5 Best Alteryx Training Courses - Learn Alteryx Online

Highly curated Alteryx Training Courses for beginners. Start with the Alteryx Training Courses in biology and learn Alteryx as a beginner.

5 Best Alteryx Training Courses - Learn Alteryx Online

The Best Alteryx Training Courses for beginners to learn Alteryx in 2024.

Data is the oil of our century and getting the perfect bits of knowledge at the perfect time will be the key upper hand for organizations.

This is the reason you are here. Organizations need exceptionally gifted individuals to assist them with breaking down their data. During this cycle, the data collection and cleaning is the most testing part. 80% of the hour of data experts and data researchers go through with data readiness. This can be lumbering however is critical to infer important bits of knowledge. Since:

This is the reason you need to investigate quick and productive approaches to set up your data which you at that point need to picture in useful assets like Tableau or Power BI.

Also, presently the most intriguing inquiry? How precisely would we be able to accomplish this? What are the best instruments to do that, which don't need extraordinary programming aptitudes?

Meet Alteryx! Extraordinary compared to other ETL/data preparation devices available. This wonderful instrument with an "Apple pizazz plan" and simplified usefulness will assist you with planning and join even the most exceedingly terrible sorts of data sources

Alteryx is:

  • Data Cleaning Tool
  • Data Blending Tool
  • Predictive Analysis Tool
  • Spatial Analysis Tool
  • ETL Tool
  • Self Service Analytical Tool

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Top Alteryx Training Courses List

  1. Alteryx Bootcamp: Learn Alteryx for Data Analytics

  2. Alteryx Designer: Getting Started


  4. Alteryx Masterclass - crash course in alteryx for beginners

  5. Alteryx: Self-Service Analytics In Your Hands

1. Alteryx Bootcamp: Learn Alteryx for Data Analytics

From couch to Alteryx developer in less than four hours.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (12,135 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 4 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • develop Alteryx workflows.
  • create ETL (Extract Transform and Load) processes.
  • perform Predictive Analytics functions.
  • build Custom Data Transformations.
  • develop Repeatable Alteryx Macros.
  • embed custom R code inside Alteryx.
  • use Alteryx in your professional day job.

The course includes:

  • Introduction
  • Input Tools
  • Preparation Tools
  • Join Tools
  • Transform Tools
  • Parse Tools
  • Reporting Tools
  • In-Database Tools
  • Documentation Tools
  • Macros
  • Predictive Tools and R Code

This course walks you through the basics of Alteryx, from installing your free trial to connecting to various data sources, performing the complex transformation, developing macros, analytic apps, and predictive modeling using R.

This course does not require any prior knowledge of Alteryx. You should be comfortable with data transformation and reporting, using tools such as Microsoft Excel, everything else you will pick up along the way in this course.

You can use this course to kickstart your path to becoming an Alteryx developer as you will learn all the basics in four hours of material, and will be able to apply your knowledge in the real world, immediately.

You can take Alteryx Bootcamp: Learn Alteryx for Data Analytics Certificate Course on Udemy.

2. Alteryx Designer: Getting Started

Looking to significantly shorten your time from raw data to actionable knowledge and insight? Learn to use Alteryx, a user-friendly, code-free solution that allows you to spend your time analyzing your data instead of gathering your data.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (46 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 2.1 Hours

The course includes:

  • Your First Look at Alteryx
  • Pulling Your Data into Alteryx
  • Filtering Data
  • Blending Your Data
  • Shaping Your Data
  • Pushing Your Data to a Report & Emailing It

In this course, Alteryx Designer: Getting Started, you will gain the ability to work efficiently within the Alteryx Designer platform. First, you will learn to move and navigate around the user interface.

Next, you will discover how to read in data from virtually any data source, and filter/blend/manipulate the data in order to gain that all-important actionable knowledge.

Finally, you will explore how to visualize your data in a distribution ready report, and deploy that report to any number of recipients, all in one place - Alteryx Designer.

When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of Alteryx Designer needed to create your own repeatable workflows.

You can take the Alteryx Designer: Getting Started Certificate Course on Pluralsight.

3. Free Alteryx Tutorial - Alteryx for Everyone

Learn Basic Alteryx and would be prepared for the advanced course

  • Course rating: 4.4 out of 5.0 (1,958 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • create a smart solution workflow to be used for analysis purpose
  • automate manual task which consumes a lot of time and Energy
  • get data from various data sources in Alteryx
  • clean and massage data for business intelligence tools
  • append data from the same data source
  • append data from the different data source
  • merge data using Joins
  • find and replace text
  • sort, filter, functions, and formulas.

The course includes:

  • Introduction to Alteryx
  • In/Out Tab
  • Preparation Tab
  • Join Tab
  • Parse Tab
  • Transform Tab
  • Reporting Tab
  • Documentation Tab

After learning from this course, you would be able to join datasets, perform union operations, Find and Replace, Fuzzy Match, Sort, Filter, etc.

You can take Free Alteryx Tutorial - Alteryx for Everyone Certificate Course on Udemy.

4. Alteryx Masterclass - crash course in alteryx for beginners

Learn data preparation with Alteryx in a case study the fun and easy way. How to advanced data preparation with Alteryx.

  • Course rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 (1,372 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 2.5 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • understand Alteryx in a fun and easy way.
  • prepare your data in advance to visualize it later in tools like Tableau or Power BI.
  • extend your data analytics knowledge.
  • do ETL without coding.
  • clean and shape your data the way you need it.

The course includes:

  • Introduction to Alteryx
  • Alteryx Interface
  • Importing data into Alteryx
  • Data enrichment in Alteryx - joining Product information
  • Alteryx - datatype conversions and formulas
  • Data enrichment and tip to speed up your workflow
  • Alteryx - Calculations and saving our cleaned dataset for visualization
  • Alteryx challenge - Aggregations, Groupings, and product sales insights
  • Alteryx challenge - Calculating the share of the revenue
  • Alteryx challenge - Find out the first day of sales for each product
  • Alteryx challenge - Find top 3 states in each sales area by revenue
  • Alteryx challenge - Classify our sales managers
  • Alteryx challenge - pivoting our data for our marketing department
  • Alteryx challenge - cumulative aka running total sales above 100 million

Here, you will start from scratch with a fully-functional version of the software that can be downloaded for free. The only thing you need to bring with you is your personal interest and willingness to learn in a data-driven age.

You can take Alteryx Masterclass - crash course in alteryx for beginners Certificate Course on Udemy.

5. Alteryx: Self-Service Analytics In Your Hands

Learn Alteryx Hands-on. The powerful combination of data preparation, data blending, joining, and aggregation!

  • Course rating: 4.3 out of 5.0 (1,483 Ratings total)
  • Duration: 3 Hours
  • Certificate: Certificate of completion

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • understand the Alteryx platform and how it works.
  • work with different types of Data Inputs.
  • work with renaming fields, changing data types, and sorting.
  • work with Data Blending in Alteryx.
  • create Filters.
  • create Formulas.
  • create Samples.
  • understand the types of Joins and how they work.
  • create Unions.
  • work with Appending data.
  • work with Fuzzy Match, Make Group and Find & Replace tools.
  • create String to Date/Time formats and Date/Time to String formats.
  • create regular expressions and text to columns.
  • work with pivoting orientation of data using Crosstab, Transpose, and Arrange tools.
  • create running totals and record counts.
  • understand different types of Aggregations with summarize and weighted average tools.
  • create a report from start to finish using multiple tools in the reporting tool palette.
  • connect and cleanse data from data warehouses, cloud applications, spreadsheets, and other sources.
  • perform Data Prep, Analyze, Blend, Join, and Aggregate Data.
  • perform self-service data analytics and create reporting layouts in tables and charts.

The course includes:

  • Introduction to Alteryx
  • InOut
  • Preparation
  • Join
  • Parse
  • Transform
  • Reporting Layout

This is your step-by-step actionable guide to sharing insights from data within minutes by learning the tools to use for self-service data analytics. By the end of this course, you will be fully prepared for data prep, analyze, examine, and present data for deeper and faster insights.

You can take Alteryx: Self-Service Analytics In Your Hands Certificate Course on Udemy.

Thank you for reading this. We hope our course curation would help you to pick the right course to learn Alteryx. In case you want to explore more, you can take the free Alteryx training.

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