Application.
  • Secrets of GUI Coding

The Java course focuses mainly on hands-on learning, with only the most necessary theory. As such, you will become an expert in coding and developing GUI Applications through the direct practice of program execution. Furthermore, after working on a project using code, we will show you the shortcut method to create the same GUI Application with minimal coding in a matter of minutes.

  • Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 7.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

8. Learning JavaFX GUI Development

JavaFX is the new standard tool for GUI development, replacing Swing in Java SE, and it's the next step in the evolution of Java. In this course, Peggy Fisher, our in-house programming expert, will help you learn how to use JavaFX to develop your interfaces for enterprise apps with one of the Best JavaFX courses on Linkedin Learning.

In this Java course, you will learn the following topics:

  • Get Started with JavaFX
  • Sample Applications
  • Drawing
  • User Interface Components
  • Graphics
  • Custom UIs

Understand how JavaFX integrates with other Java APIs, learn to use FXML to separate your UI design from your application logic and discover how to draw lines and shapes with 2D class objects. Then, make your GUIs even more interactive by applying effects, and adding images, charts, and animations to your JavaFX projects. Finally, use CSS to customize your JavaFX interface designs. As you work through the material, you’ll have challenges that will help you test your new skills.

  • Course rating: 4.12 out of 5.0
  • Duration: 2h 13m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion


Which is better for GUI development: Java Swing or JavaFX?

JavaFX is generally considered better for modern GUI development because it offers more advanced features, better graphics, and more flexibility. JavaFX supports CSS for styling and FXML for layout, making it easier to design complex interfaces. However, Java Swing is still widely used and can be simpler for small projects or when working with legacy systems.

How do I choose the best Java GUI course?

When choosing a Java GUI course, look for the following:

  • Comprehensive curriculum covering both basic and advanced topics.
  • Good reviews and ratings from other learners.
  • Experienced instructors with a background in Java development.
  • Practical examples and projects to apply what you learn.
  • Availability of support and updates.

Are there free Java GUI tutorials available online?

Yes, there are many free Java GUI tutorials available online. Websites like YouTube, Coursera, and edX offer free courses and tutorials on Java Swing and JavaFX. Additionally, many coding forums and blogs provide detailed guides and examples.

Can I learn Java GUI without prior programming experience?

It's possible, but having some basic programming knowledge can be very helpful. Java GUI programming involves understanding core Java concepts like classes, objects, and inheritance. Beginners can start with basic Java courses before moving on to GUI development.

What are some practical applications of Java GUI in real-world projects?

Java GUI can be used in various real-world applications, such as:

  • Desktop applications like text editors, calculators, and media players.
  • Administrative tools and dashboards.
  • Educational software and simulation programs.
  • Game development for simple 2D games.
  • Enterprise applications for managing business processes.

How long does it typically take to learn Java GUI programming?

The time it takes to learn Java GUI programming can vary. For someone with prior programming experience, it might take a few weeks to a couple of months to become proficient. Beginners might need a few months to get comfortable with both Java and GUI concepts.

Are Java GUI courses suitable for self-paced learning?

Yes, many Java GUI courses are designed for self-paced learning. Online platforms often provide lifetime access to course materials, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Look for courses with comprehensive resources, such as video tutorials, written guides, and practical projects.

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