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Build a Link sharing app with Legato PHP MVC Framework

Legato is a simple yet powerful PHP MVC framework for rapid application development that is suited for small to medium scale apps and APIs. Legato framework is...


TestNG Complete Bootcamp - Novice To Ninja

TestNG is one of the best testing frameworks available today. It helps the automation tester to focus on writing and implementing test cases, so that they can c...


Game Development - An Introduction To Unity® For Absolute Beginners

If you are looking for a free introductory course for the Unity 3D game engine then this is the course for you. To have Unity 3D and a few example applications...


JUnit Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Java Unit Testing

JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language.   JUnit has been important in the development of test-driven development, and is one of a f...


Build a Raspberry Pi Digital Assistant (Google Home Clone)

Learn to leverage the power of the Raspberry Pi and the Google Assistant API


Kotlin for Android Development : Develop an App with Kotlin

how to use Kotlin for Android Development while creating a practical real world application


Try Django : Learn and Master the Python Programming Web Framework

Django is a web framework written in Python. In this class, you'll be building and learning about Django bit by bit.   What is Django? The idea of Django is to...