Ultimate Guide: How to Write Data Analysis Reports in 2 Easy Ways

It is difficult to write a data analysis report to impress your colleagues or managers in the company. Data analysis report writing is a rather broad topic and involves a lot of nuances because reports come in different forms and contents. But the right software for making reports can ease the process. Therefore, everyone needs to know how to write a data analysis report correctly and what software to use. Quite a wide range of lead managers all over the world do their best to write the data analysis report exclusively of high quality and often take advantage of paper writing service Essay Writer and try to choose the best-proven software. This article will tell you general rules for writing data analysis reports and how ClicData can help you.

General Rules for Writing Data Analysis Reports

How to write a data analysis report? Any data report should meet the following criteria:

  • Conciseness. The report must clearly and concisely state all necessary information, resorting to simple business language.
  • The report must begin with a properly designed title page (mandatory for extensive reports). If it is necessary to write a comprehensive report, you should also draw up a table of contents and indicate the main thoughts and ideas of the report on one additional sheet.
  • Clear structure. The report should be logically structured. It should have all the necessary data at the beginning, in the middle - the main thoughts of the report, and at the end - the conclusions.
  • The sentences in the report should be short and adequately constructed. There should not be huge paragraphs. The use of headings and subheadings is encouraged.
  • The report should be readable. To reveal the topic, make out annexes to the report: diagrams, figures, schemes, and tables.

From the very beginning decide for what purpose the data analysis report is written. This will help you in proper drafting and minimal time spent.

The most popular ones are:

  • Justification of the real benefit of a particular product feature.
  • Confirmation of the assumptions.
  • Demonstration of practical work to the management.
  • Obtaining funding for the next reporting period.
  • Obtaining consent to the development of the direction (idea).
  • Justification of allocated resources and financial spending.

The better you understand why you need a data analysis report, the easier it is for you to write it. If the company does not have a developed form of reporting, you have to develop it yourself.

To know the document's purpose, you must consider its structure. You should also adhere to the design unity of the report. This way, it will be more understandable, and as a result, it will be easier to perceive readers.

What does the software for Data Analysis Reports depend on?

Whether you are working for an agency or doing research for yourself, such as a study or a test assignment, it is always a good idea to first imagine what you want to get at the end.

What you will do with the results of the data analysis:

  • For what purpose do you need the report?
  • Will you be presenting it to your colleagues?
  • Do you want to stick a beautiful CJM (customer journey map) on your wall and be inspired, or vice versa, to use it for your work?

The above will determine how much time you need to allocate for the data analysis report and which tools/software to use.

The choice of reporting software/tool will depend on:

  • Team's request: what does your team need? Do they need to compare with competitors, think about how to segment the target audience, or something else?
  • Attitude towards data analysis report: iI the data analysis report is not trusted, you will need to convince the team.
  • Features of the product: are you testing a prototype or a finished product?

You may be working with more than one team, and you will need to hand the project off to your colleague. If the team uses this data report to justify the need to work on a feature, your data analysis may help convince them or, conversely, shed light on the actual needs of users.

You need to understand what you're dealing with before starting your data analysis. Even if you are used to doing data analysis reports in PowerPoint and have your favorite template ready to make 100 pages in pptx, think about what task you are dealing with. Think about how it can be done better and what will enable the team to effectively use the data analysis report. Perhaps you can try something different like ClicData.

Data Analysis Report in ClicData

ClicData is a cloud-based platform for managing information and business data. It has everything you need for business reporting, including:

  • Data connectivity. You can connect data from more than 250 sources using connectors or APIs.
  • Data management. You can centralize your data in the built-in data warehouse and convert it with Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) features.
  • Automation. You can set up a schedule of data updates and alerts once and never worry about it again.
  • Data visualization. You can create interactive dashboards with drag & drop design features and over 70 widgets.
  • Collaboration. You can share your interactive dashboards with your team and customers using a simple link or via email.

It is easy to transform raw data into insights with a drag-and-drop dashboard tool ClicData. It offers multi-format data visualization tools and customizable dashboards on its platform. ClicData advantages for data analysis reports:

  • Your data analytics reports stay confidential. You can give access to the board with the report to whomever you want with a protected link.
  • You can quickly make conclusions based on available analytics.
  • Different features help to convey information in a structured and understandable way. For example, divide the data into sections and chapters.
  • You can convey information visually and add some images and screenshots.
  • You can use it when there is a large amount of information that you don't want to divide into slides. For example, you can build interactive dashboards with different tabs.
  • It can be used as a "project knowledge base" where all the information about the project is collected.
  • You can describe the result of the analysis with graphs and tables. It is suitable for situations where the team/customer cares about the beauty and has a list of problems that need to be fixed.

ClicData offers more than an intuitive dashboard tool. Their Product Specialists and BI Experts also provide practical advice and industry best practices to help you build actionable dashboards.


The data analysis report helps the team or company evaluate the quality and speed of the work or any department's efforts. It allows teams and companies to see successes and failures. It is written in an accessible form, but a basic structure of the report is recommended to follow: a list of tasks, work results, analysis, suggestions, and conclusion.

However, you can use ClicData to simplify your data analysis reports. ClicData has everything you need: beautiful dashboards, annotations, maps, gauges, charts, tables, indicators, etc. With ClicData, you can design your dashboards to dazzle your team and clients with your brief, pleasing and impactful presentations.

Author Bio

Eliza Medley is an experienced psychologist and writer. She is actively interested in management, new technologies, writing motivational articles, and also trying to go with the times with modern trends. She inspires people with her work to learn new things and reach new heights. You can find her on GuestPostingNinja@gmail.com in case of any inquiries or suggestions.