15 Best Django Courses [2024]

Highly curated best Django courses for beginners. Start with the best Django tutorials and learn Django as beginners.

15 Best Django Courses [2024]

The Best Django courses and tutorials for beginners to learn Django Programming in 2024.

Django is an amazing framework for web developers because it provides the infrastructure required for database-driven websites that have user authentication, content administration, contact forms, file uploads, and more. Instead of creating all of these features from scratch, you can use the Django framework and utilize these components that are already built, and focus your time on developing your web app instead.

With Django, you can take web applications from concept to launch in a matter of hours. It's a free and open-source framework that's designed on top of Python and supports data-driven architecture. Keeping this in mind, here at Coursesity, we have curated some of the Best Django Courses for beginners with certification. We hope you will find the best course to learn Django so that you can develop secure and maintainable websites.

Disclosure: We're supported by the learners and may earn from course purchases.

Top Django Courses List

  1. Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

  2. Dominant Django 2 & Python Web Development (Total Bootcamp)

  3. Building a website with Django

  4. Python Django Dev To Deployment

  5. Learning Django

  6. Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Beginner

  7. Building a Personal Portfolio with Django

  8. Django Web Development with Python Training Course

  9. The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Django 1.11

  10. Python eCommerce

  11. Django Core

  12. Free Django Tutorial - Try Django 1.9

  13. Free Django Tutorial - Try Django 1.10

  14. Django 2.2 Masterclass - Build & Deploy Web Application With Python & Django

  15. Free Python Tutorial - Try Django 1.11 - Python Web Development

1. Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn to build websites with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, jQuery, Python 3, and Django!

In this Django course, you will cover everything you need to know to build a website using Python, Django, and many more web technologies! In this course, you will learn the latest technologies for building great web applications with Python 3 and Django! you will also learn the Front End technologies you need to know, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (34,889 Rating total)
  • Duration: 32 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will :

  • Create a fully functional website using the Full-Stack with Django 1.11.
  • Learn how to use HTML to create website content.
  • Use CSS to create beautifully styled sites.
  • Learn how to take advantage of Bootstrap to quickly style sites.
  • Use Javascript to interact with sites on the Front-End.
  • Learn how to use jQuery to quickly work with the DOM.
  • Understand HTTP requests.
  • Create fantastic landing pages.
  • Learn the power of Python to code out your web applications.
  • Use Django as a back end for the websites.
  • Implement a full Models-Views-Templates structure for your site.

2. Dominant Django 2 & Python Web Development (Total Bootcamp)

Build three complete websites, learn back and front-end web development, and publish your site online with Digital-Ocean

So, throughout this course, you'll be presented with coding quizzes and challenges in order for you to test what you just learned. This format will allow you to actually learn Django and not just follow along like a robot ;)

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (4,950 Rating total)
  • Duration: 10 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this Django course, you will :

  • Build any website you want.
  • Create a Product Hunt clone.
  • Understand how using frameworks like Django will save you a ton of time in web development.
  • Create your own personal portfolio site to showcase your projects to potential employers.
  • Build fully functional websites for your startup or business.
  • Improve your web development and coding resume.
  • Publish your website online with DigitalOcean (a popular web hosting provider).
  • Create beautifully styled websites using Bootstrap (a front-end framework that simplifies web design).
  • Be able to connect Django to databases like SQLite and Postgres to help store and track data.
  • Understand Django basics like Function and Class Based Views, URL routing, Models, Gunicorn, and much more!

3. Building a website with Django

Projects in Django: Learn Django Building Projects. This course employs a 'learn by doing approach, that believes in helping students learn actual practical applications of the technology rather than just the theoretic

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (644 Rating total)
  • Duration: 6 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this Django course, you will learn the following topics:

This Django tutorial will help you learn the theoretical concepts, as you actually use them to build five power-packed websites and apps. You will go through the process of learning about Django and building 5 real-world functional apps that will not only teach you about this framework but also give you the confidence to use this framework outside this tutorial.

Additionally, you will learn what is Django, how to install Django, how to work with its terminal, and even how to design websites and apps with this amazing framework. The five projects that are covered in this course range from simple to more complex websites and apps, where you will master how to create functional websites, including an e-commerce website.

Here are the five projects that this course will cover:

  • Project 1: Database-Driven Website - You will learn how to create a website and tie it in with a database, as well as how to use dynamic code in your HTML pages.
  • Project 2: Django app - You will learn how to build a completely functional app, as well as how to get it to communicate with other apps.
  • Project 3: Email sent form - In this project, you will create an email form that will be sent to a real email account to learn how messaging works in Django.
  • Project 4: E-commerce website - In this one, you will learn how to design a complete e-commerce website, along with a cart and a checkout process.
  • Project 5: User authentication - You will learn how to do user authentication, where users can sign up, log in and modify their admin panel. What are you waiting for? Let's jump in to learn Django.

4. Python Django Dev To Deployment

Learn Python and build & deploy a real estate application using the Django framework & PostgreSQL

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (3,896 Rating total)
  • Duration: 11 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will :

  • Learn Python and its core fundamental syntax.
  • Build a real estate application using the Django framework & Postgres.
  • Learn about apps, templates, models & migrations, admin customization & more.
  • Build virtual environments and deploy using Gunicorn and Nginx.

Your major takeaways in this course will be basic Python (lists, dictionaries, functions, conditionals, etc), setup virtual environments, installation & configuration Django, Postgres Setup, schema planning, models & migration, admin customization, bootstrap integration, Full search functionality, user authentication, deploy to Digital Ocean with Gunicorn & Nginx.

5. Learning Django

Learn how to build data-driven web apps with Django, the Python framework that helps you take projects from concept to launch in a matter of hours.

  • Course rating: 9,514 total enrollments
  • Duration: 1.6 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this Django course, you will learn:

  • Creating a new Django project
  • Defining Django models and fields
  • Performing Django migrations
  • Querying data with the Django ORM
  • Building URL handlers and views
  • Building Django templates
  • Integrating CSS and JavaScript in Django templates

6. Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django - Beginner

Finally, create that App + fully-functioning user database in this crash course to build a REST API.

In this course, you will learn the best-practice way of building your very own REST API. You will learn how to create a local development server and test your code each step of the way.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (2,995 Rating total)
  • Duration: 5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this Django course, you will learn:

  • How to create the most important part of any user application.
  • How to confidently use some of the most in-demand full-stack technologies today.
  • How to create a local development server from scratch.
  • How to create a brand new Django project with SQLite database.
  • How to build your own browsable, self-documenting REST API.
  • Handle user registration, login, and status updates in your app with your very own REST API.
  • How to build a REST API from scratch, using Django, Django REST Framework, Python, Vagrant, VirtualBox, Atom, and ModHeaders.

7. Building a Personal Portfolio with Django

Learn the basics of Django for web development by building your own website—a personal portfolio—from the ground up.

  • Course rating: 28,473 total enrollments
  • Duration: 1.9 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course you will learn:

  • Setting up URLs in your Django project
  • Creating models in Django
  • Connecting your Django project to Postgres
  • Adding static images
  • Designing the layout for your website
  • Creating object views
  • Updating URL paths

8. Django Web Development with Python Training Course

Learn Database Driven Web Development With Django and Python!

  • Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 (880 Rating total)
  • Duration: 2 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn:

  • Introductory Django.
  • How to Build Database-Driven Websites With Django.
  • Download and Install Python.
  • Install Django.
  • How To Manage URL.
  • How to Create Views/Pages.
  • How to Use Static Image Files.
  • How to Use Templates.
  • Basic CSS with Bootstrap 4.1.
  • How To Use Databases With Django

9. The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Django 1.11

This top  Django course will help you learn how to make and publish websites with Django and Python. We'll make three complete apps and publish one online.

This course starts with a Python Refresher. You don't need to be a Python expert to make a Django website, but base knowledge is needed.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (1,554 Rating total)
  • Duration: 9 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn:

  • Create Django websites that work with a database.
  • Publish a website on the internet.
  • Understand Django basics.
  • Function and Class Based Views, URL routing, Models, Gunicorn, and much more!

If you're brand new to Django or have gotten lost in online tutorials, this is the course for you. It will take you from being an absolute beginner to actually creating three complete Django websites.

10. Python eCommerce

Launch your business by learning to build your own e-commerce app step-by-step using Python. This course leverages Python to build a fully functioning eCommerce website and application using the Django framework.

  • Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 (2,783 Rating total)
  • Duration: 33 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will :

  • Learn the ins and outs of Python's popular library Django and Django version 1.11.
  • Payment integration using Stripe, and email marketing integration using Mailchimp.
  • Going Live using the host Heroku. Adding a custom domain and implementing HTTPS (using Let's Encrypt).
  • Learn Bootstrap Version 4 basics (including Django Integration) and jQuery Fast Track Section (learn the basics).
  • Build a REST API, build custom analytics, create a custom user model, guest checkout, and integrate email for notifications.
  • Learning how to use signals in Django, and build an internal search engine.
  • Learn AJAX and Asynchronous Programming with Django and Javascript (jQuery).
  • Digital item sales and downloads.

11. Django Core

Dive deep into the core concepts behind the powerful Django framework written in Python. Using Django 1.10 with Python 3.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (1,348 Rating total)
  • Duration: 18.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn :

  • Django Models.
  • Model Instance Methods & Properties.
  • Model-level field validation.
  • Django Forms and form sets, form validation, and model form.
  • Function-Based Views (FBVs) and Class-Based Views (CBVs).
  • CRUD in Django Views (Create Retrieve Update Delete List).
  • Django Templates and Django translation.
  • Deploying Django on a Live Server| Heroku, Webfaction, Linode, Digital Ocean.
  • Celery + Redis for asynchronous tasks and scheduled tasks.

The philosophy of this course is to teach individuals how to code by going through step-by-step projects. This drives the majority of the content with one exception: the Django Core course.

12. Free Django Tutorial - Try Django 1.9

Learn step-by-step to build a Django Blog Web Application and get your project in the real world today. - Free Course

  • Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0 (1,352 Rating total)
  • Duration: 20 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will :

  • Build a Django Blog
  • Learn Markdown into Django Integration
  • Learn Django Rest Framework for RESTful API Design

13. Free Django Tutorial - Try Django 1.10

Django is a powerful web framework that makes it easy to build web applications it's why it's the #1 Python library - Free Course

  • Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 (368 Rating total)
  • Duration: 5.4 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn:

  • Django Basics & Django version 1.10
  • Build a URL Shortening Service Identical to http://kirr.co (as of 10-22-2016)
  • Django Models, Managers, and Save Methods
  • Generating Random Shortcodes
  • Launching a live project (on Heroku.com)Bootstrap Integration
  • Template Inheritance
  • Django-hosts (for controlling sub9domains)Setup a Domain name for your hosting server

14. Django 2.2 Masterclass - Build & Deploy Web Application With Python & Django

Learn Django 2.2 - Build Real Web Application With Python, Django, GIT, and Deploy on Heroku Server! | Backend on Python

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 (64 Rating total)
  • Duration: 6 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn about:

  • Development Environment Set-up. (Libraries, Extensions, IDE's, Virtualenv)
  • Django Flow & File Structure
  • Django URLs, Views, and Templates
  • Models and SQLite3 Database
  • Set up Static files and Media files Structure. (CSS, JS, Images)
  • Work with Administration Panel
  • Work with Forms and Fields
  • Writing Function-Based Views
  • Messages and Notification.
  • Django Authentication System
  • Functionality for Registration, Login, and Logout
  • Integrating Crispy Form to improve Registration Functionality
  • Understanding Restrictions - Page, Header
  • Relationship Between Models (Task & User)
  • Understanding Foreign Key Concept - ManyToMany Relationship, OneToOne Relationship
  • Working with Django Security Updates
  • 4 Important Pillars to Deploy (git, GitHub, Heroku, Heroku CLI)
  • Working with GitHub Repository
  • Understanding the working of requirements txt and .gitignore
  • Working with Django Environ (Django Environment Variable)
  • Push project from Local System to GitHub
  • Working with Django Heroku (STATICROOT, WSGI, gunicorn)
  • Working with Heroku CLI
  • Handling WSGI with gunicorn
  • Hiding Secret Key, DEBUG, Allowed Host, Database Information
  • Working with Django Security and Database Updates

You can take Django 2.2 Masterclass - Build & Deploy Web Application With Python & Django Certificate Course on Eduonix.

15. Free Python Tutorial - Try Django 1.11 - Python Web Development

Build a web app with Django // The #1 Web Development Framework for Python - Free Course

  • Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0 (1,560 Rating total)
  • Duration: 8 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn :

  • The fundamentals of Django
  • Python 3 & Django 1.11
  • Function-Based Views & Class-Based Views
  • URL Routing
  • Basic Database Integration and Querying the Database
  • Saving data in the database
  • Best practices in Django
  • Creating User Profiles
  • Data Feeds
  • Registration & Activation
  • Setup Email to Send in Django
  • Django Forms and Form Validation
  • Django & The Python Shell
  • Integrating Bootstrap (only basics) to Django
  • Building an Internal Search Engine and Follow Buttons
  • Go Live with Heroku


In today's world, where demand for large-scale websites and apps is required, Django makes a great tool to help you design apps without requiring the knowledge of confusing and complicated programming languages. Django is a powerful web development framework, paired with Python programming language, and allows the building of powerful, and dynamic websites. It offers the tools to create clean and pragmatic apps without the use of heavy coding.

Django relies on concepts such as reusability and pluggability, rapid development, and the 'don't repeat yourself' principle. It also provides an optional administrative create, read, update, and delete interface that is generated dynamically through introspection and configured via admin models. Django has been used to build some popular websites such as Instagram and Pinterest.

Thank you for reading this best Django courses article. We hope our course curation would help you to pick the right course to learn Django. In case you want to explore more, you can take the free Django courses.

Hello Learner! If you have made it this far, then I'm sure that you must be willing to learn even more. We, at Coursesity always promote learning and foster young talents to equip them with all possible resources.

Just in case you want to explore more, visit the enlisted courses;