6 Best Dart Courses [2024]

Highly curated Dart courses for beginners. Start with the best Dart tutorials and learn Dart programming as a beginner.

6 Best Dart Courses [2024]

The Best Dart tutorials and courses for beginners to learn Dart Programming Language in 2024.

Flutter - a framework developed by Google - allows you to learn Dart Programming Language and build beautiful native mobile apps in no time. Flutter is an SDK providing the tooling to compile Dart code into native code and it also gives you a rich set of pre-built and pre-styled UI elements which you can use to compose your user interfaces.

The most amazing feature of this framework is that any developer (or anyone who wants to learn mobile development) can now build native Android and iOS apps with one codebase only!

This means, instead of having to learn Objective-C or Swift to build iOS apps, and Java, or Kotlin to build Android apps, you can now use Flutter Mobile Development Framework to build apps that run natively on both iOS and Android devices using the General-purpose Dart Programming Language.

Top Dart Courses List

  1. Flutter & Dart - The Complete Flutter App Development Course

  2. Flutter & Dart - The Complete Guide [2021 Edition]

  3. Quickly Learn DART Programming Language From Scratch!

  4. The Complete 2021 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart

  5. Build iOS & Android Apps with Flutter App Development Course

  6. Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer's Guide

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1. Flutter & Dart - The Complete Flutter App Development Course

Build iOS and Android Apps with a Single Codebase - Learn Google's Flutter Mobile Development Framework.

In this Dart course, you will learn how to:

  • build any iOS and Android app you want.
  • master dart and flutter framework.
  • build full-fledged apps for your startup or business.
  • create a portfolio of apps to apply for a development job.
  • work as a cross-platform mobile developer who can develop ios and android apps.
  • gain a competitive advantage in the workplace as a flutter mobile developer.
  • understand Dart Programming language with its fundamentals and intermediate topics.
  • understand Flutter Mobile Development by building apps incrementally.
  • design, build, debug Flutter Android and iOS Apps
  • get Flutter apps to communicate with a real-time database - Firestore
  • build robust apps with Flutter.

The course includes:

  • Why Flutter?
  • Flutter Code
  • Development Tools Setup MAC- For Mac OX Users
  • Development Tools Setup Windows - For Windows Users
  • Introduction to the Dart Programming Language - From Scratch
  • Control Flow and Functions in Dart - If Statements, Logical Operators, For Loops
  • Object-Oriented Programming - Introduction
  • Object-Oriented Programming - Intermediate - Inheritance Concepts
  • Object-Oriented Programming - Advanced - Abstract and Interface Concepts
  • Data Structures and Collections in Dart
  • Building Flutter Apps - Flutter Fundamentals
  • Build a Biz Card App
  • Flutter Stateful Widgets
  • APP - Build a Flutter Tip Calculator App
  • APP - Quiz App - Learn More Flutter Widgets
  • Flutter Intermediate Concepts - Navigation, Listviews - Building a Movie App
  • Understanding Themes in Flutter
  • Material Design Challenge - Theme the Mortgage Calculator
  • Material Design App (Mortgage App) Solution
  • Connecting to the World - Networking in Flutter
  • Building a Weather Forecast Flutter App
  • Flutter Google Maps - Building the Earthquakes App
  • Firestore - Realtime Database - Build a Community Board App
  • Creating Adaptive Flutter Apps
  • Deconstructing Flutter Topics
  • Publishing Flutter Apps in the Appstore and PlayStore
  • The App Development Process
  • Build at least 5 Apps
  • Flutter - Animations

Initially, you will learn the very basics of the Dart Programming language (which is the programming language used in Flutter) - you will learn control flow and functions, how to do arithmetic in Dart, and so forth.

Next, you will learn Object-Oriented Programming in Dart - understanding how to construct classes and Objects and how it all works when building robust programs. Furthermore, you will learn intermediate and advanced Dart topics such as Abstract classes, Interfaces, and Data Structures.

Once you've learned the Dart Programming language, you'll then start with Flutter Mobile Development. You'll start by building small, simple iOS and Android apps using Flutter, such as the Business Card app. Then, you will move into the realm of Stateful Widgets in Flutter - how to manage state in an app.

Along the way, you will continue to build several fun apps to solidify the main, fundamental Flutter concepts. You'll also have several challenges you need to further dive deeper into understanding Flutter concepts.

Continuing with the course, you'll also have the opportunity to learn how to parse JSON from a remote API into your Flutter app and cleanly display the parsed data to the user using Material Design concepts. Additionally, you will learn how to connect your app to Firebase/Firestore and use a real-time database.

Finally, you will finish the journey by learning how to package up your Flutter iOS or Android app to publish on either the Appstore or Google Play store.

You can take Flutter & Dart - The Complete Flutter App Development Course Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 ( 4,266 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 25h 5m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

2. Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps

A Complete Guide to the Flutter SDK & Flutter Framework for building native iOS and Android apps.

In this Dart course, you will learn how to:

  • build engaging native mobile apps for both Android and iOS.
  • use features like Google Maps, the device camera, authentication, and much more.
  • understand Flutter and Dart from the ground up, step-by-step.
  • upload images and how to send manual and automated push notifications.
  • understand all the basics without stopping after them: Dive deeply into Flutter & Dart and become an advanced developer.

The course includes:

  • Detailed setup instructions for both macOS and Windows
  • A thorough introduction to Flutter, Dart, and the concept behind widgets
  • An overview of the built-in widgets and how you may add your own ones
  • Debugging tips & tricks
  • Page navigation with tabs, side drawers, and stack-based navigation
  • State management solutions
  • Handling and validating user input
  • Connecting your Flutter app to backend servers by sending HTTP requests
  • User authentication
  • Adding Google Maps
  • Using native device features like the camera
  • Adding beautiful animations & page transitions
  • Image Upload
  • Push Notifications - manual approach and automated
  • How to publish your app to the app stores

This course will teach Flutter & Dart from scratch, you will learn Flutter not only in theory but you will also build a complete, realistic app throughout this course. This app will feature both all the core basics as well as advanced features like using Google Maps, the device camera, adding animations, and more!

You can take Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.6 out of 5.0 ( 37,083 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 41h 5m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

3. Quickly Learn DART Programming Language From Scratch!

Understand Concepts of DART Programming quickly and easily!

The course includes:

  • Importance and Relevance
  • Pre-requisites
  • Overview
  • Fundamentals of Dart Programming Language
  • Object Orientation in Dart
  • Advanced Concepts in Dart Programming Language

You will learn how to quickly and easily learn the fundamentals of the new language, through a hands-on route. Here, you will emphasize the strengthening of fundamentals.

Apart from the essential fundamentals, this course will cover OO aspects of the new language, and advanced features specific to DART - Asynchronous programming, Generators, Callable classes, Isolates, etc.

You can take Quickly Learn DART Programming Language From Scratch! Certificate Course on Eduonix.

  • Course rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 ( 57 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 5h
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

4. The Complete Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart

Officially created in collaboration with the Google Flutter team.

In this Dart course, you will learn how to:

  • build beautiful, fast, and native-quality apps with Flutter.
  • become a fully-fledged Flutter developer.
  • build iOS and Android apps with just one codebase.
  • build iOS and Android apps using just one programming language (Dart).
  • build a portfolio of beautiful Flutter apps to impress any recruiter.
  • understand all the fundamental concepts of Flutter development.
  • become proficient in one of the fastest-growing technologies.

The course includes:

  • Introduction to Cross-Platform Development with Flutter and Dart
  • Setup and Installation
  • I Am Rich - How to Create Flutter Apps From Scratch
  • Running Your App on a Physical Device
  • I Am Poor - App Challenge
  • MiCard - How to Build Beautiful UIs with Flutter Widgets
  • Dice - Building Apps with State
  • Boss Level Challenge 1 - Magic 8 Ball
  • Xylophone - Using Flutter and Dart Packages to Speed Up Development
  • Quizzler -Modularising & Organising Flutter Code
  • Boss Level Challenge 2 - Destini
  • BMI Calculator - Building Flutter UI for Intermediates
  • Clima - Powering Your Flutter App with Live Web Data
  • Boss Level Challenge 3 - Bitcoin Ticker
  • Flash Chat - Flutter x Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Flutter State Management

This course teaches you how to code using Dart and build beautiful, fast, native-quality iOS and Android apps. It will take you step-by-step through tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to succeed as a Flutter developer.

The course builds your programming knowledge while making real-world apps. e.g. Whatsapp, QuizUp, and Yahoo Weather. By the end of this course, you will be fluently programming in Dart and be ready to build your own Flutter apps and become a fully-fledged Flutter developer.

You can take The Complete 2020 Flutter Development Bootcamp with Dart Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.7 out of 5.0 ( 33,196 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 28h 5m
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

5. Flutter & Dart - The Complete Flutter App Development Course

In this complete flutter app development course, learn Google Dart and flutter mobile development framework which will help you create your own app in iOS and Android from Scratch.

This Dart course includes:

  • Introduction to the Dart Programming Language - From Scratch.
  • Control Flow and Functions in Dart - If Statements, Logical Operators, For Loops.
  • Object-Oriented Programming - Introduction.
  • Data Structures and Collections in Dart.
  • Dart Libraries and Packages and Project Structure.
  • Building Multi-platform Apps With Google's Flutter SDK.
  • Flutter Basic Layouts and Container Widgets.
  • Development Tools Setup MAC- For Mac OX Users
  • Development Tools Setup Windows - For Windows Users
  • Introduction to the Dart Programming Language - From Scratch
  • Control Flow and Functions in Dart - If Statements, Logical Operators, For Loops
  • Object-Oriented Programming - Introduction
  • Object-Oriented Programming - Intermediate - Inheritance Concepts
  • Object-Oriented Programming - Advanced - Abstract and Interface Concepts
  • Data Structures and Collections in Dart
  • Dart Libraries and Packages and Project Structure
  • Building Multi-platform Apps With Google's Flutter SDK
  • Flutter Basic Layouts and Container Widgets
  • Flutter and Material Design Widgets
  • Flutter - Stateful and Stateless Widgets
  • Flutter - Building Layouts and More Widgets
  • Flutter - Build The Weight On Planet X App
  • Challenge - Build a BMI App
  • Challenge Solution - Build a BMI App
  • Flutter - Connecting to the World with Our Apps
  • Challenge - Build a Quake App
  • Challenge Solution - Build a Quake App
  • Flutter - Build the Klimatic Weather App
  • Flutter - IO - Read/Write to Device
  • Flutter - Database Using SQFLITE
  • Flutter Database - Build a Full-fledged No-Todo App
  • Flutter and Firebase - Introduction to Firebase and Realtime Database
  • Flutter & Firebase Authentication

You can take Flutter & Dart - The Complete Flutter App Development Course Certificate Course on Eduonix.

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 ( 680 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 25 h
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

6. Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer's Guide

Everything you need to know for building mobile apps with Flutter and Dart, including RxDart and Animations!

In this Dart course, you will learn how to:

  • build beautiful multi-screen apps with Flutter.
  • understand the different approaches for loading and maintaining data in Flutter apps.
  • create and publish open source projects using Dart.
  • build offline-enabled apps with incredibly efficient data loading.
  • comprehend the best method for reading the incredible amount of Flutter documentation.
  • store long-term data on a user's physical device using SQLite.
  • master streams and understands reactive programming to create Flutter apps.
  • understand the Dart language and its primary features.
  • store information for long periods of time on the user's device with offline storage.
  • optimize network requests for improved performance on mobile networks.
  • delight your users with complex animations.
  • expose the functionality of your apps with multi-screen navigation.
  • steer through the incredible amount of Flutter documentation.
  • master Reactive Programming with streams by using RxDart.
  • implement advanced design patterns advocated by Google's official Flutter team.
  • handle user input with form validation.
  • build open-source Dart packages and distribute them to other developers.

Initially, the course includes a lightning-fast introduction to Dart and after that, you will learn about Dart and its advanced features in-depth.

You can take Dart and Flutter: The Complete Developer's Guide Certificate Course on Udemy.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 ( 4,087 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 31 h
  • Certificate: Certificate on completion

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