7 Best Comedy Classes - Learn Performing Comedy Online

The Best Comedy Classes online for beginners to Learn Comedy Skills Online in 2024.

7 Best Comedy Classes - Learn Performing Comedy Online

Comedy is a kind of drama or another art form whose main purpose, according to modern ideas, is to amuse. It is contrasted with tragedy on one hand and with farce, burlesque, and other forms of humorous entertainment on the other.

The word "comedy" seems to derive from the Greek verb "indulge," and the comedy arose from the celebrations associated with the rites of Dionysus, the god of vegetation. Comedy is a kind of drama, like other art forms, in which the main purpose is according to the modern conception of amusing.

Aristotle defined comedy as one of the original four genres of literature. In his poetics, he notes that comedy originated as a phallic song, while tragedy and comedy began as improvisation. They arose when poets wrote one after the other according to their natural inclination.

How to Choose the Best Comedy Classes?

Choosing the best comedy class might be a tough choice for beginners looking to polish their skills. Therefore, to help you out, here are some crucial steps you can keep in mind while choosing the best comedy class:

  1. Identify Your Style: Decide whether you're interested in stand-up, improv, sketch, or another form of comedy.
  2. Check Instructor Credentials: Look for experienced instructors with a teaching style that suits you. You can read reviews or watch their performances if possible.
  3. Evaluate Class Structure: Make sure the class offers both theoretical learning and practical exercises. Focus more on the practical side.
  4. Consider Peer Interaction: Choose classes that encourage feedback and interaction, which are essential for growth in comedy.
  5. Look for Performance Opportunities: Focus on comedy classes with real-world performance chances, such as open mics or end-of-course showcases.
  6. Assess Flexibility and Accessibility: Make sure the class schedule, location, and cost fit your needs. Online options might offer greater flexibility.
  7. Understand the Curriculum: Ensure the curriculum focuses on the areas you most want to develop, whether that's writing, performing, or both.
  8. Network Opportunities: Consider classes that provide networking opportunities within the comedy industry, which can be invaluable.
  9. Trial Classes: If available, attend a trial class to see if the teaching style and class environment are right for you.
  10. Post-Class Support: Check if the class offers continued support like advanced courses or alumni networks, which can be beneficial as you advance in your comedy career.

Keeping this in mind, here at Coursesity, we have curated some of the Best Online Comedy Classes with certification. Hope that you will find the best class for you to learn how to create jokes, humorous public speaking tips, and build a comedy act from scratch.

Top Comedy Classes List

  1. How To Start Doing Stand-Up Comedy
  2. Ultimate Joke Writing Guide For Writing Stand-Up Comedy
  3. Standup Comedy, Humorous Public Speaking, & Becoming Funnier
  4. Ultimate Beginner's Class to Learn Stand-Up Comedy
  5. CREATE COMEDY CONTENT - Writing Comedy and Producing Humor
  6. A Beginners Guide To Comedy Writing & Performing
  7. Intro to Comedy

1. How To Start Doing Stand-Up Comedy

Course Instructor: Brendon Lemon (Professional Stand-up comedian and Sales Dev Director)

Write, rehearse, and perform five minutes of stand-up comedy, and learn a ton about yourself in the process!

In this comedy class, you will learn the following:

  • Two techniques for writing hilarious stand-up comedy.
  • How to edit and arrange jokes into a five-minute stand-up routine.
  • How to rehearse so you'll be confident stepping on stage and grabbing the microphone.
  • How to use the tools of pacing, pauses, inflection, and gesture to make yourself funnier.
  • The one rehearsal technique that will prepare you for ANY public speaking and make you a natural.
  • The mindset that will make you constantly improve and willing to blow past your fears and limitations.
  • How to find a local open mic night and blow the roof oof by making the audience laugh.
  • How to stay calm on stage and deliver a good performance.

With this Comedy class, you will learn a couple of techniques for writing hilarious stand-up comedy and how to edit and arrange jokes into a five-minute stand-up routine. Learn how to rehearse so you will be confident stepping on stage and grabbing the microphone.

Next, you will learn how to use the tools of pacing, pauses, inflection, and gestures to make yourself funnier. The class also includes one rehearsal technique that will prepare you for any public speaking and make you a natural.

Plus, you will learn how to build a mindset that will make you constantly improve and be willing to blow past your fears and limitations. The class will show you how to find a local open mic night and how to stay calm on stage and deliver a good performance.

One of the Student Reviews: "Lots of good suggestions, and encouragement; good balance of theory and practice."

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0
Duration: 3.5 Hours
Certificate: Certificate on completion

2. Ultimate Joke Writing Guide For Writing Stand-Up Comedy

The course is led by Jared Volle, a seasoned comedian and joke writer, known for his in-depth analysis and teaching style in the realm of comedy writing. It includes 12 distinct joke writing guides each focusing on a specific type of joke, making it comprehensive in its coverage of comedy writing techniques.

In this comedy class, you will learn the following skills:

  • Understanding the psychology and theory behind different joke types.
  • Learning 12 major joke structures including broken assumptions, exaggerations, understatements, and more.
  • Practical experience through joke writing walkthroughs where Jared develops jokes from scratch.
  • Exposure to compilation videos that segment jokes by type for focused learning.

This comedy course is the ultimate resource for anyone aiming to master the art of comedy writing. With its comprehensive approach combining theory with practical tools and real-world insights, students are well-equipped to start crafting jokes that resonate and entertain, all while honing a personal style in comedy writing.

One of the Student Reviews: "The instructor is quite knowledgeable about his subject. The course seems complete without falling into redundancy."

Course rating: 4.9 out of 5.0
Duration: 3 Hours
Certificate: Certificate on completion

3. Standup Comedy, Humorous Public Speaking, & Becoming Funnier

Course Instructor: Chester Sky (Producer and Composer)

In this comedy class, you will learn:

  • Standup Comedy and Humorous Public Speaking.
  • Structure of jokes: Active joke writing so you can write jokes about anything.
  • Passive joke writing: how to write jokes without trying.
  • How to improve jokes to get bigger laughs.
  • How to write self-depreciation jokes.
  • Comic tools of comedians.
  • How to develop character acts.
  • How to create your own comedy routine.
  • Bombing: what to do when your jokes don't work.
  • How to host a show and be a master of ceremony.

This is a standup comedy theory course where you will learn how to perform Standup Comedy or Humorous Public Speaking. You will learn how to understand the structure of jokes and improve them as you go by.

Plus, you will learn how to handle Bombing and writing self-depreciation jokes i.e. jokes that come at your expense. You will also learn how to host your very own show.

This Comedy class breaks down the tools and techniques used in standup comedy so that you too can be funny when giving speeches. By the end of this class, you’ll learn how you can create jokes, humorous public speaking tips, and how to build a comedy act from scratch.

Student Reviews: We have checked the student reviews for this respective course. The users who have taken this course have provided mixed feelings. Some users say it is a great course, while others think it could have been more deep. The majority of the reviews are positive, so we give a thumbs up to this comedy class.

Course rating: 4.2 out of 5.0
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Certificate: Certificate on completion

4. Ultimate Beginner's Class to Learn Stand-Up Comedy

Course Instructor: Philippe Schafer (Stand-up comedian. Coach. Teacher.)

This course is designed not only for those looking to enter the world of stand-up comedy but also for anyone wanting to enhance their public speaking and storytelling skills through humor. Whether you're a professional looking to liven up your presentations or a newbie aiming to try your hand at comedy, this course provides valuable tools and insights to help you achieve your goals.

In this comedy class, you will learn how to:

  • Perform in front of a live audience!
  • Make an audience full of strangers laugh!
  • Learn how to effectively write funny jokes.
  • Learn how to hold an audience's interest even under the most dismal circumstances.

By the end of this course, participants will:

  • Have a fundamental understanding of how to construct and deliver jokes effectively.
  • Gain confidence in public speaking and performance.
  • Learn essential networking and self-promotion skills specific to the comedy industry.
  • Develop a personalized comedy routine ready for public performance.

Featured Review: Great so far, going into detail about joke writing. This a great course for reference and to keep me on track! Lots of value here! Lots of value! Well done so far! Great step-by-step! Also, great for coming back to in the future.

Course rating: 3.7 out of 5.0
Duration: 2 Hours
Certificate: Certificate on completion

5. CREATE COMEDY CONTENT - Writing Comedy and Producing Humor

Course Instructor: Jordan Imiola (Screenwriter)

This course offers a comprehensive guide to creating funny and engaging comedy content, from initial concept to public release, taught by a seasoned professional in the field. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your comedic craft, this course provides valuable insights and practical tools to succeed in the world of comedy screenwriting and production.

In this comedy class, you will learn the following:

  • Brainstorm humor, write the scripts, and develop your comedy concept for web series, short films, sketch comedy, TV shows, and movies.
  • Write your comedy script for your film, sketch, or series.
  • Learn how to manage deadlines and get a cast and crew together to create comedy.
  • Rewrite and do table reads with actors and learn how to kill jokes that are not working.
  • Learn how to produce your content and run a seamless production.
  • Edit and learn all the tips needed to set a deadline and stick to your deadline.
  • Know what to do after your comedy content is done!

Participants will complete the course with:

  • A robust toolkit for writing compelling and humorous screenplays.
  • Practical skills in low-budget filmmaking, tailored specifically for comedy.
  • Insights from industry mistakes and successes to avoid common pitfalls.
  • A finished piece of comedy content ready for audience viewing.

Latest Student Review: Tons of Amazing Comedy Advice and learning a ton! Really like the examples and How Easy this Course is to Follow! The pace is great and I'm never bored like I have been with other people's courses I've taken. This one keeps me entertained inspires me to write jokes and keeps me motivated to write and produce comedy!

Course rating: 4.9 out of 5.0
Duration: 3.5 Hours
Certificate: Certificate on completion

6. A Beginners Guide To Comedy Writing & Performing

Course Instructor: Tony Vino (Comedian, Entertainer, Raconteur, Host & Comedy Promoter)

Masterclass for those interested in learning the skills and techniques of joke writing and confident public speaking.

In this comedy class, you will learn:

  • skills and techniques of joke writing and confident public speaking.

Learn how to master the art of effective on-stage communication and learn the secret of what makes stand-up comedians such as confident performers. Here, you will also learn how to build a mindset that will make you constantly improve and be willing to blow past your fears and limitations.

Recent Student Review: "I'm enjoying this course so far. I'm a writer and teacher looking for ways to add humor to my writing and speaking, so I'm learning a lot of helpful things so far. Thanks!"

Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0
Duration: 1 Hour
Certificate: Certificate on completion

7. Intro to Comedy

Course Instructor: Taught by a seasoned comedian Linda Landeros (Comedian & Comedy Coach) with extensive experience in stand-up, improv, and sketch comedy, the instructor brings both classical and contemporary perspectives to the course.

This course is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to delve into the art of comedy or enhance their existing skills in creating and performing humorous content. Whether your goal is to perform on stage, entertain on social media, or simply gain a deeper appreciation of comedic arts, this course provides the foundational knowledge and practical skills to succeed.

In this comedy class, you will learn:

  • Fundamentals of stand-up, improv, and sketch comedy in an integrated approach.
  • How to write jokes, character monologues, and sketches.

By the end of the course, students will:

  • Understand the structural and creative elements of stand-up, improv, and sketch comedy.
  • Have the tools to create humorous content that resonates with diverse audiences across different platforms.
  • Be equipped to perform live or produce content for social media, blending traditional and modern comedic techniques.

Student Review: I am an improv comedian, who recently started stand-up. I am not just learning standup right now, I am yielding my improv background with standup with these courses. This is way better than any in-person classes.

Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0
Duration: 2.5 Hours
Certificate: Certificate on completion


What skills can I expect to learn from comedy classes?

Expect to learn the sacred art of making people laugh so hard they forget their phone is in their back pocket when they sit down. You'll master joke timing, punchline delivery, and how to recover when you joke about cats doing yoga bombs in a room full of dog lovers.

Are there different levels or types of comedy classes available?

Absolutely! Classes range from "I've never told a joke in my life" to "I'm ready to roast like a pro." Whether it’s stand-up, improv, or sketch comedy, there’s something for every funny bone.

Do I need any prior experience in comedy to enroll in a class?

Not at all! You don't need experience—just a willingness to try, fail, and try again without crying in public. Comedy classes are like pizza, even when they're bad, they're still pretty good because you learn something valuable.

How do I choose the best comedy class for my needs?

Pick a class like you'd pick your nose—go for the one that feels right and doesn't have any unexpected surprises. Jokes aside, consider the teacher's experience, class structure, and whether former students actually laugh during alumni shows or just cringe.

Will I have opportunities to perform and receive feedback in comedy classes?

Yes, and it's the best part! Most classes culminate in a show where you can showcase your newfound comedy chops. It’s like "The Voice" but instead of singing, you're praying the audience laughs.

Are online comedy classes as effective as in-person ones?

They can be! Online classes offer flexibility and the comfort of bombing from your own home. But nothing quite replaces the immediate feedback and energy of a live audience. Think of it as the difference between laughing with LOLs in texts and hearing actual laughter.

Remember, the goal of comedy classes isn't just to teach you how to be funny, but also how to handle a crowd, think on your feet, and find your unique comedic voice. Plus, they're a great excuse to get out of family dinners.

Hey! We hope you have found these Online Comedy Classes with the certification list helpful and intriguing. Since you've made it this far then certainly you are willing to learn more and here at Coursesity, it is our duty to enlighten people with knowledge on topics they are willing to learn.

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